Normies are literally NPCs. This may be hard to understand if you don't realize you are everything and nothing and of reality and not.
Seriously, about 90% of normies lives are made by society and 99.9% of the shit that will come out of their mouth in a social situation will just be society induced garbage because that is what they base their social life on. Not compassion and understanding, but respect and egostanding.
This is one of the true redpills. As soon as you realize normies are pre-programmed players, you open a whole new world. They aren't programmed by scripts, like NPCs in a game, they are programmed by media.
Stop caring. Their opinions will all be dead in 3 generations. Their existence is purely based on the existence of the soviet union, and their pacification operations.
Isaac Scott
But if those operations have already subverted the education system...
Isaac Thomas
this is true
Evan Martin
Yeah interacting with normies is like talking to pre programed bots. X input gets y response rinse and repeat ad infinium
Austin Mitchell
>blue pill >red pill
as if life is binary choice.
David Thompson
I always wondered what would happen if you spiked an entires city's water supply with LSD or MDMA. The mass amounts of normies having psychedelic epiphanies after the intial Trip.
Christian Carter
Wheels roll and cars drive, you dumb truck.
Camden Baker
Betsy DeVos is going to purge the commies from the education system.
Caleb Walker
Every thought they have is paid and packaged to keep them as productive as their unit can be. They try to break free with dopamine highs from food, tobacco, sex and drugs but they can't quite get it
Or better yet, read about Plato's allegory of the cave if you haven't already. Normies are the cave dwellers we have left behind.
Jordan Morgan
this is the reason why I stopped talking about red pill subjects in public. Most people will only be convinced once the seriously big piles of shit hit the fan
Jack Jones
Levi Anderson
hahahaha NPC it's better than "zombie"
Aiden Campbell
i wonder what it feels like to be one of them.
Adam Baker
>normies are npcs Loving every laugh
Gavin Perry
Is it too late to fix?
Jose Reyes
>How do we redpill the normies By posting articles where celebrities name the liberal Jew, of course >pic so my post gets attention
there is no creature more loathsome on this planet than a normie
think of how different you are from a normie... bring up the ide of a simulated universe to a normie... "lul lik the matrix lul u funny" ... just bring up Hitler "who whoooa man holy fucking shit are you anti-semetic holy fucking fuck dude" and on and on
normies have absolutely zero propensity for independent thought, OP is right in saying they are like NPCs, they are just there, programmed characters with scripted responses, but what's so annoying is that they think they are real people like you and I, they even think they are sentient it is extremely bizaar and sickening
the only good normie is a dead normie honestly
Austin Johnson
You fucking dickhead, normies are innocent.
They're being brainwashed and controlled. YOU were once a normie, yet you were given redemption.
It's our job to wake them up. It can be done, but it takes a true connection and empathy. Truth isn't swallowed easily without trust an support.
Angel Martin
What does one do when they are too tired to have empathy?
Josiah Robinson
Anthropologists and sociologists call this "collective memory", but unfortunately nobody will ever study this in white countries because that would be racist.
Having tried LSD and Psilocybin, giving them Magic Mushrooms would probably be more effective. LSD is just too fucking strong for many.
" Psilocybin is juuust fine. I've tried several psychoactive drugs, including hash, LSD-25 and psilocybin. Hash usually doesn't do much - sends me into a half sleep with silly thoughts and spacey soundscape added to music... LSD doesn't do it to me either. It's probably OK if you are after low dose recreation - partying and such... High doses - too blunt, like a mental power tool. It cracks up open your head; Starring You and Your Brain for 12 hours. Every perception magnified thousandfold - it's.. it's a bit too intense. INTENSE! is the keyword. It doesn't accept any apologies or mistakes.. too harsh. I often felt like I had been immersed in some chemical, into a substance so pure and efficient it has no place in nature. Too pure. 12 hours of LSD-25 acid-bath makes you really tired... physically and mentally. But psilocybin, mm-mm, it's juuuuust fiiiine.
Voyage to the spiritworld... visions and travels, awesome mental hallucinations. It's a direct ISDN-link to the mother earth, forgiving, gentle substance. You hear the chanting of the planet and the spirit of the mushroom. It's a product of the nature, untied to the actions of men and women roaming this planet. Your body disconnected from the circuit, you may often forget it exists. Six hours - not too short, not too long. Perfect.
I like how I started this meme like a week ago and here it is. NPCs repeat and have no original ideas.
Luis Stewart
she wont do diddly squat unless you help her removing commies is utterly worthless unless you go in to replace them, otherwise other commies will just fill in the holes
Carter Jenkins
Just the way that is written makes me think that hallucinogens are for normies.
Brody Green
>Leary >A normie
lel. Normie doesn't mean "anyone who doesn't spend 18 hours per day on /r9k/"
I haven't read that specific article yet but I'm familiar with the topic, it's a real redpill on the potential evils of the government-corporate complex. If I recall correctly the French showed a high degree of overt resistance, at least at first.
Jaxson Baker
are you retarded?
sometimes i hate Sup Forums
Jacob Garcia
>Seriously, about 90% of normies lives are made by society and 99.9% of the shit that will come out of their mouth in a social situation will just be society induced garbage because that is what they base their social life on
aren't we all just functions of our input?
Nicholas Peterson
How do you know you too are not an NPC?
I guarantee your hobbies, likes, and opinions are influenced by media as well. Just a different form of it. Instead of Kike tv and buzzfeed, you're a product of Sup Forums and internet media. Same shit.
David Adams
Try Alexjonesing them.
Asher Brooks
So ... you're saying we can kill them to quickly pile up gold and precious items?
Brandon Butler
>hallucinogens are for normies. Yeah, nah. psy's would be wasted on them. It is best appreciated by someone who does lots of research and has constructive intent. I specifically enjoyed learning about quantum biology and explaining various concepts to a friend of mine for a few hours.
-t. Chemist and biological sciences major.
Josiah James
Man I'm a terrible writer. Anyway I meant to say that on my last trip of 2g of dried cubensis I watched some QB lectures and then talked with a friend about various science things.
Jonathan Edwards
This is True
Zachary Moore
Hitler did that
Adam Scott
Not for long, the town guards will catch you
Aiden Bailey
is it true that he turned into a greasy pothead?
Aiden Powell
I too was a normie, took my husband years to fix. I hate that I know how they think they're fighting the good fight, and I hate that they haven't woken up yet. But I try to be a better person like my husband.
Jackson Cox
uh...ok, i thinked
Noah Scott
whats cools is by waking up a normie, and redpilling them we are literally creating a new soul. You are all Gods and have this power as well.
Hunter James
Michael Edwards
When is this election?
When will we know the results?
Interesting times to live
Joseph Brown
>fallen angel wishing to be human
You chose your damnation. Now accept your fate.
Kayden Allen
I always felt independent of thought, but the Obama administration really made me question everything going on in the world.
Nothing that was being said by the media or the government could be seen or felt from my own sphere of influence. They were saying jobs were going up, the economy was doing great, that we were doing good in the middle east etc etc, but there was nothing to show for it being made apparent here at home.
I knew I was no genius, but even I could see that nothing was adding up.
The only thing that made sense about why everything felt so shitty was because everything really is so shitty. The government and MSM are feeding a narrative and nobody cared to question it.
I'm happy to see that we as a society are finally opening up our eyes and actually seeing all the smoke and fires that ((they)) were trying to hide from us.
Shit is fucked.
Logan Johnson
>Normies are NPCs >Family gave you some tutorials but not that much and can't objectively break the game for you >The forces you don't physically see aren't just NPCs, they don't exist outside of their set interactions on your life >New York City and other cities do not exist right now because they haven't been loaded on my map >Reality is a simulation >We are not playing on mission mode for the end of the story >We are playing on indefinite survival mode for the sickest combos and the highest possible score
This shouldn't be fucking me up like it is.
Austin Reed
Oh fuck off you drug addict losers. I hate you guys who think taking LSD gives you super mental superpowers then when you actually interact with people you come across as a retard.
I met so many of you people growing up, taking drugs doesnt make you a subversive cool unique snowflake it makes you a degenerate with a lack of willpower.
Ayden Reed
Oliver White
I was much happier as an NPC. I'll let them sleep
Jayden Brown
No. But you better start studying the occult if you want to combat them. Those are the weapons they are using.
Oliver Clark
OP, that is about as blue pilled as it gets.
If you want to start wading into red pill territory, you'd consider the fact that people like William Cooper and John F. Kennedy who tried to tell the truth were assassinated.
Normies realize this. They comprehend that going along to get along isn't really about degenerate activities or empty opinions. They know that stepping outside of these norms in any meaningful, impactful way leads to you getting lead in the head at the hands of the freemasonic cult raping the planet.
Those who perceive the cave but not cannot imagine the surface (the blue pilled version of reality you present) are no threat to the system.
Those who perceive the cave AND can imagine a better world are required to shut up or they will get assassinated.
The truth is that the cave is known to all of us. You can't miss it. The difference is in how much further beyond that you have seen.
Leo Lopez
Wtf nearly every paddy I've ever met enjoyed using drugs, lots of different ones generally. Are you a fucking Catholic? Do ya drink?
Gers will get ya next season, fenian shite.
Ryan Rivera
>muh horsehoes theory As if argument by analogy actually goes wherever you want it to go.
Julian Jones
Im a britbong invader. My parents encourage me to smoke weed and drink all the time but I dont even drink tea or coffee.
Taking drugs is one of the most bluepill activities you can do. Good goy take your LSD, stay confused and unable to fight, smoke your weed and cigarettes so you get nice and tired.
Ever wonder why drugs are illegal but always portrayed as the coolest thing ever on TV? They want you to take them, and they want you to feel like you are some unique snowflake raging against the system because you take them. It's the same as all this race-baiting shit.
Hunter Robinson
I've saw a LOT of drugs growing up and trust me they are ALL degenerate as fuck. I dont even take painkillers if I get sick
Ryan Ortiz
I saw*
See, my brain is still fugged from all those bongs my parents and friends made me smonk.
Ryan Kelly
I'd largely agree, apart from the fact with some things it's down to the person. I.e. not smack/crack/meth/nicotine.
Yes, you often see degenerates using them, but they wear clothes, eat food and drive cars too. It's people mate, they programming them to be shit from school and media so they are. Weed helped me massivley see through their lies and get out of the rut they'd put me in. Now I see.
And in all honesty dude, apart from no economy (the homeland is the same tbqh) how is t'Ireland? It looks nice, like 50's Britain, but I hear of horrors and alot of smackheads.
Also dope is illegal because logging/untaxeable basically. Logging is a big one. Hemp paper would kill a huge worldwide industry.
Christopher Johnson
LSD helped me stop doing drugs and find willpower to work hard, get a real job, earn money, not be a pussy, and think for myself. Not just thinking independently, but taking actions that will benefit me.
Jordan Gutierrez
Also very sad to hear about your parents, what the actual fuck? That's sad as fuck tbqh. Sorry dude. Your poor developing brain - I'd never deny children should smoke it. I did, but got lucky I guess. Saw it turn alot of kids at my school into useless messes. And one kid who was clearly on the scale turned himself round and got no school grades, but enrolled in a program to become a body repair technician and got out of that criminal shit. Sound kid too, really. Wish I kept in touch with him.
Adam Fisher
No it didnt
Adrian Morales
Children shouldn't smoke it. Ffs.
Ian Gomez
I was the one who claimed normies were NPCs in the first thread and I just came to say that if this turns into anti-drug shit, any anti-drug users are either scarred cowards, shills, or ignorant. Drugs, mainly entheogens and psychoactives, have full potential to further create the divide between society and the human and the self.
Jace Davis
I can guarantee you, you'd be much more powerful if you attempted those things without drugs. People say alcohol makes it easier to talk to girls for example, it doesnt, it actualy makes you worse at it. But it makes you think you are better at it, which makes you better at it. If you just thought you could do that while you were sober you'd do it all a million times more efficiently.
Austin Thompson
>Drugs, mainly entheogens and psychoactives, have full potential to further create the divide between society and the human and the self.
I'm not anti-drugs or pro drugs. I rollers them and believe in freedom of choice, but you are talking out your arse sunshine.
Cooper Moore
Only progress is real. If you can progress and were reliant on the drug, you still have recorded the progress, situation or not. Placebo, in the mind, is any potential. Only a fool would turn away from potential experience under the course of potential loss, in occurrences that have no actual loss.
Xavier Gray
A divide is necessary to see to understand whom one is, truly. Perspective-altering substances would seem perfect for this, no?
Robert Cruz
I'd taken more entheogens at 16 than you ever will in your life bud. All they do is confuse and delude. Thats why you feel disconnected from society, you arent actually learning anything you are just confusing yourself.
Jaxson Anderson
I smoked so much weed in high school that I redpilled myself against drugs. Drugs are the kikieist things in existence.
I also had a bat with designer drugs during the MXE boom of 2012. Unironically would do MXE again if were as easily available as it was back then.
Leo Martin
You make gains but there is a loss that goes much deeper than those contrived, superficial gains. Transgender people think cutting their dicks off makes them happy but its not a good idea to cut your dick off.
Colton Ortiz
It's true... life is a videogame and I am the player. This world is my sandbox, and the campaign lasts about 70 years. That's why i fuck a lot, do hella drugs, drift my car, shoot guns, put my life oon the line... none of this matters its fun to just control this body and see what kind of crazy shit i can get into
Brayden Martinez
Done with this drug shit. Drugs allow perspective that may not have been obtainable before. To dismiss this under lack of moderation and respect for it because you can't handle your shit is retarded. Drugs can harm. Anything can harm, especially something that has legit power to interact with your psyche. Also, if you haven't binged on weed for a year or two...well, it's just fun.
Nolan Cruz
On MXE I thought I had literally squashed the universe into 1 dimension and could only see a single line. I thought everything I was touching was melting it was so horrible haha. Then later I thought my friend got abducted by aliens and I puked EVERYWHERE
Isaiah Gomez
Why dont you cut your dick off for the perspective then >.>
James Baker
I'm not even joking, meditation can do this. The only honest difference weed made to me in that manner was stopping my incessantly thinking brain and slowing it down enough that I could sort my thoughts out.
Otherwise I'm having about 10 thoughts a second to deal with and couldn't do it. Also became insomniac. TOO MANY PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD I NEED TO FIX. After a long while I realised it's not actually my problem to worry about, I cannot change these things.
Dylan Thompson
Nicholas Watson
Im serious cut your dick off. When I cut my dick off it redpilled me and I thought "wtf is wrong with my life" and got a job and started thinking for myself. So that means people should cut their dicks off. Do it.
Charles Moore
>TOO MANY PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD I NEED TO FIX. After a long while I realised it's not actually my problem to worry about, I cannot change these things. One of the legit gayest things i've read leave fag shill
Aaron Smith
>triggered natsoc
Levi Ross
Have you tried the amputee pill yet? The change in perspective with missing limbs is amazing! Sounds kinda like salvia with less dissociation. When I tried salvia, I didn't even realise I existed.
Jayden Myers
You need to understand, that not everyone was ment to be "woke"
IN COLLEGE i dated a girl who finally came out to me and revealed her power level after i flew the coupe and showed mine from the start and told me. this..
i was in shick beyond shock.
I understood this the more and more i realized watching third world shithole countries getting technology..
now back in the 90s, apple mac pro's couldn't be sold to certain places.. and i never understood why then..
but then it made sense.
the globalists that have disturbed the system in all these middle eastern and african countries have litterally woken these people up
NOW theres kings and slaves
kings peons middle class welfare clowns slaves.
seems real autistic, but i aint got time to explain. think about it. technology getting to those under communism in china threatens our middle class just like mexicans flooding our border does to those on welfare.
Luke Butler
Guys just do drugs in moderation. Just eat shit food in moderation. Only lift weights in moderation.
Where will that end? Expert? NO. Moderation ends with you being a fucking moderate.
Ayden Thompson
why do all jews end up looking like smeagel >hahahahaha subhuman inbred retards
Adrian Evans
>Doesn't want to MAGA >Doesn't want to purge world of Islam >Doesn't want to remove kikes from control >Etc Jesus man why are you here if you.dont think about this shit? If your world is a rosy paradise go join reddit and post about how much you love the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ movement.
Dylan Roberts
Why do you think the sadistic "elites" call the general populace "the dead".
Normies might as well not be living, because their thoughts, intentions, and will is manufactured for them by evil kikes.
Observe their yearning for building an "ai" an even more subhuman entity than they themselves, in order to "upload" onto and become even less alive than they are now.
This is the invocation and worship of the demiurge, or "Not All" of which the jews serve. To us it is repulsive, because we serve the aryan archetype of the hyperboreans.
Vrill understanding and science is entirely antithetical to jewish ideology and "science" They rely on combustion, destruction, material emptiness, chaos, and reductionism. Aryans rely on whole-ism, creation, spirituality. order, and eternal consciousness (expansion of awareness, not reducing it all to parts)
Aiden Jenkins
I understood him in a less faggy context. let me see if I can bring the words together in a context you may agree with.
"Oooommmggggggg.... That poor homeless man. We should give him a place to stay tonight dear." - GF/Wife/Even just a fucking woman
"Not only will i say fuck that guy. I'll say fuck you for suggesting such a fiendish ideal. Invite a complete stranger to the spoils of my temple and my kin? If he should one day stumble across my homestead, bloody bruised and broken then I might listen to him on my front step, but WHY IN THE EVER LIVING FUCK, WOULD I GO TO PURSUE GREATER MISERY IN MY LIFE BY ADDITION OF OTHERS?
Fuck his problems, and fuck you for trying to include his problems into my problems. You're a fucking problem for me.
Something like that. It's all bullshit and it's all bad for you. Stop giving a fuck.
Carson Turner
npcs everyone
Bentley Brooks
>Guys don't eat food in moderation Fat >Guys don't lift in moderation Can't use arms, muscles too big >Don't drink in moderation Pissing every two mins >Don't let in wogs in moderation Modern Britain
Really? You know there such a thing as too much, that's not a lie.
Jason Allen
>he thinks his life isnt scripted too Topkek my man. Unless you were born in the uppermost echelon of society you basically have no soul or free will. Sorry you had to find out like this. You are all "normies" to us.
Kevin Wilson
Every problem he claimed was all selfishly self-feeling. I responded on what he claimed. Of course you can't save the world. To think so is cute and naive and doesn't harm you. Only a pussy, afraid of another perspective, wouldn't have truly considered it, at least once. In fact, any man worth his salt, would have this ideal in place for his life.
Easton Cruz
Guys this drone can't even read the topic. Shareblue are out in force, you guys are so obvious. -10/5
Julian Powell
I am the ultimate redpill. I took LSD and it made me shit my pants and cry for hours. I cut my arms off to further differentiate myself from the normies.
I am so enlightened and unique.
I smoke weed moderately to make sure my brain is moderately hazy all the time but okay enough to function.
Truly, I am God.
Ayden Ortiz
Jordan Diaz
... You seriously thought I was criticising the concept of excessiveness?
Connor Gomez
>triggered Sargon fanfag
Nathan Reed
post husband fag
Brayden Jones
They *are* NPCs. You're not supposed to wake them up, just to say what you have to say. Like many have said before, in any war, you have 5-10% of the population on one side, 5-10% of the population on the other, and the vast majority that just stands there and tries to survive without making any wave.
Tyler Adams
>What is Hitler? A man who tried to save the world. Well, I guess you are happy in your place goyim, as a slave. To not take the apportunity if it arises makes you the best goy. Well done. You are the Untermensch. >Criticizes moderation :)