I was banned from lit for simply making pro Bible ststements. What has the site become?

I was banned from lit for simply making pro Bible ststements. What has the site become?

christianity is an unjustified belief system lad and a spook to boot

Wrong. Debate me if you are brave enough. Ive devated many jews before. I serve as the ordained pastor of the Lutheran Church of Hope. This is a chance for me to write about some of the things I think about related to God, being a pastor, and life in general. This is my own opinions and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of all or any of the people I serve, the ELCA, or anyone else, but me.

i'm maximum brave pastorlad
a belief is justified for a given person if, given what that person knows and what they're able to deduce, it's reasonable to hold that belief
justification is determined per person, not per belief. 1000 years ago you would've been unjustified in believing that germs exist because germ theory wasn't developed. today if you believe in germs because you blindly trust sciencefags you're unjustified. only someone that studied biology and did the experiments with petri dishes is justified in believing that germs exist. justification is no the same as truth, you can be justified in believing in a given proposition without it necessarily being true. for instance, if you were being tricked in sufficiently convincing manner, nobody would fault you for falling prey to trickery, your belief would've still been justified, at the time. on the flip side a belief can be unjustified but true, for example if i use tarot cards to correctly predict where the next terrorist attack will happen, my belief about the location of the attack would be true, but not justified. justification is not the same as proof. a belief can be the result of personal experience which you're unable to reproduce and show to others. given what i said, i would like to hear why you think it's reasonable to believe in god specifically the christian god. if you think it's ok to have no justification for your beliefs and taking leaps of faiths is fine, i can explain why that makes you a big idiot.

As if a kike would ever make solo combat

what did paul mean by this?
>11 A woman must learn in quietness and full submissiveness.
>12 I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man; she is to remain quiet. (1 Timothy 2:11-12)

There are many rogue mods and janitors on Sup Forums hoping to shape the boards according to their views instead of Sup Forums culture and the rules. It is a common occurrence unfortunately.

if you want we can do this over email pastorlad you seem like a good goy

Sounds like a good policy. Women in the workplace create the most disturbance.

>I was banned from lit for simply making pro Bible ststements
Who cares!
But I do hope you get banned from Sup Forums for bringing your whining here.

If God wanted you to be a missionary he would have given you better arguments.

Your IP address has zero bans associated with it. What was the post number of the post in question so I can find it in the logs?



oh shi-

>in Sup Forums

Truly a first time for everything

he's luring him into posting proof so he can ban for evading, i've seen such kikery before

Jewish infiltration?



I believe this guy

M-mod, the OP isn't an atheist trying to make Christians l-look b-bad. Atheists a-are ni-

You're that idiot who just made up some pseud-philosophical garbage thread about nothing in particular

You were probably spamming like a motherfucker.

I see you schlomo... Day of the rope is coming.. 2nd Crusades aren't going to be against the muslims first this time....

not even Christian but you should kill yourself you fucking kike

There's no such thing as a female pastor.


hey mod can you 24 hour ban me pls


As if a Jew would reveal the absolute truth to a goy

>I was banned from lit for simply making pro Bible ststements. What has the site become?
Lit are serious board that discuss modern\classic literature.
If you wanna have conversation about fanfiction (((bible))) you have come to the wrong board.
Let me help you

what did you mean by this


people believe since forever cause they see it works

Shh, the goys are here, message me on reddit

>commies thought christians thought god was just floating around in space


i don't browse reddit you fucking shyster

>mods in Sup Forums - amazing!

My theory:
Saturday + Home alone... again! + Drink A LOT
= Crawl to the comp and start *hic* moderating.

You done goofed

maybe a soft ban?

red pill me on my bans mod-kun

It's gotten pretty bad.

>Dear Diary,

>Today OP was a faggot, but mods were not