not my tribe not my concern
oy vey apoligize ya whyte beegot
Well I'll be damned if it hasn't cursed us this past 200 years.
No idea why I never tire of these threads.
Fkn natives are still so fucking cool. My bro rabbit just recycles cans and gets his early morning brew. Some of the others just count your cash in casinos.
posting my least favorite only
Kek. True for some of balls. But not all.
I'm sure plenty of people will dispute the fact that America contributed more to defeating WW2, (despite them doing shit against the Japs, and perhaps Stalin begging the Americans to open a second front because he thought taking over all of Western Europe by the end of the war would not have been sportsman like in the ultimate victory of Communism), but the conclusion that the Soviets were nearly as bad as the Nazis is quite unavoidable, invading more countries than the Nazis ever did, and doing everything in essence except having an explicit genocidal program.
KEK that's good
Good one, how will the Dutch ever recover?
>ancap meme bread
FUCK I just turned off my laptop, now I gotta save these on my phone?
>not long pressing and saving to Google Drive with all your other delicious memes
If you are younger than 35 I'd be very surprised that you even knew about those jokes.
Good one.
Nobody calling him out on his merch is disheartening
>extra dollar for chinese tax
Fucking Ghost.
What he did was 100% kosher, he even admitted to being Jewish yesterday
Pro-confederacy shilling has got to be the most pathetic shit I've ever seen.
Do we need another March to the Sea to get the point across to these mentally-addled Southern "patriots"?
The South rebelled and lost like the bitches they are. Fuck your culture and fuck any sentiment that the Civil War was a "War of Northern Aggression."
>ancapistan is literally hell
\latbro please post more, i lost my latposting folder
I've actually been out of the loop for a little bit my man, any chance of a quick rundown?
I tried
how pissed off were the inner circle autists after that, lel?
Wtf this has nothing to do with france
Basically, ghost sold two autographs because he's pissed off at doing 40 minute radio graffitis, Mr Fortune Cookie ($11, if it sells more, RG stays) and Mr Optimism ($10, if it sells more, RG goes bye bye), the inner circle bought up the Mr Optimism cards like crazy, but ghost made a """""compromise"""" to keep RG in some sort of form. Now, RG is way longer on Saturdays, being a 2 hour show
Oh they were really pissed off that they wasted their money, but then again both sides wasted their money
do you have the confederate one, or the american one
long ones that make no sense
also if you are him pls just talk in your magical english.
i love it
>Now, RG is way longer on Saturdays, being a 2 hour show
Yeah, I seen that. What the fuck. Although I don't think he could've just got rid of RG and maybe this will lead to some good calls.
Ghost is yet to deliver on the book or the cans but I've been in the Inner Circle chats and it's the most bootlicking people you can imagine, I've never seen so many 11 year olds pretend they play stocks.
Still, it seems a bit fucked up that he basically just took the money and extended radio graffiti despite it losing.
All part of the plan. White women just wanted black and brown dick.
hail satan
fucking EVE online, its literally an ANCAP paradise, i swear to shit why doesn't Sup Forums have a group there?
someone post the libertarian ones, I need to save them
The best one, hands down.
I'm not (((him))) though.
Nice trips, satan
Wrapping the truth in a joke is the best way to get the truth across to people.
Underrated bantz
Aussies bringing the bantz
General Sherman's March to San Francisco when?
Avenge the 7th Calvary! Avenge General Custer!
Folks who stay on their reservations are safe until the Government wants the land. Just like old times.
t'is called que picardia meme. that's cultural appropriation
Yeah inner circle are all autistic 12 year old kids, who pretend they're rich adults with businesses just so that they can be in ghost's fanclub