>So, how do you feel about politics?
Your response?
So, how do you feel about politics?
I don't
Trump is good, and he will be an excellent president
It's all fucked and none of it matters so I just root for whichever side is annoying me the least currently.
Nice slide thread.
They're a pain in the ass.
Im very disappointed with out President, Maria. He's too liberal.
In France: It's fucked up, hate the favorite of the election
In the: WW3 is coming soon
I am fucking white male, take a guess.
>Your response?
Where did you lose your tits?
Very strongly. Kind of like my erection under this table.
You people are a bunch of fucking weirdos
Tell the bitch exactly what you think
But be charismatic and it's fine
I can go on a date with Hillary Fuckham Clinton and convince her Trump is right
Just stop being such beta faggots
who are you and what is dreamstime?
is my response
I ask what they think about the Sweden Democrats and Trump and if all I get are MSM talking points I don't even bother anymore...
Let me give you a quick rundown...
I usually talk politics after sex.
Gas the kikes
Why do I keep seeing this guy, why is his face fucked up, where is his twin, and can I get a quick rundown?
>I don't
This is a pretty good answer, actually. "I don't feel about it. I think about it. People are too emotional when it comes to politics and it harms more than helps. Where politics are concerned people should be feeling less and thinking more".
Then you've already set the pace and she'll think twice about being overly emotional in the convo. Unless she's an airhead and would leap right into emotion after that statement because she doesn't actually listen to what is being said and is just waiting for her turn to speak.
>I can go on a date with Hillary Fuckham Clinton and convince her Trump is right
Your post was good until you started being a try hard. Be less of a try hard.
I don't talk politics even with my closest friends. It's a side show. It replaces God with man and the various horrors and flavors are what follows. Christ brought true freedom into the hearts of men regardless of circumstance, political or otherwise. Without him, the world would never be the same. You and only you can give power to others over yourself.
*throws 3€ at her* this is for your Cappuccino and mine. You can have mine, btw. I don't drink the caffeine Jew. And clean yourself up, you half blood Slavic whore
Let sanchez I didn't have a horse in the race until trump mentioned deportations. He was the only candidate strong enough to have this as a priority.
I love Trump.
How do you feel about my dick in your mouth?
Beat me to it
Trump isn't going far enough.
What do you mean?
Honestly I would say Im indifferent to the state of American politics, and fuck her brains out. No use getting into a political argument before I fuck her, cause it might just ruin chances to fuck her
>I don't talk politics even with my closest friends. It's a side show. It replaces God with man and the various horrors and flavors are what follows.
>It replaces God with man and the various horrors and flavors are what follows.
Stop being such a superstitious dunce. Things happen in the world that directly effect us. We need to talk about them in order to (hopefully) come to some agreeable consensus on them and improve daily life for us all.
You were given these faculties for a reason. Use them. Don't be superstitious and afraid of them.
What you need to remember is that there are esoteric and exoteric modes of thought and life: the latter concerns the temporal and direct knowledge around you, and the former conerns the subtle knowledge of correspondences, symbolism and destiny that underscores the immediately observable. You can switch very easily between the two if you train yourself.
Just stop being superstitious. We need good minds and hearts speaking up and making themselves heard.
I'm a no global
I'm the moderator of The_Donald babe, heh, I could teach you a thing or two
Honestly I've gone on dates and talked politics, sometimes the chick would "try and change me to be tolerant" but if she isn't waifu material I just find it easier to not talk politics and bone it out faster. That girl in OP pic is too dark for my taste, she'd be a fun girl to date for a while but I would have no intention of sticking around long so why even bother
>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies. Barron Trump is one of the first Bog’s babies. Bog’s babies brains are literally an interface with the Cyber >both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>Recently bought all the available water supplies in the world
>They learned fluent French in 3 yoctosecond
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.
>all the disruption in the space time continuum known as Mandela effect are due to their frequent time travelling routine
>Cthulhu bows to the Bogdanoff
ironically, the discussion would have nothing to do with truth, but who could speak with a more authoritative tone
Fuck Drumpf desu
2167850074, there's my # babe call me next time you need a good Dickin
(That's a real # btw)
This no lie. I have made jew girls love Hitler. Obviously because there was no holocaust. You faggots need to get alpha, stop getting cuckd.
Honesty every time. Tell them I hate the jews and think that whites deserve to live in their own countries. They always think that I'm joking and that I'm just being funny...then I fuck them and don't text back. Weaponized autism baby