In the framework of social justice worldwide we need to find ways for natural resources to be distributed on the basis of compassion and love," LMAO
The pope urges catholics to have less children
Other urls found in this thread:
corrupt heathen
needs deposed.
we need urban ii again
WTF do lib lobs even mean by love? Can anyone actually define this bullshit?
A new joke I've seen going around:
Q. Is the Pope Catholic?
A. Not sure!
someone fucking take out this heretic already
INB4 the Pope comes out of the closet and gets married to his gay lover in the Vatican.
Well, at least spics'll have less kids.
Someone kill this cunt. Literally turned Christianity into the most cucked religion.
>In the framework of social justice worldwide we need to find ways for natural resources to be distributed on the basis of compassion and love,
Meanwhile, he stays silent on the birthrate of the 3rd world.
Really makes ya think.
he's right
infinite gdp growth is the biggest myth that people just blindly accept, I've never seen any economist actually address the subject
there are only so many natural resources, and if you want a decent standard of living for a number of people, it becomes significantly harder the more people there are
While Malthusian hypotheses are worth considering, they are nevertheless contrary to Christian doctrine whereby the union of Man and Woman is the reflection of the completeness of God, permitting the two to Create Life, the ultimate expression of Love. For the supreme arbiter of Catholic dogma to suggest otherwise is the most profound blasphemy and heresy, and is Hostis Humani Generis by definition.
Christians,especially in the west already have low birthrates.what you will get is islam dominating your "sustainable" world in few decades
>lib lobs
>"This solution to securing the world’s sustainability was presented by botanist and environmentalist Peter Raven"
Why is Sup Forums so gullible? Why do you fall for MSM headlines STILL?
*president of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
Most Catholics are now African,mongrel south Americans or south east asian.
Good. The non whites make up 6.5bn of the worlds 7.4bn population.
Yeah sure, lets start with Africa.
They have increased their population by 10 fold in a few decades, not to count they barely have the infrastructure (or outright completely lack it) to support said population, the only reason they're somewhat stable is because western countries burn billions of dollars every year in form of aid, Africa is literally a waste of money, a economic, agronomic and medical burden to the earth, we're wasting countless resources there.
So yeah i support people having less kids, but in Africa
>be fruitful and multiply
Why don't people just join the true church already (Orthodoxy)?! The decline of the west began with the institution of the papacy. Protestantism while understandable is a poor solution.
the guy says the pope made this statement.he works on a serious position in Vatican,why would he lie openly?
Alright Sup Forums.
That's all for now.
Peace out.
All those people are people, looking at people as statistics is the height of communist degeneracy and anti Christian in the extreme
No children for you goyim, only Muslims can have children!
>Why would he lie?
Good question. Why would you believe the MSM without a direct quote from the Pope himself?
t. Slavomir Slavoslav
But who will he and his paedophile friends molest then?
>t. a fucking leaf
>lifesitenews,strictly pro-catholic,traditionalist site
pls listen to card. dolans interview on breitbart
>fox news
>not MSM
Direct refutation of God's biblical commands.
Pope Fagcis confirmed for false commie prophet of the end times.
Jewish children should be killed.
>Jewish children should be killed.
Jewish children should be killed.
>Jewish children should be killed.
Jewish children should be killed.
>Jewish children should be killed.
Jewish children should be killed.
>Jewish children should be killed.
Jewish children should be killed.
>Jewish children should be killed.
Jewish children should be killed.
>Jewish children should be killed.
Jewish children should be killed.
>Jewish children should be killed.
Jewish children should be killed.
>Jewish children should be killed.
Jewish children should be killed.
>Jewish children should be killed.
Jewish children should be killed.
>Jewish children should be killed.
>The pope urges catholics to have less children
>less children
Yes, good job. Still no words from the actual Pope though, is there?
>is because western countries burn billions of dollars every year in form of aid,
It's tens of billions, actually. I think the total U.S. figure is a bit shy of $20b annually, and the EU spends even more.
The other thing to note is that a lot of their governments which don't run on aid money are dependent on mineral leases, where an overseas company pays the government for access to mineral reserves.
muslims won
The pope preaches what George Soros tells him to preach.
No guns, no babies, love faggots, muslims are your brothers, get used to it, goyim.
>"Pope says to have less children!"
>article says its just some guy who claims the Pope says this
>Single source: fucking
It's another bruhaha where a news source takes something Pope Francis out of context. Or otherwise outright lie.
The anti-catholic morons on Sup Forums have such an easy time with these sort of things. The drooling masses here don't bother looking into the stories or their contexts. They just react to the headlines.
See, there are so many anti-catholics on Sup Forums who are willing to jump on anything that discredits the Pope, they don't care if its real or fake, they are all just lying in wait, ready to reply with their stock replies of "cuck pope", "someone get rid of his guy", "haha cathlikeks"
I hope that you are spreading these lies intentionally. Because if you aren't, then you are just supremely stupid. I'd rather you be malicious than an idiot.
I never said they aren't people or that we should genocide them.
I just think it's retarded to say "the world is overpopulated! We need western countries that aren't very populated and that already have fertility rates below replacement level to fall even lower!, oh but african nations with 80 million or 100 million people? African countries that have tripled their population since the 80's and still have fertility rates 5 times higher than replacement rate? Oh those are ok! We just need only european countries to have less kids to fight overpopulation!"
He is quoted by someone who works on a serious position in Vatican. And that guy holding that position and vatican generally openly flirting with anti-natalist rhetorics says enough.
nothing is going to change until we start removing traitors.
>god still hasn't smitten this heretic
has he even made any statement recently that didn't directly contradict the bible? feels like very time I hear about him opening his mouth I can immediately tell you the line from the bible that directly contradicts his newest nonsense.
and I'm not even christian.
“This is an issue, Alex, that will not go away,” he declared. “Every year, of course, our opponents who are well-oiled, and very popular, and who have access to a lot of prestigious support, every year, they say this is over, and the pro-lifers are the extremists. It’s becoming more and more clear, Alex, that the real extremists are the pro-abortionists. They are the ones that will not allow any dialogue at all. They are the ones who will not allow absolutely any consideration of any restriction on the abortion license, even something as hideous and nauseating as partial-birth abortion. Absolutely not. We do not talk about it. We will not consider it. This is the kind of dug-in, close-minded extremist party, namely the pro-abortionists.”
“I was just listening to your show before I came on. You were talking about extraordinarily doable and thoughtful alternatives to abortion. They don’t want to have any dialogue about that stuff,” he declared.
“And now, as you just said, at least we used to be united in somewhat of an abhorrence for abortion. Even the most rabid pro-abortionists used to say, ‘Hey, we dread abortion. We wish it didn’t have to happen. We dread it. We’ll do anything we can to stop it, but darn it, it needs to remain legal as a last resort.’ Now? Are you kidding? They’re celebrating it: ‘Abortion is a virtue. Sometimes, abortion is a necessity. It should be paid for. Everybody should be entitled to it.’ We have gone completely to the other extreme, and I think that recognition is really a booster shot to the pro-life movement in the country,” Dolan said.
That sure is a long-winded way of saying "You're right. There is no direct quote from the Pope".
>you are just supremely stupid
>the pope can do know wrong
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
He hasn't one made a comment that contradicts the Bible. Not once.
I swear to fucking God this cunt has to be secretly some fucking waldensian or cathar, there's no way the Pope can be this cucked
He needs to be removed stat.
Genesis 1:28
>And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Maybe catholics should stop listening to a pagan with a fish hat who bows to statues and images, and convert to Christianity so they can do what their creator says.
Fuck him
Well, he's officially a Freemasonic agent...
And he will be hailed as a saint after he bites the dust.
What a fucking traitor to Catholicism and even to Christianity as a whole.
>Being a papist
I'm just not someone who seems to hold the idea that the See is a dictatorship or something where the Pope can say whatever he wants, and contradict the bible and dogma and doctine without a care in the world.
Everything the Pope says and everything that he declares needs to be approved by the entire Vatican.
It isn't one person saying these things, its an entire council.
But that's not what the media wants you think. They want everything to be sensational. They only care about money. That's what I want the idiots who believe these bullshit stories to understand.
"The meek shall inherit the earth, but not its mineral rights."
Can we execute this cryptojew Pope already?
>A Freemason Jesuit from South America
Yeah guys, we should totally trust this guy
Cardinal Dolan Urges All to Sign #StopChristianGenocide Petition
On his Catholic Channel radio show Feb. 23, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, who is chairman of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, explained why he signed the Knights of Columbus petition to have the word 'genocide' applied to the persecution of Christians in Syria and Iraq. He is interviewed by host Father Jonathan Morris.
He's a Jesuit who admires St. Francis. These are the worst tendencies in the church combining as one.
Sorry heretic, I have five and God willing, we will have more.
Oh, and we never attend the gay ass protestant new mass.
We are what you called, Promethean neo-pelagians who are attached to a style of the past.
You know, the past all the saints and martyrs were attached to.
>Even the most rabid pro-abortionists used to say, ‘Hey, we dread abortion. We wish it didn’t have to happen. We dread it. We’ll do anything we can to stop it, but darn it, it needs to remain legal as a last resort.’ Now? Are you kidding? They’re celebrating it
That is what pisses me off about it. I don't think that abortion needs to be banned, but it should be a last resort. For cases where they already know the child will be born as vegetable, rape pregnancies and so on.
Instead you now have people going
>lol rubbers feel like shit and there's always abortion if something goes wrong
They even make it their number 1 priority. Literally the most important thing for them, coming before all other considerations, is the right to flush their uterus.
>It isn't one person saying these things, its an entire council.
That just makes it worse.
Vatican II was the end.
Just the end that exposed the rot. What rots will fall and never rejuvenate.
Anyone that calls themselves a catholic needs to be burned at the stake.
I don't know really, what is worse nowdays to be lgbtq+ fag or fucking cucktholic.
Hahaha. Silly protestant. Sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth century religion is for those ignorant of history.
Francis is a protestant in Catholic clothes. Kinda like Kaine and Pelosi.
>the end that exposed the rot
Nice digits.
But I think you are right. This was really hard for me to accept, being raised Catholic. Any kind of Clergy is a magnet for corruption.
>the pope a good boy
>he din du nuffin
Chathlikeks will believe this
You people are the ones who need to be disposed of.
When you see a sensationalist headline, you don't question it, or look into it, or investigate the sources, you just accept it. You eat it up. You form your opinions.
It's disgusting.
You are just helping spread the aanti-catholic rhetoric through your mindlessness.
>Implying the religion of 'turn the other cheek' that sees meekness as a virtue wasn't already cucked
The only times in history that Christianity wasn't a religion of weakness was when they were ignoring the basic ideals of the faith.
here is his direct earlier quote,more tame but carries same implications that christians "breed too much like rabbits"
Both of your religions sucks dick.
edgy statement
If the headline is wrong, could you please correct the record?
Also correct the 100 other cucked things the Pope has advocated.
Read Pascendi Dominci Gregis by pius x. Biggest redpill on the crisis affecting church.
Then read Mortalium Animos. Mirari God. And Syllabus of errors.
You'll thank me later.
For recent news, go to remnant newspaper tv on YouTube.
Mirari Vos. Damn autocorrect.
thread theme
Representative of his owner*. Not to completely discount it, but I doubt the pope has met Satan face-to-face.
Ahhh I was wondering when the fellow that likes to talk about, in his words, "boipucci", would show up.
Still no words about Father Luther advocating polygamy for Philip of Hesse, saying it wasn't contrary to law of God, because the Jews did it?
>don't use birth control
>don't have babies though
>homosexuality and pedophilia are okay btw
What about the apostles? Has he read Revelation 2 or 3 before?
Oh, right
>Actually reading or following the Bible
My chance of becoming a protestant by the end of the year has increased to a 95% probability. And it's only March. Wew.
Oh great. More lies about Vatican II. I bet you think Vatican II was a satanic black mass that changed all the doctrine instead of being a council that changed some rites, reorganzed the calender, and clarified some ambiguous beliefs.
People out there want you to bbelieve that Vatican II was the worst thing ever. It is just more sensationalism.
This is why anti-Vatican traditionalists like are so vile. They think they are strengthening peoples faith by posting lies about the church. But in reality, they are driving lapsed catholics and cultural catholics like you further away from the faith. Instead of being open with their gripes, they publish lies and sensation to defame the Pope.
I wish the people at these organizations realized how much danger their souls are in.
Hence plural "owners" in title.
Lucifer's sons are close enough.
The Pope is a massive faggot and even if this headline didn't exist most of us would still want him deposed.
Ironic that it is Lent at the moment, ey?
Ah, the chief pederast apologist has shown up!
What have you done to cuck yourself today?
Sensation? Where have you been?
Francis openly wrote to Argentinean bishops approving of holy communion for divorced and remarried, saying their interpretation of Amoris Laetitia was correct.
And, yes, Vatican 2 the pastoral council, which are John 23 and Paul 6's words, was a disaster that promoted things previously condemned.