Wow! This really made me think!

Why can't Sup Forums understand the basic reality that Transgender individuals are far more inconvenienced when using public restrooms than the bigots seeking to keep them out. Given the massive harm caused to Transgender individuals compared to only a small amount of annoyance from a bigoted segment of the non-Transgender population - is there any rational argument against Transgender individuals using the restroom of their choice?

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Just shit yourself tranny faggots. You stink.

Bait thread

fuck trannies.

+ sage.

If you're even semi passable, nobody's going to say anything. If you're not, you're just a mentally ill drag queen.

No one cares for trannies they should all die

pee in the woods
or dont be a freak

>caring about degenerates

not even once

> go to bathroom during the lesson
> problem solved

Given the sheer amount of vitrolic hatred for transgender individuals here, I'm willing to be that many posters here are just suppressing their identity

>Mentally-Retarded Autist that don't understand the concept of empathy

Go jerk off to some more sweden rape statistics.

Get à therapy

Just use the disabled toilet

yeah why dont they just do that wtf

If you're not a convincing tranny, you shouldn't dress like the opposite sex. If you are, no one will yell at you.

Gee user, you got me. I always wanted to castrate and mutilate myself into an abomination.

I really don't like that argument
>oh you hate gays you must be gay
>oh you hate niggers you must be a nigger
>oh you hate gay niggers you must be a gay nigger

Mentally ill tranny detected. Gas yourself, degenerate.

It doesn't matter because trannies should be summarily executed for their degeneracy.


You are probably right but it's a "give them an inch and they will transgender a mile" situation.

What texas said

Recommendation: stop being a mentally ill abomination!

>Problem solved!

The same rationality that saw to the necesssity of seperating men and womens restrooms in the first place.

I dont give a fuck what you identify as; gender falls between to things: your god damn legs.

They're mentally ill


But what if a trans man needs a tampon? Can she walk into the woman's room?

I dont think its a "if you hate yoiu must be" kind of thing, it's more about the level of obsession some people have with OTHERS sex lives.

What? That I'm a man?

Well now that I think about it, men are being more hated than maybe I should suppress it.

Honestly, it seems like an all around good choice to just stop providing restrooms to the public. Have private restrooms for employees who spend all day at work and force the general public to go home or elsewhere to use the bathroom.

>People will start shitting themselves!!!
Yes. They can blame the tranny faggots for ruining public restrooms.

>Transgenders need....
So will every other groups once the precedent is set by the tranny activist.

The stores and restaurant will save money on building, cleaning, and servicing public restrooms and the real problems the tranny faggots who caused all the trouble will receive all the blame.

I agree OP. But we won't change minds until we openly admit that it IS a balancing of competing interests. Women do have a legitimate concern about trans people using their restrooms, considering how broad the definition of "trans" is. What needs to be made clear, in my opinion, is that disallowing trans people the right to use their preferred restrooms puts THEM at more risk than the hypothetical risk that it resolves.

I was reluctant to agree with the trans lobby on the bathroom issue until someone put it to me that way. It makes sense. The picture you posted is instructive. But we have to be open about the fact that this IS ultimately a compromise that's being made for the sake of the more vulnerable group.

all this talk about

who the fuck even uses public bathrooms? I usually just hold it until I get home because public bathrooms are fucking disgusting and you will likely get every disease known to man just by entering them but apparently the average american needs to urinate 45 times a day.

Shouldn't it be

on the left
>Get convicted sexual offender, lose job, become alcoholic/drug addict, lose friends/family, commit suicide

on the right
>Get called a faggot

Just go outside and shit in a field like the animal you are

Since when is everybody such a big pussy?

I can say I'm the fucking Queen of Sweden. Does that make me the Queen of Sweden?

Mental illness is a thing.We shouldn't ignore that,and we also shouldn't try to make crazy ppl think they aren't insane.

what about my daughters rights not to have some man in a bad wig and skirt pissing in the stall next to her?

She has rights because she is a female. You do not because you are a man. Piss off

Since neo-liberalism took over the left.

>If a man follows my wife into the toilet I will break is fucking face

No fucks given. You have a wiener stay out of the ladies or I break your face straight up.

use the restroom that corresponds with your genitals. It's really that simple.

Why can't Transgenders understand the basic reality that organizations are far more inconvenienced when forced to build/install specialized public restrooms than the Transgenders that demand them? Given the overwhelming majority of normal individuals compared to only a small Transgender segment of the non-Transgender population, is there really any rational argument for Transgender individuals having a specialized restroom due to dysphoria, a well documented mental illness?

By the way, we don't segregate gays or blacks anymore. We are an inclusive, tolerant modern society. You are choosing to segregate yourselves, you fucking bigots.

No such restrooms exist. Restrooms are separated by gender, not sex.

>corresponds with your genitals

That is the problem. These people want to mutilate their genitals into some middle state. They put themselves in a trans state and neither male or female describe them. They are transgender.

Yeah, only your bull gets to fuck your wife.

Do trannys really get beat up in men's rest rooms?

gender and sex are the same thing.

you either male or female, the only ONLY time there's a third is if you have a mutation.

>gender and sex are the same thing

This is factually incorrect.

I would beat his boipucci up with my dick if you know what I mean

Use the disabled bog then you freakazoid

I only slap them if they like it that way

fuck you faggot no one cares what happens to mentally ill people

Trannies can enter whichever bathroom they please. If they go to jail for following women into the bathroom or get put on a sex offender's registry for photographing my 8 year old daughter, that's their own fault.
>every time a tranny enters a bathroom they'll increase the risk of these things happening

No it's not. We don't believe in social construction theory on /pol. Get lost you marxist faggot.

guess it's get beat up or quit being a fucking freak of nature.

why don't they report the people who beat them up