Admit it Sup Forums, this movie's actually pretty good.
Admit it Sup Forums, this movie's actually pretty good
I don't watch movies were its only about niggers
Yeah, you right.
>Watching oscarbait
I haven't seen it. Is it like prequel to gay niggers from outerspace
>gay black crack dealer
this is oscar bait
It was good. A little bit Jewish with the symbolism (water; sand; the moon) and retard Freudian may mays but it was relatable. The logo at the beginning looked like the egyptian computer meme when you freeze it. Showed how men are halves of fags in many ways and was kind of a hot movie. Brokeback chair scene was best scene. A lot of guys have no idea. Imagine getting a piece of ass and then needing to knock her out for your jealous "buddies"
No one knows since no one saw it.
For who are you speaking? Maybe a few hundred million who have seen it? Or? Just (((you)))
If a movie comes off as propaganda before I even know what it's about, then I'm not watching it.
The fact that this movie is praised as the pinnacle of tolerance is exactly the opposite of what I want from my movies.
I don't want my entertainment to be politically driven garbage.
I don't mind having movies comment on the state of the world just as long as they don't take sides like that.
Children of Men managed to comment on negatives from both capitalism and communism while also being a masterpiece of a film with it's storytelling.
Or nobody says nothing because spread eagle vaginas so hands down pants and that's the end of that
If it was propaganda, it would've had a bunch of gay blacks getting shit all over by whites. Instead it had one gay black getting shit on by every black.
Seemed realistic to me.
the only good black movie
It's gay propaganda. Not racial propaganda.
It's basically niggers dealing drugs and spit-roasting each other then fighting each other.
I wouldn't know, I'm not watching kikewood garbage for a decade now.
>few hundred million who have seen it
>less than 30 million at the box office
I guess the rest could be pirated, but I doubt it. Don't you leafs ever get tired of contributing nothing valuable to threads?
This. The Oscars have just devolved into a Hollywood elite circle jerk. Has anyone outside of that room seen any of the award winning movies?
Do tell
It is funny that black people now have to be faggots in hollywood movies. They bought the ticket and now (((they))) are giving them the ride.
I prefered the original
Great movie.
It literally the red pill for all black people.
Niggers giving each other hand jobs and never getting laid - sells drugs but is a good person, does not speak ebonics.
No one hates on white people or blames white people for their problems.
No mention of uncle tom or racism or sexism.
Mother is a crack head - trys to improve her life, apologizes to son.
If this does not change niggers, nothing else will.