Drumpftards getting smashed in berkeley

>n-n-next time i'll bring muh gunz


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you are very rude

>physically assault people who have a different opinion
>call yourself """ANTI"""fascist

Leftists are truly horrible people.

i unironically support gassing them

trumptards btfo

If someone dies, Civil war will trigger
Check them.

>physically assault people who have a different opinion
That's not fascism

How is that facism?

This thread again.

I don't have my guns yet though. Fuck my state.

Did fascists use violence to silence political opposition? Yes or no?

smash fascism

you were endowed by your creator with the right to keep and bear. your survival is your own responsibility, and no excuse matters.

You're right, fits closer to terrorism. Violence with political agenda.

How are you going to smash anything, you 5'2 gypsy?

>american """""""""""fights""""""""""

was getting assfucked by antifa part of their plan?


Lol someone is going to bring a gun and start a monkey war

Is this the same Romanian shitposters from Sup Forums

If so, you've gone down in my estimation, Wasteman

They're commies. Don't fucking call them the REAL fascist or you are just cucking to the lefty narrative.

fascists aren't the only people to attack dissidents.

shitty b8 m8

slide thread. gay, fake, sage. theres happenings.

dumbass inbred crackers got what they deserve

socialism shall inherit the earth

Calling them communists doesn't have the same power.

It's easier to point out how actual Fascists -- and Communists and Nazis, etc. -- used violence to oppress/suppress speech.

To counter antifa with calling them commies doesn't work well because it's like calling a Nazi a Maoist. You want to show that they are operating exactly in the manner that they [supposedly] despise. Painting them as hypocrites works far better than as commies because an illogical idea has a short shelf-life when someone has to actually consider it.

LOL I hope some of that right-wing scum had to go to the hospital.

Enjoy that $1,000 plus medical bill, dipshits.

That's what you voted for.

all i can see is antifa getting fucked up with kendo sticks desu

I live on the other side of the world so I can't participate in the greatest happening of our lifetime.

What is your fucking excuse Americans?

Daily reminder that there are currently thousands of American cucks who did not go there to defend western civilization.

Just a reminder that every time you see an American poster on Sup Forums, the chance of him being a cuck who let ANTIFA fuck up Trump supporters is about 99,9%.

You should all feel ashamed.

you killed the natives in order to establish your cuck union.
you hypocrite little bitch.

Lol gypsy go shave your eyebrows

With everything being filmed, they're going to get a nice settlement from that aggravated assault charge.

Hope the jail time was worth it.
Hope the loss of your job was worth it.
Hope the crippling debt from the civil suit case was worth it.

>killed the natives

The natives were given a choice, get sent into reservations or die. Dont act like the natives were peaceful people, they were not.

whats so fast about fascism

>That old grimy kike getting in that guys face and pointing saying "you are a coward"

I will never understand the calmness these guys have. I would have fucking clobbered that fucker straight in his face

Drumpf supporters watch out!

Are those Ancaps I see?

Kek that Ancap was fucking up those commies. Mad Respect

Natives killed eachother and were too weak to survive disease. American military did more to protect peaceful tribes from raiding tribes like Apache but lest just ignore that right.

>What even is history

lol wtf does the arrows mean

You are playing into their hands by doing that.

Same thing if they call you a racist. If you try to go on the defensive by claiming "I am not a racist" or "you're the racist" you feed right into their trap.

The best way to deal with it is to say "You're right so what?" or "What are you going to do about it"

these people are abominations of a decaying civilization.

fascism was a response to communist subversion and aggression

These idiots are so fucking divorced from reality. If they weren't being supervised they're get their heads stomped in.

drumpf's handicapped children learned a lesson today.
the hard way.


Yes, so did the Bolsheviks, the French Revolutionaries, the American Revolutionaries (aka the violent liberal separatist traitors), etc. Were they all fascists?

Nazis vs Commies, this is fucking nuts.

Look at the names of the places this happens in m8
All the states the "mighty antifa warriors" dwell in are liberal shit holes where conservatives are grossly outnumbered
Look up the antifa fellas beating conservatives in Arkansas, Arizona, Texas, etc...
You won't find it because they know they'll get shot

I blame video games and television. Technology is making us weaker as a species

literal hobbit at 3:42.

Why do these retarded protests never happen here within driving distance(Florida)?

>mfw I willl never get to roll into a crowd of antifas with my buddies while blasting patriotic metal because I live in South Carolina
I wish they would leave their campuses and try it here.

"The blood of the martyrs are the seed of the church."

The more violent left-wing subhumans become, the stronger the right will grow.

It's certainly part of the problem. One of many.

Am i the only one that thinks it was the antifa who lost that brawl?

The Trump side clearly had bats with American flags on them and were wrecking cunts

There are a lot us us natives still alive. Stop using us as an excuse for your shit behavior faggot.

why doesn't anyone just bring a gun like an adult

i love when people get fucked up on camera
>tfw nobody drove through the fight

because all you gun fags do is shoot paper targets in the woods and give handjobs to bears

Gay ass Berkeley

knee status: LOCKED

Aye, I'm proud of /ourguys/

What's wrong Drumplards?
I thought leftists were all low-test cucks.
Can't roll with the punches? LAMO

They will still try and spin it as their victory though, just like they did with Sacramento. They're all bark and no bite.

the arrows are pointing to the place theyre going when they die, Hell.

after God gets rid of earth

oh i didnt know i was a gun guy, thanks for assuming.

Using soapy water would be good enough to remove capsaicin.

It is an essential oil so that's about the best option

they're bigots

Yeah and when antifa is rioting in paris you should go there or u r cuck. America is huge and states are basically countries in their own right. When Trump rallies happen where I live I go to them, I don't go to shitlib campuses days away to defend people who would probably condemn me for being violent.

Actually that was pretty balanced. Trump supporters held their ground and weren't 'chased away' like some delusional antifas are claiming. Proud Boys clearly went prepared and did well against the antifas in the second video. At least one antifa got their head smashed in real good early on in it. That was hardly 'bashing the fash', you got as good as you gave which was piss poor given the numerical advantage antifa had.

The Milo protests you beat up a bunch of unarmed students like cowards, this time you faced proper opposition and they held the line.

I didn't know it was happening or else I would have gone. Also Berkeley is a nigger infested shit hole right next to Oakland and no parking.

They're using the same tactics that the SA Brownshirts used. Fascism or no, they're still totalitarian twats.

Can you even imagine what it would be like to lock your knees like that?


the more lefties that glorify and celebrate this the more people will turn against them.Thank you!

Haha this lil normie dude thinks brownshirts were the bad guys

i believe after about 10 minutes (less with her...density) she would pass out. ive seen ppl pass out from locked knees at church n sheeit.

Everyone on here thinking they are above violence is a lying fucking cuck, if it was trump supporter kicking ass they would be jizzing their pants.

shut the fuck up already, every fucking political movement has used violence it doesnt make you better or worse , thats just how the world is

owning a brown shirt
"i wanna look like poop"


Those thots are prime candidates for RIGHT WING DEATH SQUAD RAPE GANGS


wait, are you saying leftfags are violent thugs?

You mean isis?


Yeah but for white people.


>implying they have jobs

WTF, now they are cult chanting like a bunch of mindless drones.
Where is a truck when you need it.


Good job letting the far-left set your political ground, jackass.
This is why you ((((alt-right)))) losers are cucks.

wtf was mr bobblehead doing the filming?

:))) so much this

Looks like an absolute clusterfuck.

Nobody here is alt right

lol nope, you are too funny boi

those cows are nigger tier. have fun getting rolled over on.

Drumpftards 'smashed'.

Are liberals just retarded? Why do they fall for the traps literally every single time?