Why aren't you securing the existence of our people and a future for white children, Sup Forums?
Why aren't you securing the existence of our people and a future for white children, Sup Forums?
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Securing our existence looks like this you faggots.
But I am. By memeing.
I'd rather secure me some boipucci desu.
Sounds like a non-white name.
Anyway, I'm not white myself. I'm Mediterranean European. I have tan skin and black hair.
I don't consider myself white, because I was subjected to police harassment. They must've thought I was a Mexican or something.
Guess I'm not white enough according to the police.
because im gay
Come here you.
Is there any problem you fascist?
Because I want to breed a Asian woman from behind.
But I do! I am currently in a relationship with a beautiful white girl from South Africa who now returned to her ancestral grounds.
I not only secure the future of the white people.
I make the white people come home.
But I do! I am currently in a relationship with a beautiful white girl from South Africa who now returned to her ancestral grounds.
I not only secure the future of the white people.
I make the white people come home.
Oh I see this one needs to be pacified first.
chasing a 10/10 blonde, green eyed, qt3.14 atm. I'm good looking but fairly autistic. wish me luck...
Working on it.
bigot racist, reported
Because my wife and I much prefer being by ourselves with no kids.
Because I don't give a fuck and I'm going to date outside of my race because White women aren't worth a fingernail.
t. Blonde haired blue eyed Aryan of Germanic stock
Because of my appearance, women ignore me even though I have a car and a median income office job. I look very feminine - narrow shoulders, small wrists, boyish facial features. No woman could possibly want me.
So I guess to answer your question, I can't really contribute to population replacement because I'm currently being selected out of the gene pool.
>tfw I'm a green-eyed blonde german descendant and the greatest woman that I've met, and that will be the mother of my children, is a breed of japanese with brazilian-native/portuguese
I've betrayed you guys, Sup Forums
Found you some boipucci to secure.
Honey, it's not the color of your skin that determines what you belong to. I'm as white as white can be but Diamond and Silk are ten times as American as I'll ever be. And that's the stone cold truth.
This is why BR's get zero respect around here. Your children will no longer have the rights to being master race.
I'm not white.
Kek, I wonder if Pence sees and knows about these memes. They're fucking hilarious.
my girl is asian. i white. racemixing is not that bad imo. the important thing is do educate childrens to increase IQ. I guess one significant redpill i took is the IQ one. not beating children increase IQ like many other good parenting thing do.
i guess anyone can figure out how racemixing can increase the world population iq.
Netherlands is going to be under water in less that 100 years. You'd have a better shot at securing a Dutch future in RSA, even with the blacks
There is a lot more that goes into white people than IQ. Ever wonder why the so-called high iq asians never invented much of anything?
Don't worry. When you're in your room masturbating to her image, she's getting railed by Tyrone.
Fair enough. Secure the future of your race then, user
Just described me and have beautiful Afro-Brazilian gf. Just stop trying to impress them. Be yourself and everything will fall into place.
Race mixing to ascend my children beyond sun sensitive milk skinned bitches
asian had real civilisations and invented gunpowder. they had organised battles alsmost like the one in europe. long lasting empire and they had vessels in the ocean even naval war battle. all of that on their own with no contact with europe.
If IQ was the end all be all then humans would already have much higher IQs, hell you could make a good case that too high of an IQ hinders people. Either it is at the optimal amount or there are simply more important things to be considered.
It's like the whole thing with a horse. What's the point in having a horse with a high IQ, it's not going to be "being a horse" any better than a regular one.
Because I'm black. But I'd gladly impregnate a white woman since no one here is able to get off their computer and start a relationship.
I guess if hapas are a race now, then sure.
>Mediterranean European
>Not white
Stop blaming the italians and spaniards, you're a nigger. Period.
Do your part, faggot.
Make it happen
because i married an asian woman instead
Just as I predicted
Really want a hapa gf. My first crush in middle school was a hapa. Ultra qt too.
But I'm just tired right now, man. Better to focus on my mind first.
Someone start the procreation general again pls
>non-white name
It's a redhead name.
asian-white mixed kids are more likely to have mental illnesses. Also good look if they need a bone marrow. Won't be easy to find one.
>posting your IRL waifu on the chins
Enjoy your herpes. Any woman who talks like that has eaten a lot of cock and bush. Gardens my hairy ass.
can anyone save the screenshio of in archive.is every 60-120 mins? i go sleep
Whites are collectively a group of limpwristed faggots who are solely responsible for our own descent, any white children are going to grow up in a beige world of forced silence
Because I like Asian pooky better now. Western women are ruined jewshill trash. Native asians are fashy as fuck.
Its romance talk, poo.
Because she has red hair, I called her my rose. And how I want to plant her in my garden. And becuase she's a woman and horrible at comprehension skills, this was her response to my lengthy poetic paragraph.
Gotta prove I'm doing my part, not some faggot larper. Hopefully inspiring others.
>average stormnigger approaches "pure aryan waifu"
>"h-hey eva"
"oh hi user, weather's nice toda-"
>"oh yeah, glad it isn't raining. you know that the jews put chemicals and shit in the atmosphere to contaminate the rain?"
>"uh ok user"
>"yeah, it's to damage the hormonal balance of white men so all the other races outbreed us. that's why there's so many queers and trannies around nowadays."
">uhhhhhhhhhh whatever you say user, i'm gonna go hang out with tyrone i'll see u later!" *awkward smile*
maybe that's why Sup Forums
the Pope told me not to
Lol nice heart faggot
which pope? lel
This beaner gets it.
Just don't be fucking autistic as shit. Leave politics out, and just talk; sports, weather, family, hobbies, anything that won't lead you fucks to sperging out.
I realized earlier today I wasnt really doing much for the cause. Its just nearly impossible to find a redpilled qt
>is brunette
What did he mean by this?
Fell in love with someone who cant have children.
German/Dutch lineage with blue eyes and brown hair married to a redhead with brown eyes of English descent.
How many kids should we have Sup Forums?
user, let me help you. Honestly.
I see so many anons say this, but honestly they need to just look around and pick some things out.
Most solid relationships don't really appear when both people are strangers. user, where did you grow up? Think of any female who isn't family and see if your mind wanders anywhere.
My waifu was a childhood friend of mine from elementary. We were very close. She moved a few districts away before middle school. We found each other last year. And it took off from there.
>brown eyes
Western nations should really consider prohibiting anime, that shit turns people into cucks faster than just about anyone.
Because I want to impregnant this.
>Because white girls won't talk to me.
>bad lighting
Freckles, and green eyes tho.
i'm transcenescent so women in my normative age group are not attractive to me and the one's i'm attracted to cannot reproduce :(
don't care haha lol, no idk
Literally posting the top .01% of a race to convince us that blacks are superior to whites
Doesn't look like it, doesn't even look auburn. Picks or fuck off.
Gotta secure multiple existences at once you know what I mean?
I have IRL friend who knows that feel.
The .01% of that race is better than any white bitch.
>half mexican
>brown eyes
>brown hair
>tan skin
I'm half tempted to go to one of those mennonite (german/dutch for the uncultured) communities and woo a girl there just to fuck with you guys. Thanks to how genetics work and the fact that there are definitely multiple Latinos in the average mennoniita's heritage the offspring is statistically more likely to not come out "aryan" or whatever and with a few more generations the white skin/blue eyes/blond hair and other shitty recessive genes will be bred out.
>while autistic Sup Forumstards are sperging out in America trying to get a gf Brayan and Kevin are out impregnating literal aryans in Mexico and outbreeding the race Sup Forums cares so much about for some reason
Not really senpai, unless the inspiration is more autism. I wouldn't soil my waifu by posting her in this cesspool. Absolutely shameful tbqh.
Roll trips, straya.
And I'll dump her entire nude collection.
Find me someone who is 'wife material' in this God-forsaken degenerate disgusting spiritual wasteland of a country and I'll get right to it.
are you even husband material?
different guy here,
i can see her fucking ribs lol
I prefer my gingers in a healthy weight range anyway.
Yes sir
Like everyone else on this board, I'm not white, and I'm not into cuck shit enough to come over and breed their women for them.
Alright time to deliver
Cant afford yet. White kids are expensive and take preference.
I hope this is a fucking joke, You're falling for a jew meme.
>What are surrogates
They exist now, Have white children through those.
Back when the average weight of women wasn't 166 lbs (yes this is the current US avg)
jus use a surrogate
not even a problem nowadays
is there a problem with that?
This we are considering. She just found out recently one of her old friends runs an agency for surrogates that finds people in our area. Its being worked on and im blessed to have these options unlike others.
>Gotta prove
For what purpose
>White surrogates exist now
>Fuck that, I'll racemix so my child will have mental illnesses and will hate themselves.
The world needs less mongrel children.
dumb fag
Have a black man breed her. They're extra fertile, it may just be your weak european seed.
It's not my fault you chose this future racemix fags.
Anyone else prefer Mediterranean and Jewish looking women over whites?