By admitting Trump Tower was wiretapped, he literally admitted that there was a criminal investigation occurring to get the FISA warrant.
Trump literally BTFO himself by shitposting at 3am before he understands anything fully.
By admitting Trump Tower was wiretapped, he literally admitted that there was a criminal investigation occurring to get the FISA warrant.
Trump literally BTFO himself by shitposting at 3am before he understands anything fully.
Other urls found in this thread:
kys niggershits
>talking about niggers
Spent six months there. Had hookers and traps hanging all over me, and whores wanting free drinks. Couldn't walk ten feet without leeches grabbing my arms.
>literally literally literally
Why do millennials use this fucking word so much
a-are the traps cute?
Obama has been BTFO utterly, and will go down in history as a criminal. Ideally he'll go to jail.
I used it appropriately. He literally admitted there was wrongdoing at Trump Tower to justify a warrant being issued to investigate it.
The president can't call for warrants. There are protections in place to avoid more Nixon situations. It would have had to go through a FISA court at the very least.
Ironically Trump himself is a leaker in this situation.
FISA? Warrants? With the PATRIOT act and the NSA, who needs warrants? Also, the 4th Amendment doesn't exist anymore.
We all are being monitored. Does that mean we are all criminals shill?
If anything Obongo broke more laws.
The Patriot act is how we can do secret FISA warrants in the first place, bud.
This is a clip from the end of an article by Matthew Boyle on today's Breitbart. Read it carefully.
Drumpf impeachment when?
Cute until you see the red spots all over their ass cheeks, followed by the crusty balls that drop out of their panties.
>as full of shit as usual
The mental gymnastics they play to avoid culpability is astounding.
>By admitting Trump Tower was wiretapped, he literally admitted that there was a criminal investigation occurring to get the FISA warrant.
how so?
There may have been a criminal investigation and they may have gotten a warrant.
But if they actually had ANYTHING on him it would not be Trump himself who would make that public now would he?
They didnt gather shit when in reality they didnt even need all that much to turn this into a big scandal, yet it was trump himself who told the people what has been done.
They kept the wiretap up even though it didnt help them with the actual criminal investigation just so they could find something else they can slander him with.
What level of Mouse Trap is Trump even playing with?
It's beyond comprehension.
You don't get it. He had a kneejerk reaction by posting at 3am without realizing the consequences of what he was admitting.
He didn't actually realize hew as admitting that a wiretap implies wrongdoing to acquire. We don't live in Russia, there is still a process in place, even if it goes through a secret court.
The 3 judges who granted the appeal (after the fisa court denied the request) were Clinton appointees
and here is a synopsis of a Mark Levin breakdown of the issue by Joel Pollack, also of Breitbart
>no actual information has been release
>he links a forum that invented information
Fucking wew.
Find a real news source for us.
apart from that we all know how trustworthy any government departments are...
some people can delete 35000 emails after receiving a subpoena and nothing happens, and others have careers destroyed for having different opinions.
The president had no actual cassus belli to initiate the investigation. Purely political
No. You're wrong but keep posting
What part am I wrong about.
Be specific instead of a shill.
I listed a thread that has verifiable research
you don't need a criminal investigation to get a FIFSA warrant.
Here's my #
Call me and say some Sup Forums shit
Much phone might be tapped let's troll the NSA
So what has he been charged with? Retard.
Jesus, now I understand all of the ranting against "shills" on this board. Did you really think your little bait post would get you praised for your brilliance?
Or maybe you're addicted to the sense of outrage we're providing you with, and now you can go back to your facebook friends and feel self-righteous...?
>He literally admitted there was wrongdoing at Trump Tower to justify a warrant being issued to investigate it.
If he literally admitted that then obviously you should have no problem producing a quote of Trump saying "there was wrongdoing at Trump Tower". Or did you mean to say he implied it?
You can't get a FISA warrant for literally nothing.
>implying an investigation this extensive would announce charges yet
Trump's people are still admitting they contacted Russians. They're actually coming forward themselves now and admitting it. People who claimed they never did before.
This whole thing goes deep.
Dickhead, the point here is that they were fabricating criminal activity to get the wiretap warrant. There was no criminal activity, he's the fucking president. The wiretap was complete political fraud just like every thing else the globalist treasonous cunts did, collusion, fake news, fake dossiers. Thee day of your human trafficking pedo masters is drawing to an end asshole.
Are you fucking retarded
Be mad. Just do it somewhere else, we don't want to hear your verbal diarrhea when you can't accept you're wrong.
He literally said it.
Each article show the specific tweets by the Obama staffers and the Mark Levin article shows an exact timeline of how the surveillance went down. How much more of a source do you want? An AMA with Obama?
Quick. Go email your poli-sci professor and ask him what you're supposed to think.
>obligatory abo post
>obligatory autist post
You provided no source, just forum speculation.
>We don't live in Russia, there is still a process in place, even if it goes through a secret court.
like the process that saw hillary come out as a totally innocent person fit to run for president after doing what she did while others that did the exact same thing to a much lesser degree had their lifes destroyed? that process?
dont fool yourself, everything about the government is corruptable, there is no security from it in a society that grants power to people through democratic means, it doesnt take all that long for the system to corrupt, it always happens.
america was a great experiment, well done founding fathers, but it will not last, idiots have taken over and only a genius will stop the downfall or in case of overwhelming opposition accelerate it. (which isnt bad either, at least we can start over)
Where? If you can't show me him saying those exact words you're (literally) wrong.
>Using FISA to go after political opponents
>Trump is president
Get rekt. You faggots just keep handing Trump all the ammo he needs.
There's no "we" here, bud, except those of us schooling the shill.
Who do you work for? I hope they're paying you enough to be on this board. Pizza rolls aren't free, I know.
shills get dragged out in the street and tarred & feathered when?
>criminal investigation
No! Counter-espionage is done "pro-actively" without any form of criminal charges needed.
It means they will spy on everyone and everything if they can rubber-stamp it as part of national security.
fair enough, although I did give you the source and author.
>Get rekt. You faggots just keep handing Trump all the ammo he needs.
This is why they're desperately pimping the Muh Russia bullshit, they know they overplayed their hand in their use of wiretaps, media collusion and bribery. They had no idea Trump was clean, they thought he was filthy like themselves.
It's a useless word. You shouldn't use it because it makes you look like a fool. The only time you should use it is when you are quoting someone.
Obama BTFO
Valerie Jarrett can't save his half white ass
You're literally being baited
If Trump ever uses the same tactic against political enemies the left have basically burnt their bridge on being outraged.
>Trump is abusing his power!!!
But Obama did it.
>By admitting Trump Tower was wiretapped, he literally admitted that there was a criminal investigation occurring to get the FISA warrant.
>First FISA fails
>Use false premise and two bank transactions (out of tens of millions) that Trump's org had with Russian banks as evidence
The only person getting BTFO here is Obama. And unlike Nixon, HE'S GONNA BE GOING TO JAIL.
>calling me an autist
Is that supposed to be an insult?
They don't need a warrant, that's the whole point. The laws as they are allow for unwarranted wiretapping of American citizens
FISA has existed since 78 you moron.
That won't happen. More likely either Trump is lying like an idiot or that they had a perfectly legal warrant on his ass making this even worse for him
I want this to. As an accelerationist, I believe the sooner we get to full-blown civil war, the better.
We woke people just can't live with conspiracy denislists any longer.
Oh shit. Did know it was bad, but this sad.
People really are buying this shit?
You mean he "literally" reminded people that he already had a FISA warrant against him to look for criminal activity and they found none?
He "literally" reminded everyone that yet again, he was cleared in an official investigation?
Yeah I'd say that was "literally" a pretty great idea to tweet that.
You're fighting a losing battle. I already tried.
Couple of things:
They hand FISA warrants out like candy. FISA court acts as a rubber stamp court that approves nearly fucking everything that comes to its attention.
Just because there was a warrant doesnt meant there was wrong doing, innocent until proven guilty after all. I would also consider FISA warrants less "legitimate" than other kinds of warrants considering how easy and often they get handed out.
Further, since there was an investigation going on, it NEEDS to be asked whether the leaks on flynn and sessions were related to the investigation. I dont need to go into detail why this is an issue, you're not supposed to leak sensitive information from investigations like this to the press while the investigation is still going on.
it just so happens, right before obama left office and in the middle of the investigation, Obama expanded NSA capabilities to share intercepted (read wiretapped) phone calls, emails ect with all other intelligence agencies.
This pretty much makes it so anything gather by the NSA for the investigation can be share with every intelligence agency, creating a larger potential for abuse and leaks.
*So my main question is whether the Flynn leak was related to the FISA investigation. If it was, then we have a major fucking issue on our hands.*
>occurring to get the FISA warrant
Going to need proof of this faggot.
>this is the best damage control shills can do
Obongo needs no warrants to illegally wiretap.
>logical deduction
>mental gymnastics
american education, everyone
Cuter than most of the women...
This x 10000.
funny how these threads popped up after a whole day of laughing at Obama, almost as if youve been the whole day working to get a spin
You should seriously kill yourself my man
There IS a criminal investigation into Clinton, OP literally BTFO by reality.
Wait a fucking minute
Ain't the act of wiretapping someone without a warrant a grave deontological offense?
If it is so then it would implies it cannot even be used in court as a proof of anything
We are stepping into watergate scale kind of event here mates.
>all of this is actually happening in the us
>right now
>its real
>not a reality tv show
what the fuck is wrong with burgerland????
>criminal investigation occurring
>no evidence yielded
>nothing used against Trump during the campaign
>no charges brought against Trump
>no real accusations of wrongdoing against Trump
>somehow, the wiretap with no oversight against a political rival conducted by a sitting president means Trump was BTFO
It's Nixon 2.0.
That what a decade of socialist rule do to a country, when they control everything from taxes rate to education program to what is said to be right in media (S&P ie) ,effectively breeding the next generation of docile sheep by voluntarily dumbing down the entire system. Can't keep peoples subservient if they can think for themselves, oy vey.
Also bread & circuses, but replace bread by welfare and circuses with theatrical politic.
feminine trait