End Naziphobia y'all. Lets get this movement going. It's time to #EndtheHate
oh this is good....nice job user-kun. This is the kind of strategic thinking that will save the white race.
take your hate and go jump off a cliff you evil racist.
Not all Nazis killed jews. It's bigoted to judge the whole group on the actions of a fleeting few. Most Nazis were simply looking for a better life.
Where do you think you are?
It's about Islam you fucking cunt. #EndtheHate
I like it
Like it. Just meme this everywhere on the web.
Plus we still need to hard redpill normies out there until they're at the same stage as , able to wee the lj cunts media trying to seep us under carpet and feed us their garbage, nit happening when literally Europe and USA is awakening to the redneck redpill.
hi California
Well done user. Have a bump.
kek these are great, hopefully some liberals will understand the irony of defending Islam now.
moderate nazi
keked and checked
fucking great lads. Let's get this trending on twitter.
I would get rid of "the united church of nazism" and just put 'national socialism' or something.
fuck off with that all races shit. That's just too far.
somebody send this to dailystormer and get Anglin to do an article on it. Daily Stormer is on the news almost every day for stunts like this.
Going to Tweet these all with that hashtag
I need more people to make some. We could also use "Moderate Satanism" as a religious excuse.
You already used a gook in your first pic
You misspelled misconceptions, idiot. At least use spellcheck on your propaganda.
We are national socialists not 'NAZIS' you bigot
lol this place is something else
Doesn't matter, National-Socialism doesn't have the punch that "Nazism" has to get a point through.
Oh god yes
yeah I have to churn out a lot of shit in a short matter of time.
holy fuck...this thread...praise the lord Kek
fuck me i can't fucking speel
This thread is a gift to humanity
I am moved
>trying so hard
>but in the end
>it won't even matter
Atleast you can write some redpills
Fact is National Socialism wasn't about purging (inferior races) it was about creating A germany for Germans, it's about the National intrest and not of other people, in a world were poland,russia, germany fell to Jewish revolutionaries, it was nationalism that freed them people.
Don't joke about it, trying to create crap like this.
"The truth will set you free" it's in the fucking bible
nor does IT mean
Free of a heartbeat maybe
wow this is so fucking racist dude
jokes get real..so no bullshit like satanism.
only good things.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Sometimes you must do evil to bring good in the world.
There is no shame in fighting for what you believe in, but like it or not this is France under Germany ocupation, happy fucking people.
National socialism wanted to create a nations for the people of that nation.
A france for french, a germany for germans, a poland for polish.
Look whats going on today... You tell me if Germany if For germans anymore, if france is for french...
No Germany is for Turks,Syrians and Iraqies, French is for Tunisians and Algerians, Britan is for Pakis and Niggers and other Mushits.
Is Sweeden still for Swedes? no (((their))) propaganda is everywhere
it's a joke
Think Islamophobia
not bad, but the religious aspect of it is too weird
take that out and it's breddy gud
This is fucking stupid. What is this, black propaganda? I bet you a marxist made this.
If you are national socialist and are not racist than just call yourself a fascist. That’s what I do.
This should be anyone's response to an SJW when they demand "radical inclusiveness or equality for EVERYONE". I've heard it 100+ times, and its the tell sign of a cultural marxist.
I like it. Why religion though? When we can normalize all kinds of nazism.
He's right though, nazis werent racist, it's a jewish lie.