Sup Forums help pleeease

Sup Forums Fucking please impeach trump FUCKING PLEASE!!! I'm Muslim and I don't want to be sent to a internment camp PLEASE POL HELP GET HIM IMPEACHED!!! I don't want to die or see my family die Sup Forums please save me.




It'll be all over soon.

Relax. We send the mexicans to internment camps.

We shoot the muslims.

>I'm Muslim and

not too late to akbar yourself or all those virgins

oh are you uncomfortable?

No camp ? Firing squad then

you are weak, allah does not respect the weak. into the trashcan you go

You have to go back.


You won't have to see them die. We'll garrote you first.

convert or die

Bullets are expensive.



stop worshipping demons that say they are Gods.

that file name tho holy

don't worry, you and your family won't be sent to an internment camp! I guarantee this.

you will be shot in your home

>looks at filename


>I'm Muslim
Bend over.

It's pretty sad that Bart Simpson was seen as a problem child 20 years ago but would be a fucking saint by today's standards

These shill slide threads are extremely unsettling.

You won't be posting with that flag for much longer. Why don't you go improve your ancestral homeland?


improve it with your corpse

you should be deported for using thumbnails

> internment camp

How cute, he thinks we'll let him live


thanks user

it's too late..muslims completely exposed their true selves in europe and no amount of propaganda can sweep it under the rug. sad thing is after europe muslims have just gotten cocky and are further damaging themselves.
there will come a day when people just say fuck it and send them into camps.

My parents still thought the Simpsons was offensive/subversive circa 2007.

I laughed, they have no idea how shit's fucked. I kind of envy it.


Into the camps you go.

God your dumb. If you are a Muslim here LEGALLY, nothing will happen to you. Now stop being a faggot and p.s. only faggots watch the Simpsons

Not an argument.

Get a fucking grip, mate. If you're here legally and law-abiding, you're got nothing to fear.


>implying it's not just a bunch of bored Trump-anons looking for (You)s and a laugh
Alex pls go


Here's a free loli for you, Muslim-kun.

Even if it wasn't bait, I wouldn't lose sleep over your worthless life.