How likely is it that Trump will investigate and take down the CIA plant that was unfortunately the US's first black president?
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I've looked into this, and while it's a horrendous policy, it doesn't, (at least now), amount to corruption or funneling money as such, much less is there evidence Obama was directly responsible for it.
Obama requested a FISA warrant to legally tap Trump's phone lines. That warrant was denied.
Barack Obama has broken a federal law and committed a felony.
He also conspired with another presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, in an attempt to help her win the election. This is also a felony.
Obama, Clinton and Soros are all part of a treasonous cabal that intends to overthrow the Trump presidency.
Obama himself has even set up an office in Washington D.C. to help him with his sabotage efforts.
It is only a matter of time until they realize their political efforts are in vain. At that point they will turn their efforts towards assasination.
If Trump prosecutes Hillary Clinton all of this will end. Put her head on a pike and the rest will scatter.
Obama and Clinton are guilty of treason.
>wiretapping is bad
found the jihadi
only libfag cucks think nsa wiretapping is bad
it protects us from radical islamic extremisgts
Except none of this ever happened lmao
What protects us from extremists is not importing them in bulk from the middle east and Africa.
>yes goy, let me check your emails, if you haven't done anything wrong you have nothing to hide goy.
Oh shit! It's a shariablue can I get your autograph? Do u think u could get me in to see David Brock?! I'm huge fan! XD
You know they're not going to just let you walk away, right, shill?
Except all of it happened and the denial of the FISA warrant is on record
Cunt shill BTFO
Fuck off. I'm probably a bigger Trump supporter than you are. Did you actually look at the policy, or just read the headlines?
Would that all of you had but one throat, and I my hands about it.
Trump will die a martyr like he intended
Lol u mad bro XD
But OK, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. If you won't provide us with a link to backup your claim, at least tell us where you looked and how it doesn't amount to funneling money. I'll wait.
>researches something
>can't provide even the barest summation
I read the Fox News report. Basically, what happened was the Justice Department was having entities that would otherwise be fined by the government or pay a lump sum to various organizations that had a progressive agenda. That's it. Again, awful policy, but there isn't as yet any evidence it was directed by Obama or that any laws were violated.
>inb4 Fox News
Again, fuck off. I doubt they would spin this to make it less damaging to Obama.
Obama's looking pretty dastardly in that pic
he looks like he fucks a tranny asshole in the white house
Trump is trying to save his own ass at the moment. He ain't got time for fake news.
If Bush has not been convicted of length about invading Iraq, WMDs, and the Patriot Act, then nothing will happen to Obama
Shit man, you're right. I take back what I said, and thanks for the link.
the fuck you been drinking bro beans.