>"I hate conservatives but I really hate liberals" -King Buzzo
Is this a valid opinion or just edge?
"I hate conservatives but I really hate liberals" -King Buzzo
It's valid
Why not both?
These days most valid opinions are edgy.
Didn't Trey Parker and Matt Stone say that exact same thing like twelve years ago?
Are you retarded?
You can form your own opinions without blindly taking a side like it's a football game. I mean nu-Sup Forums can't obviously but many people can.
Why wouldn't it be? I feel the same.
Good opinion. Conservatives are globalist (classical) liberal cucks who led the way of mass immigration and global free trade. National Socialism is the only true way.
My friend's brother wrote a fanzine and got invited to the US to hang with the Melvins when he was about 16. Seemed like a pretty cool guy I think.
Edgy, but valid.
>lol, those South Park, family guy, late night talk shows were great
>but seriously guys. can we go back to pretending Liberalism and progressiveness was a valid ideology, and not the teenage civilization equivalent of "FUCK YOU DAD"
>National Socialism
you can't call it that if you really want a movement like that to ever take off. Hitler included the word socialist to win over reluctant Marxists. You have to co opt something and then make it your own but still keep up appearances to win over the normies
>Is this a valid opinion or just edge?
It's called libertarianism, they just happen to tend to side with whichever side is oppressing them the least.
Many non liberal camps seem to be growing in numbers lately. Communists, reactionaries and traditionalists all seem to be drawing in bigger crowds lately. People are fed up with this global order.
This is my opinion at the moment.
Conservatives just cant see the writing on the wall, but the fucking liberals make me actively wish to defy their stupid fucking asses. Grown adult who have the political opinions of 14 year olds make me hope the day of the rake isn't just wishful thinking.
Not quite. They used "we," instead of "I."
I've been saying it too. I think they all copied me.
Ya conservatives just dont get it. All about Jesus
Hitler did no such thing. Where did you get that from?
Amen bruh
its as valid as his hair mang
the Melvins are cool he can have whatever opinion he wants and that one is pretty run of the mill.
It was just German Worker's Party until Hitler showed up. It wasn't the NSDAP until afterward. Do you emus not have textbooks?
He disliked communism with good reason. The Bolsheviks were mass killers
As long as you don't vote left-wing, you're OK with me.
you're thinking of neo-conservatives who are literally Trotskyists
King Buzzo's always right. Even when I disagree with him like when he was talking shit about Ozzy and Sabbath.
But he had to win over the communists in his own country. Do you think Weimar Germany would've elected him in 1918? It took over a decade of ground work for the NSDAP to take off
I've never seen that quote, but Buzzo seems to be a classical liberal type of guy. He puts it in a cynical way but he probably shares more in common with current American "conservatism", particularly in the in the free mark economics + less identity politics lip service realm.
wow theresa may has had a really bad hair day
The only people that argue over bands are teenagers and manbaby autists that still wear Slayer shirts past the age of 30
Yes, I believe their reasoning was conservatives just wanted the show not to be seen by kids, liberals either wanted the show gone or actively changed.
So he did that to attract Marxists? That's a joke and a half.
No I'm thinking of Liberals in Australia, who have been pushing for mass immigration, lower wages, globalism, free trade, and equal rights for a century.
the Communist party in Germany GAINED a percentage of seats in parliament in the 1932 elections
pretty sure the NSDAP got most of its gains from ex-SDP voters
ah right I sometimes forget the Democrats stole the term liberal here in America
our founders were classical libs and certainly weren't globalists
But KPD came in third
What he's actually saying"
"identity politics is stupid, but I don't want to come off as a faggy edgelord"
Coheed and Cambria sucks
Who cares
Free trade and a free economy, which liberals support, are cancer. Our Liberals pushed for mass immigration in the 60s, successfully, to help business owners by flooding the labour force. Only workers parties have a true claim to looking out for the best interests of a country.
To be fair, King Buzzo is basically a "rock band" workhorse, as in he has, since the 80's, made a modest living touring, making new records, collaborating, etc. Hell I think just a few years back he did like a fifty state tour.
The Melvins you retard
certainly, but they still gained 12 seats
a minuscule amount compared to NSDAPs 123 of course.
That doesn't meanhe called his movement socialism in order to attract Marxists, who he despised.
hiroshima fukashima hatori hanzo, hi! peeenusah verrrreee smarrrr.
Indeed, buzzo is not a champagne socialist like his idiot counterpart Dave grohl. I actually had tickets to a Melvins show last year but I skipped out on it. Oh well
I liked his cover of Into the Void
the rest i don't care though
They got lapped in relevance decades ago.
>Is this a valid opinion or just edge?
The melvins are for faggots so what he says doesn't really matter
He wouldn't have done it if he didn't have to win over socialists. That's the same reason the swastika flag is red. Pick up mein kampf and don't post here again until you've finished it
Valid, conservatives are pretty fucking dumb and anti freedom but they aren't nearly as bad as liberals have become. I mean shit, the left is saying free speech is wrong now kek.
Buzz is mad cause the 15 year old kid who carried his gear blew his brains out a few years later and became more famous than him.
His opinion literally means nothing and the Melvins will never get the credit they deserve.
Pure edge. I was kicked from a melvins show for starting a mosh pit in the 90s. Fucking fags. I mean he hangs out with people Jelo Biafra and shit.
sick b8 m8
Shame because they have a pretty impressive discography. They're far superior to Nirvana
He was a socialist, you idiot.
slide thread. gay, fake, sage. theres happenings.
King Buzzo is based as fuck
Also, seeing the Melvins live a few years ago was one of the most intense concert experiences I've had
Not particularly. He had real socialists like Strasser killed
You don't know what socialist means.
Melvins are dank.
it's the only valid opinion.
both the left and right are extremists. fuck everything and everyone.
only alcoholism is virtuous and justified
you deserved it
What did he say about Sabbath
Read Mein Kampf. Hitler writes much more about völkisch groups than he does socialism. He was a socialist to a degree but it wasn't a very overbearing part of National Socialism. He was a socialist with a lower case s if that makes sense
Your a tryhard faggot that probably listens to nigger shit.
Neck yourself.
Loyalty to your people is tied to NATIONAL socialism by definition. You do know nation refers to ethnicity, your people, and not the state you live under, right? You're not contradicting me at all.
Actually I love metal but getting heated over shit like Megadeth vs Metallica is the neckbeard equivalent of team Jacob and team Edward
Just read the fucking book. You have yet to confirm or deny you've read it so I'm just going to assume you haven't read it. It's ridiculous how many people here claim authority over Hitler but haven't even read his book
I think it is valid to have disdain for "HURR RED" or "HURR BLUE" people or people who lack any sort of nuance in their viewpoints.
Why do musicfags always accuse people they disagree with of listening to stuff they don't like? It's especially evident with the man children who listen to metal and rock music.
I have and know more about Hitler than you.
yeah, Buzz is a libertarian
He did a youtube interview where he says he doesn't like government/regulations.
National Socialism is conservative (preserve tradition etc.)
Conservatism and Liberalism are very broad categories that encompass virtually every relevant political ideology. Even ones that can't be accurately classed as one or the other just take ideas from both.
It's just arrogant fence sitting, "I'm superior to all you arguing people," by idiots who are afraid of any confrontation.
I prefer King Buzzo
The neocons insist that National Socialism is left wing simply because it's revolutionary. How ridiculous is that?
He holds reverence to blue collar workers as well, saying before how making music is absolutely nothing compared to working "outside" for a living. Also, he's made it loud and clear that people shouldn't be asking rockstars/musicians economic/social/political questions in the first place, as they probably don't know what the hell they are talking about. He seems like a swell dude, very much an outsider and quite humble, particularly for a guy that grew up in the nihilistic, liberal music scene of Washington grunge.
neo-paleo-conservatives are the Trotskyists.
It's just a result of everyone wanting to call their opponent literally Hitler
Unfortunately, many metal heads are man children. Go to a show sometime and see for yourself
It's a workers movement, not a conservative movement. It was not in any way conservative and your definition is wrong.
They all are because metal is for man children.
just looking at his hair i can tell he's a retard. probably shouldnt take what he says too seriously
Hitler hijacked a workers movement and made it into something far more effective than it initially was. And he gave a lot of power to private business in a way that is typically loathed by socialists.
better than shit rap
Not as much power as you think, and it was all under government control.
So what?
But Ozzy is an idiot.
Do you usually seek the opinions of Jewish musicians/entertainers?
He's a lovable idiot, though.
Literally who?
Keep talking out of your ass.
I always knew the Melvins were redpilled.
Should be valid,but everytime i say that Im either called a leftie or nazi
Although i hate you both equally
I totally agree with this
Even George Lincoln Rockwell described it as left wing. Get your ass out of your ass.