This must happen the city region does not care about the needs of upstate and is responsible for upstates decline
New Amsterdam as a State
I actually really like this idea.
I'm just glad you remember your heritage
Come up with a better name for ffs
But New Amsterdam then is New York City now
The region was called New Netherlands
>New Jersey
>New Mexico
>New York
>New England
Nigger do think we've been trying throughout history?
52 US states when? New Amsterdam and Jefferson need to become states. What do you guys think the flag would like then if we had 52 states?
why the fuck would you call it that? are there a lot of germans in NY or something?
only if suffolk is part of new amsterdam
>American education
Well, if Puerto Rico and Washington DC also become states, that is 54 which could be divided into 6 rows of 9 stars each.
This is dumb as fuck lmao wtf
except for the nigger infested cities it should be called New Ireland
If anything, New Amsterdam should be the city and New York should be the state.
Holy shit user
Call it Empire instead on New Amsterdam
gib back true dutch clay nao
Democrats trying to flip the senate detected
I hope this is bait.
Its decline has more to do with being in the rust belt, but you can be delusional and blame it on New York City.
Rockland here - why lump us in with city cucks?
Don't include the Based North Fork in your Jewish Gas Chamber Dream.
Just Call the state Erie or something that is distinct to the region.
Well New Amsterdam would presumably get two republicucks in the senate. Same with Jefferson
New Amsterdam is meh. It should be North New York and South New York. Simple. But I don't think it'll happen in the current political climate. The left is too strong to allow this to happen, because they would lose NY (upstate NY'er living in Florida), and upstate is redpilled as fuck.
New Hampsterdam?
>democrats create laws and agreements which destroy American manufacturing
>hurr rust belt economy is shit durr city is good
>taxes and laws are insane throughout the state of NY because of NYC
What about New Durham?
Not happening. NYC gets its water from the Catskills.
It should be the other way. New York City was New Amsterdam. Upstate New York wasn't settled yet.
as a new yorker upstate is pretty based.Juts look how red New York was this election , the demorats arnt going to allow it
In fact, this is a very good idea. Kinda similar to Jefferson.
NY, Illinois, and California must cast off their Marxist masters.
New York City as a state would be two safe seats for Democrats.
Upstate NY as its own state would probably be a battle ground that could go either way.
This would not help republicans.
New Amsterdam was the historical name of the city of New York
It should be called New Netherland
That should actually be reversed. New York City was originally new Amsterdam
I'd rather just nuke NYC tbqh.
Upstate is solid red , its bewildering how polar opposites the altitudes of the average upstate and city yorker are.
New Stockholm
>Wall Street
Really activates the almonds
If you're in Suffolk you are too far gone man. It's filled with the cities tendrils. I used to reside in CI.
Buffalo and Rochester would become voting powerhouses in this new state
>Upstate is solid red
No it isn't
First of all, the proposed division includes some of NYC metropolitan area's suburbs that are blue. Also, like another user pointed out, there are cities upstate that would swing the area blue. It wouldn't be the kind of blowout it currently is. Basically you'd go from having CA style landslides to VA style competitive elections.