You hear that, drumpfkins?
You hear that, drumpfkins?
I wonder if democrats being so smug and condescending could be one of the reason they lost?
Democrats won.
No evidence.
Smug fuckers, I used to be a Dem until the smugness and cult following of idiotic biased professors turned me off
Except for the fact that there is absolutely no evidence that the wiretapping happened.
You don't have to defend against accusations with no evidence senpai
2+2 doesn't equal 5 quite yet
Conservatives in general are psychologically damaged people. Not as in "dumb" or "insane", as in they're been hurt by somebody or something at some point in their lives, and that's why they've developed such bitter, hostile, cynical, and sometimes unrealistic views of the world.
Kek, do you just believe everything Daddy tells you? Is the proof of the wiretapping in the same manila folder as his proof of 3million illegal voters? Does it also have his tax returns, his super secret ISIS plans, and a plan for Trumpcare that will "insure everbody"? Silly trumpcucks, you honestly thought he cared about you?
Do you they give everyone on twitter a blue check mark these days?
Kek, I was going to say that.
I fucking hate this retard he used to be pretty based. I watched some of his streams recently and he constantly says stuff that is completely wrong. Liberals though man what can you do.
If you want shareblue to leave, stop replying to bait theads
In a country with 8 million Illegals.
>People who told the truth brought light to her lies
Sh-she totally won r-right guys?
Yeah, she won.
i remember the days when this guy was an actual blast to watch and acted like a supreme fedora edgelord.
he's such a cuck nowadays it hurts
By her rules, maybe. But that doesn't get you elected.
Thank the Creator (stated in the US Constitution) that our Forefathers were masterful geniuses who realized that large states shouldn't have the final say in an election. Fuck degenerate democracy!
Oh, and Obongo's Department of Homeland Security was caught attempting to hack several states during the election.
Would love a source on that last one so I can BTFO libshits.
She lost to a dude who picked up politics as a hobby 18 months before the election tho
huh why isn't she in the white house then? wtf is wrong with this timeline???
I love how the left always acts like their side is the one that is marginalized, oppressed and has to fight with all of their heart to win. Meanwhile their ideology is mainstream and establishment.
more than that
sick burn bruh
without electoral college, of course demoncrats would win every fucking time, because their politics is liberal, pro-immigrant and muh welfare.
coastal states and large cities, which have multi-cultural society with most of US population living there, love that.
oh hey, it's destiny
the guy who got cucked and has to pay child support despite that
the guy who is a pseudo intellectual but is actually a fucking idiot, but has a hugbox chat to feed his fragile ego
The hilarious part is his original Twitter account got perm banned for joking about making a bomb threat on Comcast so by their rules he shouldn't even be allowed to have an account in the first place. Apparently you can break the rules if you're e-famous and a leftist.
>Hillary was great guys, it's just that everyone else was out to get her!
I miss when we had only one party full of conspiracy kooks.
He just memed about someone suiciding on a stream.
Make sure to complain to twitch about it.
One of the former Mexican ambassadors said there can be up to 30 million illegal immigrants in the US.
his debate with ryan dawson proved he is one of the "oh, well, not me" types.
there's as much evidence of the wiretapping as there is of muh Russia narrative
Not like having evidence ever stopped you fucking liberal trash before.
>State went blue but at least county went red.
All that democrats, liberals alwyas crying about the "drumpfkins" are sickening even to neutralist like me
Also this is the guy that entertained the idea that there would be enough faithless electorates to get Hillary in over Trump
wtf I hate trump now
>Democrats won
>By losing the WH, senate seats, HoR seats
Fuck you, cuck. Your losing continues and your tears are still delicious.
>0 replies to this post
This. Retards saying illegals voted for Clinton are wrong. Had that faggot not run for president, Trump would've won the popular vote as well.
Umm, no sweetie... Hillary WON the popular vote.
>why does it seem so many Trump supporters are idiots?
I like how he selectively edits from his memory the times when he debates someone who actually knows what their talking about and he ends up just getting lectured for hours because he has no actual substantial input. Destiny has a very superficial knowledge of a broad variety of topics, anybody with a decent understanding of any one topic can keep Destiny on that topic and tear him down. Like Ryan Dawson about the Middle East or Martin Shkreli about pharma.
They filed at least one FISA request to wire tap, and then a later one for a "server" that was accepted. So there is clearly precident that they were trying to. Not to mention, because of Snowden we know the NSA pretty much collects everything to begin with. Quite shilling
she didn't (((win))) anything.
Shit, thought you were talking about the #NeverTrump dude.
Please if you got links..
God bless the electoral college, so the whole nation isn't subjugated by degenerate urbanites.
Against the guy who was himself endlessly hit by controversies you fucking retard.
>Hillary WON the popular vote in States without voter ID laws
A formerly entertaining streamer who went full lefty this past election. It's sad really.
Because you're dumb enough to take the mainstream media at their word, regardless of what is true
In this age you do.
He's also a hypocrite
>owns a gun
>runs to the door gun in hand every time there's even a slight rustling outside, has it on him at all times like a safety blanket
>supports Bernie
>supports Clinton over Trump
Anybody who relies on a firearm for home defense really should have gun rights as one of their major voting issues because it affects them much more than say immigration policy and defense spending.
And it took collusion inside the DNC to get her past the primaries. What is this idiot's point?
Yeah! He means the ones that think "oh, well, not me"!
Not the ones that think "holy shit, yes, I'm retarded,"!
Seriously though, not all Trump Suppoters are idiots, get every idiot I have met is a Trump Supporter. I wish I could just give you all poisoned boxes of paint chips to eat, or something. You make me fucking embarrassed to call myself human, let alone white.
Playing video games regularly at his age is fucking pathetic.
He hates his parents because they're stereotypical bible thumping conservatives
He's the definition of a pseudo intellectual fedora tipper
Nah, total coincidence.
mars, jebem ti izdajica jedan.
>it took the RNC
No it fucking didn't. Republicans are still actively working against Trump.
A portion of this is due to fucking awful gerrymandering, the other portion is that well educated net-contributors to the economy tend to live in cities. The economic powerhouses of the states.
Kek. He's also got meme testosterone. He had about 300 + change in a recent test. Average for males is 300-1200.
>CBD'S are located in cities
>this is somehow surprising
>le pseudo intellectual gamer man shilling himself to try and stay relevant
Fuck off sweatstiny
Its pretty gay that you know this about him kys
>The economic powerhouses
The only thing New York produces are bankers and trash. The only reason any of those losers can eat is that we grow their food.
We are more important, and Democrats are mostly Mexicans now anyway. We deserved to win, and we did. Bigly.
time to stop shitposting son and get some sleep
Lel. I still watch the stream every now and then and he mentioned that.
>spotted eagle
I'm convinced that guy is a crypto-communist. He is predictably Marxist in almost every aspect of his worldview.
how has this not been posted yet?
If you did nothing wrong you have nothing to hide.
Trump's only pissed because he knows he's been caught.
>If you did nothing wrong you have nothing to hide.
NSA pls go
So why she is not in the white house?
Any good times when destiny gets BTFO?
He's right tho. Every Trumpf tard he has debated has got fucking destroyed, even the smarter ones like Metokur for one reason: they are cowards that dance around the real reasons why they support him.
He just has to sit there in silence because his historical knowledge is terrible.
Destiny is a pseud that reads the first paragraph of a Wikipedia article and considers himself informed on the topic. He even admits that he hasn't read a non-fiction book since he flunked out of music school.
I already posted it.
Go an hero yourself fuck wit nobody cares about your shilling
I support him because I hate fucking spics.
>have the entire media on your site
>still lose
lmaoing at your life
See, wasn't so hard was it?
>Every Trumpf tard he has debated has got fucking destroyed
Is it surprising to you that most of the people that watch irrelevant video game streams are dumb? Why would any intelligent and successful person even speak to an uneducated Twitch streamer that's almost 30 and still goes by the name Destiny?
im tired
insomnia's a bitch
Wikileaks didn't actually try to bring her down though. They just released info about government corruption she was involved in.
>being such an attention whore you have to come to Sup Forums to promote your own tweets behind a proxy