Is this thing the most egregious lie taught in public schools?
Is this thing the most egregious lie taught in public schools?
Globalism is great
Certainly not the most egregious.
>Black pyramid
Is this really what they teach in the US, wtf?
>eat your bread and sweets, goy
>all sugars are the same
That pyramid hasn't been taught in schools for 10 years. The latest iteration is the jewish contraption called "MyPlate" introduced by the USDA in 2011. Between 06-11 there was a different version.
Still grains are prominent and it only identifies protein, not fat. The ideal diet for humans is mainly animal protein, fat, and vegetables, with fruits and grains eaten sparingly.
The food pyramid is fake?
>juice "counts" as much as real fruit, with fiber and everything
It encourages the eating of large amounts of carbohydrates which will make you a fat fuck.
>Sugary fruits are healthy, goyim!
>No! Don't touch any of those fats!
>Oy vey, that pseudoecientist Atkins will kill you!
>Stay away from low-carb diets, you can trust good old Dr Goldsteinbergowitz
I never realized how many servings of bread and grains they want you to take.
Isnt bread one of the leaders in high carbs?
Yeah. Your diet should be primarily animal fat and protein plus vegetables. A bit of fruit, but good fruits like berries which have many nutrients and relatively low sugar content.
Grains are COMPLETELY unnecessary in human diets but if you want to eat them so so sparingly, and stick to stuff like oats or meme grains like quinoa or bulgur, because at least they have some protein, unlike rice which is almost pure starch.
The biggest lie from school was the big lie. "We're all equal."
Wheat has lots of protein, too. But as I was told it's very hard to find bread in the US that has no sucrose or hfcs in it.
White bread is really really bad. I eat some brown as fuck bread for breakfast with seeds all through it and that enough for me for the day. The rest of the day it's protein and vegetables.
I'm an American, most packaged food stuffs in the USA contain cheap low quality ingredients. HFCS and soy are ubiquitous.
You can eat well and healthy but not if you aren't willing to put in a little work and research.
i thought bread was the marxist wrt f
dream of food when its available. bread lines and all.
No wonder Amerifats are fat.
It should be 33% Protein.
33% Low Carb Vegatables.
15% Fruit
15% Grain.
Just a reminder Micheal Obama pushed this crap.
grupo de fb PALEO ARGENTINA bretty good read the books there
> One E% distribution among many.
It's probably a genetical difference and all teachings in schools are wrong to not acknowledge that.
Some native arctic people live and prosper on diets if fat and proteins and some jungle tribe lived almost exclusively on carbohydrates (fruit).
If they swapped diets they would probably die.
what I want to know is how it happened? Is this some lobbyist shit for fast food to minimize expensive protein and maximize cheap french fries?
30-35% protein
50-55% fat
10-15% carbs
Big corn (sugar, corn fed meat), big wheat, and shelf life (fcoj is just as good as oranges, goy)
Remove the bottom and it would be a perfect pyramid. I do suggest less dairy, though.
Sugary fruits are healthy, though. One-Two pieces of fruit daily is good for energy levels that won't crash.
Spot on
Treating girls differently is the biggest meme taught in school.
How can you be competing with girls only to go easy on them as men by walking on eggshells?
I remember every teacher ever always going easy on girls and harder on boys.
The food pyramid is up there but fucking seriously treating girls differently is the biggest.
This fucked my shit up so hard.
How could they so fucking blatantly lie about nutrition? I mean fuck!
90% of my peers don't get enough protein in their diets to maintain any muscle let alone build some. I'm talking less then 30g a day.
I remember being taught this shit back in elementary school
>eat a lot of bread and pasta to grow up big and strong goy!
Grains are literal poison. So yes.
Mainstream society will never have accurate information about food because there's too much corporate influence everywhere
>I fell for the free market meme
Feels good to be out of the cave, man.
If you exercise then carbs are important for fuel. If not, then you will just get fat.
Are you serious, are they vegetarian? One 100g serving of most meat (chicken, beef, pork) is 25-30g protein.
The problem for most people actually is they get too many calories period, probably 25-50% of those being carbs, and that is because they mostly eat packaged foods that are grain and corn heavy. The fats and proteins they are eating aren't primarily animal fat, they are low quality fats like those from soy.
They could change their macros but they would have to change their entire diets, its very difficult to eat a proper diet eating packaged processed foodstuffs unless you already know what you're doing.
Name a successful civilization that didn't eat grain. Wheat, rice or corn.
Every empire in history has depended on them to function. You cannot build a society without them and are the most basic building block of agriculture.
Without them and their ready store of energy and easy cultivation we would still be hunting animals with rocks and digging up wild roots for nutrition.
>le sugar in fruit is bad meme
That's why our ancient ancestors, gorillas, monkeys, etc, have diabetes, right? LOL
I wouldn't expect an obese uneducated Ameritwat to understand nutrition anyways. Thanks for the laugh, Drumpfkin.
>mfw I have eight nonchubby kids and I don't follow this crap
Usually its sweets two or three times a week. Brownies, cookies, etc. Baking with the kids is pretty redpilled.
Meat 2-3 times a day. Depending on what we have for breakfast/lunch. Dairy is a tossup because my kids sometimes have yogurt as a snack and some of them drink milk more often.
Veggies are usually two meals day plus the occasional snack. Same with fruit, though we have fruit with every meal pretty often.
Bottom tier is the most bullshit though, jfc. You can't have that many carbs. Its mainly only for breakfast (toast, cereal, etc), small snacks, and occasionally dinner when we have pasta.
Am I abusing my kids by not letting them eat two whole loaves of bread every day?
Pls be white
First serious human constructions were grain storage.
>Meat/Veg at the very bottom.
>Remove Dairy and oils
>Bread/fruit on top
Curious about this as well
The lack of response makes me think it's just some dirty mexican living off government assistance
I wouldn't be here if I weren't white. I'm convinced most Sup Forumsacks are concentrated in big cities, because none of my friends have fewer than three kids and they are all white.
That's because it has a high caloric content and high levels of carbs, which is good if you're living the lifestyle of people in early civilization. But nowadays, people's lifestyles are so much more sedentary that eating grain simply isn't a good idea for most people.
Oh my fuck. It's almost perfect upside down.
They used to, yes.
It was a sick joke that lasted for decades.
>tfw inverted the pyramid
>living off just drinking canola oil
my hair has never been so silky smooth