>go to restaurant with my parents and siblings
>see a black man with a white woman and their mongrel spawn
>see another such case
>entire meal ruined, didn't talk
>just sat there stewing for an hour
Go to restaurant with my parents and siblings
Why didn't you do something about it? Cucks like you are why the white race is going extinct.
nice blogpost, thanks for sharing!
that'll show 'em
What should I have done?
Makes me sick too bro but you've got too remember not all white people are worth saving.
Do you really want a white ethnostate with fags, trannies, drug addicts and race mixers. Just because they are white. Being white is not enough.
In times like this you should've brought up your ak47 and killed them both
enjoyed your meal
Bare fuckin' minimum, go over to their table and lay some damn shame on her? Call her a coalburner to her face and spit on the monkey if he complains to you? If you're more serious about shit then is even better.
Be brave and do it
this is a good point, but you have to remember that the difference between fags/trannies/addicts and race mixers is that the former destroy themselves while the latter create a damaged bloodline that can continue to spread the damage over generations. race mixing is a bigger threat because it's a biological weapon that can damage generation after generation. central and south american countries aren't shit because of fags/trannies/addicts, they're shit because they're a mongrel people that lost their positive qualities through mixing.
Sandnigger speaks the truth.
yeah but no mulatto's would be getting anywhere near a white ethnostate. America is not worth saving you've just got to get the best white people to get together to create a white ethnostate in the north of the US.
It seems insane in 2017 but by 2030 I think it will be a mainstream idea.
Whites are going to have to be murdered and raped and taxed more and more. It's the only way.
A 100% white non-degenerate ethnostate is the only solution for US whites.
I'm white :^)
Let's see your Ak-47
Why do you wanna see it user?
I trust you, totally white brother, Inshallah.
this is now a dindu extraordinaire thread
Imagine if a war happened and I pretended to be one of you then I slaughter you all. Just for thinking skin colour is something to distinguish people by.
Cmon user, you don't mean that.
I bet you lie awake at night, constantly thinking about shit like that too. Grabbing for your phone or laptop to browse these threads to confirm your hatred is justified, you can't see through it all, just completely consumed by it that you can't even do the simplest of human tasks bc some people who have no bearing on your life at all are fucking and starting families while you sit at a table with your parents...
You will die alone user, consumed by that hatred, and as it fades to black you're gonna be kicking and screaming thinking about those people in that restaurant (or this post i hope)
Don't be a meanie :y(
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Dude, take your evil, racist, hateful views and shove them up your ass. That black man and the 'mongrel' child are humans just like you.
user confirmed ISIS trying to create the next Bissonnette
This is emotional thought leading based on the idea that we are all miserable idiots.
I'm sorry :^(
>what's wrong user?
>What do you mean blacks and whites are different? We're all humans!
Just normie things
> be interested in qt white girl who always comes into my work
> she seems to be interested in me
> discover she has a half brother who is half black
> nope.jpeg
Why do people mix
Hahah, sure thing sweetie!
Whatever you say!
What a cringe post.
>instead of enjoying my meal with my family, chatting with them and having a good time, ill be upset because a black man can get a woman when i cant
at least he did not leave his kids
Oh boy I bet you couldn't wait to run and tell us.
I'm sure you are in a great position to be turning away girls.
>why do people mix
>turning down a girl because one of her parents made a bad mistake, the negative effects of which she had to deal with growing up, likely making her super red-pilled
>being retarded
pick (((you)))
>this is why I was too scared to make a move
Sup Forums never fucks
>and then you run to your internet hugbox to crie about it
You're a pathetic existence.