Hey Sup Forums what do you think about black pigeon speaks?
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edgy teenager mentality.
he's cool, came here like a week ago and gave an AMA.
stop shilling your channel retard, nobody cares
He's alright. There are better choices, though.
Other side of the same Jewish coin.
>PJW alt-right
>Bannon alt-right
>ramz alt-lite
Is this some kind of low key bait?
He lives in Japan, retard.
hes a short fat brown haired faggot
fuck off, stop advertising you stupid weeb faggot
not even chinks like you fuck off fattty
Ramz is an ethnonationalist self proclaimed but disowned the alt right title. He's provably alt-lite.
Bannon is far more redpilled into the alt right than most people think.
PJW I suppose you could argue.
He's right about most things, but his videos are utterly pointless because all he does is preach to the choir. There's never anything in there about strategy moving forward. He censors discussion threads in which people call him out on that too.
Yeah because i'm actually him, you realy think that someone like bps would be self advertaising on fucking Sup Forums?
Retarded e-celeb demagogue like most other jewtubers. He advertised a "free speech" app that uses an AI to auto-censor posts and claimed it was "anonymous". These degenerates are after nothing more than shekels in their pockets and a cult following to protect their image.
Seen what he looks like. He's just a chubby weeb with glasses that does tours in eastern Asia.
I can't find the video, but it's him giving a tour of some street in Thailand saying it's stupid because that's where all the westerners go.
It's strange. When I started watching his channel, he seemed very redpilled and edgy but he ispretty much a centrist now, especially distancing himself from the alt right.
Maybe he wants to be the bridge between sargon and alt right.
>nu/pol/ still doesn't know about proxies
Here it is, nevermind.
He got doxxed by Lebbit, so that's how I know.
Seems like an alright guy to me, but he's racist and scary according to Lebbit.
You should categorize people by the ideas they hold, not the titles they choose. Ramz is fully redpilled on race and is even willing to talk about Jews. He just doesn't like Nazis. I don't understand how it makes any sense to put him in the same tier alongside Sargon and Southern and below Bannon. Bannon himself may be more woke than he lets on but there's no evidence that he belongs alongside Richard Spencer.
>suppose you could argue
PJW and Infowars in general are most certainly not anywhere near the level of Spencer. I don't think there's an argument to be had there at all.
personally I prefer WhiteHawkListens
Who fucking cares how he looks like, I'm talking about his ideas!
He is actually against democracy and woman rights, so I not sure we can call him a centrist!
Yes, that's the kind of videos he made in the beginning, but I doubt he would make it today.
If the OP is serious, he's hit or miss with regard to real life, but the quality is excellent.
If the OP is a shill looking for the next right-leaning YouTuber to take down: He fucking sucks I never watch his videos, he's not worth your time.
BPS is probably the best way to red-pill middle-of-the-road types, that know something is very wrong, and the climate is false, but cannot yet articulate their concerns, and lack understanding.
He basically just states facts and concerns people know exist, but we are told are good or that we just "have to accept".
He's great. I despise most "red-pilled", "alt-right" and internet """personalities", but black Pigeon is ok.
For a second I thought this was some new whimsical pro-liberal Google release to rival Tay
He's a cuck.
Do you think red ice is better? For me they are too much on the anti jews bullshit.
I don't think his views changed.
Absolutely, why wouldn't he?
Look at the average number of views on his videos.
For me he is normie friendly enough and spot on mixed with a great content and high quality of production
He sounds like a faggot with serious women issues.
He's fairly educated and can sway normies and libeals
I prefer BlackCockDominates
He's a good jewtuber but should stop being a pussy and name the Jew already, he already exposed the 5 million lie though
an alright gateway for normies
One of the best Bridge-to-the-truth-tiers, excellent asset.
>great production value
>no weird/incriminating backstory to ruin his credibility
>implies (((them))) without naming (((them)))
I do wish he'd use less pseudo-intellectual language sometimes, it can come off a bit cringey.
>but beggars can't be choosers
>PJW as alt-right
That's the vibe I got too. It's a good "really makes you think" channel that pushes implicit race realism and anti-semitism but it normie-friendly