What can serve as the social and spiritual replacement for christianity among atheists?
What can serve as the social and spiritual replacement for christianity among atheists?
>What can serve as the social and spiritual replacement for christianity among atheists?
Race worship.
daily reminder that atheists replace religion with state worship which is why the liberal extremists are chimping out about trump
Bullets in the brain. Atheists have no place in society.
The knowledge that we're sane.
There is no replacement.. if Christianity dies the west dies... Reminder that less than 25% of self pronounced atheists voted for Trump while 85% or so christians voted for him... Christianity is the enemy of atheism and judaism.. both of wish want the destruction of the west
How many Christians voted for civil rights?
How many Christians voted for that immigration act of 1965?
How many Christians voted for women's suffrage?
Let's ask the real questions instead of pretending as if Trump's actually going to solve our problems - for example: Who caused those problems in the first place?
Buddhism is based AF, it isn't even like a religion to be honest it's more like a life style unlike Christianity that is like imperialist
its called sorting yourself out and saving your father
What about atheists who aren't racist? Asking for a friend of course.
christianity has already died as the mainstream ethical solution to youthful sensory hedonism. the west is already dead, we are only witnessing its convulsions.
the christian is now being tested by God. no longer can the individual default to christianity as a way of "settling down" and adhering to the structures and institutions of the national culture.
now to proclaim oneself christian is to set oneself against the mainstream culture and will be subject to ridicule, ostracization and persecution.
yet it is by these means that God finds his truly faithful followers
This is my religion:
We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony.
Amen. Dealing with persecution for Jesus' sake is an privilege.
Atheism. Marxism is inherently anti-religion, and without atheism, the cultural marxism that's degenerated society wouldn't exist.
Wasn't a big enough factor back at that time, user. It isn't even one right now looking at pewforum.org
"Spiritual" things don't exist. Adults should not insist make-believe is reality.
Christian values. You don't have to pray or believe in heaven to be a good person, just follow christian rules and believe in keeping yourself and your actions pure.
It's not just good sense it's literally been proven to be good for your mood and mental well being to be kind to others and have a moral code, which is why nihilists are always such drug and people abusing edgelords.
says the ant to another ant, there is no higher being than us
>Adults should not insist make-believe is reality.
Liberalism and Marxism
>this is your brain on Jesus, God and the bear
mohammad was a goatfucking pedophile
There is no replacement. Jesus is Lord, the only way. If atheist continue to reject His calling, they will be cast into the lake of fire. I bet they will be calling for Him then. Tick tock..
Just because you've tried to summon succubi and nothing happened in the past doesn't mean there isn't a spiritual side of reality. I'd say that the spiritual side is more real than the "reality" we dwell in currently. All the Elites use symbols and secret knowledge, but it's all fake right? This retarded "Kek" idol being resurrected because there were documented coincidences by the people on this board is all a joke right?
unfortunately liking the good is very different than loving the good.
and on a deeper level, if you follow good ethics for the sake of own benefit than you are no different than the pharisees that Jesus hated.
by studying the bible you will understand just a tiny glimmer of Gods righteousness, and this tiny glimmer will reveal to yourself how utterly inadequate you are compared to it, and that your personal attempts at righteousness, ie being a good boy, is the equivalent of a used tampon in the sight of God.
therefore you are in need of a savior who will forgive the endless multitude of sins you have committed in your life, and redeem the very few aspects of righteousness that exist within you.
and once you are enlightened to this fact, that you exist only by the greatest extent of mercy, you will then love he who redeemed you
Have you tried fraternal orders?
I would say Paganism, but not the universalist libcuck kind of Paganism. More like the Folkish, Ethnocentric, and Nationalistic Paganism. The based paganism. The reason being is because there are good moral values set in Paganism. For example, in Germanic Paganism we have the Nine Noble Virtues: Courage, Truth, Honor, Fidelity, Discipline, Hospitality, Industriousness, Self-Reliance, and Perseverance. Not only that but the Havamal is like our guiding text that tells us how we should be with our friendships and so on. There are a lot of lessons to be learned from our ethnic pagan religions. Furthermore, Ethnocentric Paganism can be attributed to many scientific advances throughout history, and especially during Ancient times.
Sounds like surrender to me. I don't surrender.
And living your life just so you can be forgiven for sins sounds selfish as hell too. I don't care for it, and neither will atheists.
That's fucking retarded. If we're imputing ants with the power of speech, you can't ignore that ants can directly observe humans. The same can't be said of God.
>ants can directly observe humans
PANTHEISM. I am not religious but I migh as well be. I get along with Christians and enjoy church but I believe what I believe. Attack me if you will but I am on our side.
What's wrong with that? Ants can see, smell, feel, and taste humans (not sure about their hearing). How is that not direct observation?
Gnon is cold.
lo, christianity is the great surrendering of the self. and this is the greatest challenge to a culture infatuated with personal freedom. the sacrifice of your own will on the altar of Gods will.
for satan loves a man succumbed to his own desire and intellect, by this satan may rule a man even though he believes he rules himself
Wise in measure let each man be;
but let him not wax too wise;
for never the happiest of men is he
who knows much of many things.
Wise in measure should each man be;
but let him not wax too wise;
seldom a heart will sing with joy
if the owner be all too wise.
Nice Taqiyya.
Unironical Buddhism
I was an atheist until I converted to Kekism.
Feels good man.
when i moved into a new apartment, we spent about 3 weeks killing ants that invaded the kitchen. eventually they put 2+2 together and stopped sending ants into the apartment, the anthill they came from is still there. read a thing that said ants can live for 30-40 years too depending on the species.
That really should go down in history as one of the great quotes.
Maybe Humanism?
the tip of my shoe would be a mountain of terror.. the slightest stomp of my foot would be an earthquake of horror. and though i dip my face down inches within its mound, in one hand possessing the greatest tasting food which would sustain it for months, and in the other possessing a toxic liquid which would wipe them out in minutes, they would not know the difference.
Let no man glory in the greatness of his mind,
but rather keep watch o'er his wits.
Cautious and silent let him enter a dwelling;
to the heedful comes seldom harm,
for none can find a more faithful friend
than the wealth of mother wit.
man, you sand niggers are really hypocritical when it comes to that word
Yes. That is all direct observation though. I'm not trying to suggest they can fully comprehend humans, but they don't have to in order to observe them. I know fuck all about astrophysics but I can still see stars when I look up at night.
Thou shall not kill. Also turn the other cheek.
Self control and abiding by rational, reasonable thoughts. Christianity/religion is a stand in for those things, with an ultimatum. In a less successful nation, this is inherent.
if ants cant fully comprehend humans, than why would you be dismayed that you cannot fully comprehend God? other than that he does not communicate physical sensation but rather mental and spiritual communication. is this not what you would expect from higher evolutionary beings?
Essentially, let a man be wise, but be weary because wisdom holds a burden of sorts. I know that from when I got red-pilled. Nothing was the same anymore after gaining that wisdom.
It's funny that the Joos are also hyper religious. It if religion is anything it's a guide to control ones self, that is the only thing you need. Smarts, and ability will never trump that, unless you are both very able and religious, Catholic here btw. 6 digit income, and I drive a super car.
futuristic bloodsports
The only thing success gives you is options, the religion guides you through your options. All intelligence is the perception of options, it with assumed result. Get better Sup Forums.
>other than that he does not communicate physical sensation but rather mental and spiritual communication. is this not what you would expect from higher evolutionary beings?
most scriptures tend to be the world of god.
With so much bullshit in the contemporary ether, if you're not religious, you're pretty much a POS. God created everything, Jesus was his son, and Mary his mother... admit this you atheist fuckups, and repent.
Accept no substitutes.
The only logical way for atheists is suicide. It was mentioned sveral times by several great thinkers from Eccleliast to Shakespeare, Nietzsche and Tolstoy.
Nothing can ever replace Jesus Christ. He died for your sin man.
God is great, praise Jesus son of God, hail Mary mother of Jesus son of God. Bless all you faggots.