>be 16
>pro-gun retard defending that guns could've stopped 9/11
>get BTFO in heated debate in reddit
>realize minorities are mostly the victims of gun violence
>realize gun ownership is glorified genocide
>realize having a gun won't help you if the state comes for you with tanks and choppers
>realize plenty of people are dying in mass shootings because americans are retards who need guns to compensate for small penis
When did you grow out of "muh guns"?
When that white boy shot up that mosque in quebec
>sandy hook
libtards please leave
Okay, now gtfo
>wanting Drumpf to disarm the resistance
The left have second amendment rights too. :^)
>talking about guns
forgot to turn off your proxy ctr
Another tragedy that could've been avoided if there were no guns.
If Sandy Hook wasn't real (lol), I still have a thousand more school shootings to use as example.
Was Columbine an inside job?
>debate in Reddit
1 pão com mortadela has been deposited into your account.
>realize having a gun won't help you if the state comes for you with tanks and choppers
You need infantry to occupy territory.
It's part of the reason why ISIS was so successful at their startup, even with daily airstrikes.
Also I'm 90% sure that Russia would help an American rebellion against a tyrannical government so tanks would be pretty fucked because of ATGMs
Still from Brazil, shill
Will Sup Forums ever acknowledge that other people can have opposed opinions unironically without being paid to do so?
"CTR" and "Shills" are just a cop out to "Stop saying things that make sense!"
I supported Trump and even Trump is in favor of some regulation of guns. You don't want terrorists getting them. I just want to go a step forward so NO ONE gets them and then no one dies.
gas yourself hue filth
Yes, fucking Russia will start WW3 to help 400 pounds diabetical internet rednecks to resist the biggest military in the world.
Do gunfags even hear themselves?
The day I was so hooked up on coke, I had already been sucking dick for coke for a wile and then a CTR shill offered me half a gram of pure bolivian in exchange for being anti-guns, probably the same that happened to you but are too ashamed to admit
During a full blown civil war the United States Military wouldn't be in a position to attack Russia.
>t. huehue that doesn't know that proxy wars are the most popular way for superpowers to combat eachother
Just look at Syria my man :')
Not an argument
>gun ownership is glorified genocide
This is what they're going to start saying next isn't it?
Never unlike you Brazilian pussy
FACE IT, Sup Forums.
>guns are ego services that might fall in the hands of a psychotic person that will kill en masse
>it's 2017. they are utterly useless in case of a war against the state
>gunfags still thinking the brits will come with cheap muskets and sick germans and scots iin ships to fight the colonized
>meanwhile people for real are dying who could be alive (Columbine, Sandy Hook, Bataclan, Pulse Night Club, that boy with a bowl haircut who shot a church, Elliot Rodger...)
I'd mention the gun deaths in the black community but Sup Forums doesn't care.
doesn't Latin America have one of strictest gun laws??? and yet it's one of the most violent regions in the world, even topping war zones like Iraq and Syria.
>realize minorities are mostly the victims of gun violence
this was the plan of the eternal burger
>Be Brazil
>Have strictest gun law
>Walk outside and get shot by a favela dweller who made a hand gun out of pipe, wood and some zip ties
>But muh gun laws
thats not the Point, he absolutely reasonably explained to you why its possible to fight the government with an armed populace.
I hope you faggots realize that this is a shill post
>completely delusional american fantasizing about a world where americans are not 55% diabetical and can still hold heavy guns and shoot at each other without the weapons slipping from their greasy McDonald fingers
You know it is.
That's why Sup Forums likes guns. Blacks are killing blacks with them. So Sup Forums sees no problem.
Someone post the recorded gif of the guy who's kid "died" in the shooting smiling on a newscast until he sees he's on camera then makes the fakestcfrown ever.
Okay, now gtfo.
Yes. But all murder goes in favelas, crowded tourist sights, jammed tunnels, communities, local markets, specific murder streets that should be avoided, public parks, city centers, etc.
If you know what you're doing, you're pretty safe.
*fakest frown ever
Are you angry that our government gives us more dignity than yours? And that we continuously force them to enshrine this freedom?
>thinks all are americansare obese
whos delusional here?
HAHAHA, if you think the reason americans are still free is "guns", you're delusional.
Americans never wnated to be free.
They are happy being slaves to the super rich who own 99% of the country's wealthy.
>if youre visiting la and dont go to south central youll be fine
>Inb4 250 replies
BHO's wiretaps are being revealed
BHO's DOJ shakedown slush funds are being revealed
BHO's DOS conflicts of interest are being revealed
#RepealHartCeller is gaining traction
Yet we're falling for shitty shills.
Good luck with subjecting me to your fascist regime when me and every person in my state owns rifles and aren't afraid to use them. Why do you think the first step of supressing the people begins wiht taking away their weapons? Why do you think every other quote and piece of literature about liberty and freedom sites an armed population? Why do you think even Karl fucking Marx, the piece of commie trash he was, defended the right to own arms as a means to give power to the people?
Fuck off, I don't give a shit if a few druggy niggers or some faggot club gets shot up. As long as I have a gun you can not properly suppress my rights. Violence is the one true means of freedom.
>cucks and nazis alike will defend taking away guns because muh irrelevant gun deaths
I out grew the second amendment when I decided all of the Constitution should be gotten rid of and we should let the powerful elite controllable aspects of society and dictate what is best to the common citizens.
I agree with what you sayin but i dont care how many people die, i will be keeping my guns. I like that the niggers are killing each other. It keeps their population in check
it wasn't intended to be an argument
nice to see that you spotted it, means that USA education is working
aww I was going to post that, with pic
>no one gets guns then no one dies.
First I thought you must be 12, then I remembered that you were brazilian.
Your country is a third world shit hole. And has become the purge. But please keep shilling for no more guns.
Get out Sharia Blue Shill
guns exist, they are a technology.
humans cannot legislate away the laws of nature.
if people become motivated to, they can make their own firearms with relative ease
pic related is a homemade smg from Australia
>realize gun ownership is glorified genocide
you fokin wot you retard. no.
in my country we kill people that argue against gun ownership.
>get BTFO in heated debate in reddit
>getting BTFO on reddit
maybe it's just because you're a stupid person
Are you genuinely retarded? Since when does outlawing something make it stop?
Good goy
You are barizklian. Stop shitposting. Sages hard
Nothing like a 600 yd stand off range to make sure everyone can hear what you're saying
>>pro-gun retard defending that guns could've stopped 9/11
If there was an armed marshall on board the planes it could've stopped the terrorists.
>>realize minorities are mostly the victims of gun violence
Because minorities are more violent than Whites.
>>realize gun ownership is glorified genocide
So what?
>>realize having a gun won't help you if the state comes for you with tanks and choppers
But I still can fight. And the pilots of those tanks and choppers have to leave those vehicles eventually.
Let alone their unprotected families become targets.
>>realize plenty of people are dying in mass shootings because americans are retards who need guns
My rights are not subject to crime statistics. It wouldn't matter if a million people a year died by firearms. I still have the right to own firearms.
>to compensate for small penis
Why are you faggots so obsessed with the size of other people's genitals?