Other urls found in this thread:
>two straight years of DRUMPF BTFO stories
>he's still perfectly fine
yeah, THIS is what will bring him down
just like the last 50 things
65 grand for hot dogs, dude.
I like how no one questions if the evidence presented for said warrant was even legit? That's a big problem, especially with secret courts which should be unconstitutional.
Even if their gourmet 5 dollars per hot dog
What was that picture about? I missed the context.
Bannon entering the temporal rift to enter the timeline where Hillary won.
No but for real
AlwaysRight @PinkkrushG
@GovHowardDean @realDonaldTrump and the goods would of been exposed already but because there isn't any Obama loses AGAIN LOL
Patricia Zell @patriciazell
@GovHowardDean @realDonaldTrump No connection made between Trump campaign & Russia at all. Where did the evidence for warrant come from?
Yes! The nigger clown gets to hang OMG so much white win!
Someone give me a quick rundown
don't FISA courts grant like 99.9999% of requested warrants?
Yes it does but they didnt this one and Obongo went ahead anyway.
The rate is literally 99.97% for approvals.
>hardcore leftists are now all of a sudden defending the FISA court
what the fuck
*snickers* hmpf what would you even know about hotdogs anyways, chinaman?
heheh. It's almost like you think you understand gourmet cuisine. *shrugs*
barrack HUSSEIN obama was our greatest president *smirk* get over it assclown.
oh whats wrong you don't like me saying hussein? don't like to recognize someone's identity? *smirk*
youll learn one day kid.
Dean mad at he didn't go to New Hampshire, and South Carolina, and Oklahoma, and Arizona, and North Dakota, and New Mexico. Mad he didn't go to California, and Texas, and New York. And he didn't go to South Dakota, and Oregon, and Washington, and Michigan, and then he didn't go to Washington, D.C. He didn't take back the white house.
Rubber stamp court. Literally the opposite of the purpose of courts.