Why does everytime there is a thread about France or french people...

Why does everytime there is a thread about France or french people, american and british people have to be so rude and throw stupid memes and clichés ?
Can't we talk about the actual topic, please ?

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surrender this thread to me.

This is now an /auspol/ thread.

Who are we voting for in the WA elections ausbro's?




>call americans fat and dumb
>cry when we call you surrender monkeys who are cucked by arabs
Glass houses I guess.

Why do tourists have mental breakdowns when they see the state of Paris today?

>ne pas savoir parler Francais
Pleutre que vous etes.

Elect Marine Le Pen and i'll stop

Some Anglos lose all reasoning and just REEEEEEEEEEEE whenever something French comes along, probably ancestral memory from getting cucked by the Normans




no, the french and france are a joke.


inb4 "the normands weren't french"


>space bleaches flags white
>all future space colonies will eventually belong to France

Genius move on part of France.

G'day mayte


Because Jesus created the world in 1940 obviously.

It's been awhile since I've seen anyone call a frenchman a surrender monkey here. The truth of the matter is that a sizable chunk of you are arrogant faggots that are overly condescending, moreso than any other flag. It also doesn't help that that one retard from /lit/, who doesn't know how to write succinctly and gets assblasted every time JBP is mentioned, is among you.

Vive le Roi!


>nice clean streets
>smell of Croissants and designer perfume wafting in the air
>comfortable temperature
>expensive restaurants with rose gardens lining the footpath
>Harmonica and accordion music gently playing
>everyone is dressed nice and posh
>graffiti is non-existent

Compared to:
>streets filled with trash that smell like urine and human faeces
>restaurants are ridiculously overpriced and sell street food
>graffiti stains the walls of their brand-new post modern cuck houses
>nigger rap and dune toons are all that can be heard
>children screaming, people arguing with each other, and buses filled with tourists drown out the rest of the quiet
>footpaths are covered in gum and rubbish
>cold as all hell
>people dress like they're homeless, and gay pride floats are going down the streets every week
>another terrorist attack in a croissant bakery killed 150 people, something that no one cares about as it happens all the time
>almost no native French
>you hear more dune runes than actual French
Gee sheepshagger, I wonder why people go apeshit when they fjnd out their romantic, expensive city is just Neo-Mogadishu

Pour le pays réel

Rather surprised to hear this from an american however, unless you're a French immigrant

I've been there lads holy fuck it's depressing and scary. I thought I landed in Africa.

I got on the wrong train (can't read fucking French and no white people to ask for directions) and got off in some suburb where I was literally the only white person at the train station. Not even a joke.

I took a photo of it and sent it to my gf and said 'I got the wrong flight and landed in Nigeria".

She totally believed it and was ringing me saying like "what the fuck. how did you do that"

All in one thread
Also just in this very thread.

>The truth of the matter is that a sizable chunk of you are arrogant faggots that are overly condescending, moreso than any other flag.

>be american
>call other people arrogant and condescending

we have really low self-esteem here. If you don't know the french people, don't talk.

I guess most people have a bad experience since they just visit Paris.
But outside of Paris the people are completely different (and less niggers) it's like going to a parallel universe

Because British and French are natural enemies. Like Englishmen and Scots. Or Welshmen and Scots. Or Japanese and Scots.

actual topic? the actual topic is to surrender and then collaborate, you french coward

My mom's family fled in 1848 because of Napoleon III.

Also may be related to Thiers through one of his half-brothers, I'd have to dig the genealogical records.

My family doesn't know a lot anymore, they were disappointed when I told them nobody remembers him that much, and the left-wing hates him.

only problem I have with France is that they seem to have surrendered to shitskin sandniggers.

Their "defeat" in WWII was only the defeat of French leftists. Most real Frenchmen wanted their Bolsheviks and Jews removed. rightly so.

*teleports behind you*
*takes a shekel from your pocket*
pshh... nothin personnel, goy

because french people are the rudest, snobbiest jackasses to have ever walked the earth

we're just paying it back in kind

I think those are just the city niggers, the french I met in the country side were nice. l stayed at a hostel ran by a nice couple in the French countryside the woman even got ANGLOED by her husbando.

The only good thing about french people is that at least they're not belgian

Americans and Brits tend to have bad experiences with french men or french Canadians. In some sorts its revenge.

Though I hope you guys leave the EU and stick it to Merkel's Globalism Reich and her puppeteers. Electing Le Pen will reduce the french jokes.

Why does every poster with the french flag use such shitty engrish?

>we have really low self-esteem here
If you're going to make the comparison, then at least keep in mind that Americans don't make threads complaining about how other posters treat them.

Also, having low esteem doesn't stop you from acting high and mighty on an anonymous image board. In reality it fuels bad behavior and resentfulness.

I don't think so. It's little shit I notice that is hard on a subconscious level, like "Exemple".

The French are not serious about security.

Got a few posts from the other thread. I'll probably start screencapping every post in broken english from french lads from now on.

capitalizing a noun, using short sentences.

>carrying carts

>Fat american already choose

>cant into plural, string different sentences into one




Try being Sweden for a day, baguette. It's so bad I get genuinely happy when someone says something nice about my beautiful country, even if it's just a burger on Sup Forums. Fuck Sweden's government.

Il y a beaucoup des Americaines qui parlent le Francais. Pour le Sud, les Louisianais sont francais et même avec le créole, beaucoup de ceux qui le parle aussi comprend le francais. Pour le Nord, la proximité au Québec est la raison pour comprendre/parler

L'Ouest, non. Les spics et negres forcent les anglo/franco/etc phones à comprendre l'Espagnol

L'Est, c'est le même que le Nord

Le Centre des ÉU, c'est 99% Anglais seulment avec ceux qui parle une autre langue, c'est parce qu'ils sont immigrés leurs-même.

rien de personelle. Les canadiens sont la plus detestee ici, et prennent la plupart de l'haine. Deuxiement les allemans, et puis les francais. Ton pais est certainment cucked mais on vous aime aux etas. C'est avec l'affection qu'on vous derange

Mais même ou malgré*



Get rolled by Germans many times

Getting rolled by Mudslimes as we speak

Most doormatted nation evar


You hate us and mock us all the time, even though we completely saved your country twice at the cost of hundreds of thousands of soldiers lives.

I love you french user.

This surrender meme again. We knew everything about the 3rd Reich and joined them instead of blindly fighting for the kikes.

ah yes, the good old "pretend we were just kidding when we begin to lose" argument

Remember Island ?


That country we occupied?


lol defeated by a bunch of native Mexicans with machetes #notallfrencharepussies

You surrendered your country to Nazis, and then you surrendered it to BBC and Muslims.
It's the French way.

your native girls are hot

remember how a few week later we beat russia europe and china in the olympics?