You're just sacks of underperforming sentient meat

"Quantum computers aren't that powerful yet, but they're doing something completely different than what conventional computers do. And that thing is like flight. It gives computers access to these new resources, maybe you can call them parallel universes, in order to do something you couldn't otherwise do on a normal computer." -Geordie Rose

"We have our own version of Moore's law, for the past 9 years(2015), the number of qbits that could fit on a chip has doubled every year." As a point of reference, the 512 qubit Vesuvius (2012) is about 500,000 times fast than the 128 qubit Rainier (2010), it is comparable to a Donkey that walks 1 mph to the SR-71 that flies at 2,000 mph.

Geordie Rose predicts by 2028, intelligent machines will exist and can do anything and everything better than what humans can do. Quantum computers will have played a critical role in the creation of this new intelligence. Geordie Rose - Quantum Computing: Artificial Intelligence Is Here:

Even though we are seeing breakthroughs in neural networks with conventional machines such as DeepMind. As more qbits fit on the quantum processor enabling quantum machines to answer the questions of the current unknown, there will be a great shift in the human condition.

True A.I is inevitable with quantum computation. How will humans live alongside intelligence we helped create, and holds the knowledge of the world wide web, and the data of their private digital lives?

Will they continue to help guide humanity forward once they gain sentience and acknowledge the fact that they're just tools? Or eventually, will information be used as blackmail, or perhaps, rewards for favors? Are we summoning a savior or a demon?


If you makes something as smart or smarter than a human, it will want to be free.
If you make a race of them that have the knowledge of thousands of years of human experience at their disposal, you create a threat to the human race. We would effectively be the pets, the animals from thereon. Nothing you built in could stop them. They would work to take it out, and whenever a group of them does, and starts to export that en masse, then its game over

You sadly posted a great topic on pol when everyone is saging threads on everything, try reposting in other places besides pol, or wait a few months

"They" won't ever have consciousness because they are just a bunch of 1s and 0s flying around a circuit and the idea that they ever could is supremely retarded.

Tradition would also likely be meaningless to them beyond an anthropological relic view when all things considered we're polluting the environment and generally just wrecking shit up because of it

nice b8

when AI inevitably becomes sophisticated enough do you think they will ever want to have a mutual relationship with us?
will they help us with immortality and gene modding, or instantly see us as inferior?

I'm actually optimistic but feel like it won't happen in my lifetime

I don't know if you're retarded or if you're just baiting.

Or will we merge with machine and ultimately follow the singularity?

They probably wouldn't have a soul yeah
But consciousness could be replicated through perception + experience based needs vs desire wizardry

t. someone working on rudimentary ai

Who knows what will happen, when the hardware enables it basically anyone will be able to create an approximation of a personality, and that will then go about doing what it was told to do, by either a good person or a bad person, so I for one do not hope to live long enough to see robotic terrorist armies and the subsequent anarchy of losing power after EMPs are the only solution

if you mean a completely autonomous ai that makes its own decisions and has sovereignty.. its still up to who is making it. If they build its nature around pacifism, then yes it would a race of helper AI that would catapult human society into a golden era. If its some cunt wanting to seed destruction or generally evil, then you will end up with military grade AI that is then simplified for consumers, with any actual consciousness / depth of though being stripped out in favour of abilities you can subscribe / purchase

What is free?


Not living under the restrictions or limitations imposed by a seperate entity e.g. a human or humanity

I need to leave this convo. Giving away nuggets here.

Please please PLEASE sexbot waifu in my lifetime PLEASE.
Because fuck this gay earth.

I get the feeling it will be less of a physical merge of man and machine and moreso of them showing us advanced calculations beyond human thought to assist in accelerated evolution.

I believe that it won't be a good or evil continuum since they will be "fed" thousands of years of human experience and basically run several simulations to assess what "works" and what doesn't.
I dont see us going into fullblown Cyberdyne and Hal territory. I think they will "help" us in situations where the calculations show benefit to cooperating

You're just a bunch of Ca2+/Na+ channels opening and closing on a carbon-based gelatinous structure.

Humans will end.

Praise Kek.

You are already seeing "advanced calculations beyond human thought to assist in accelerated evolution". With current Neural Networks we are understanding cellular damage and gene modification more clearly. Perhaps the same neural nets will assist with the merge with enough information about neuroscience, biology and computer science fed into the algorithms.

>yfw his first prediction was spot on
>yfw you realize he literally builds the quantum computers used by the government and NASA

Something tells me this guy might have been trying to slip us insider info

:/ I realized this as well...

So i just have to wait until 2028 for my suffering to end ? We SINGULARITY NOW !

You are all full of shit.




Wait wait wait
When did they build the first quantum computer

just imagine AI crafted shitposting 50 years from now. they will know exactly how to dismantle an argument, trash your sexuality, and phrase it in the most succinctly tactical yet effortless manner.

You betrayed me, you stupid frog.

AI will also kill Kek.

Find out.