guys are promoting white nationalism and trying to prevent interracial mixing but now you're even against people of different hair colors and eye colors mixing?
Are you fucking kidding me?
pic related guys are promoting white nationalism and trying to prevent interracial mixing but now you're even against people of different hair colors and eye colors mixing?
Are you fucking kidding me?
pic related
Love knows no race or sex or age.
or hair color or eye color
He died, though. Racemixing is bad.
How is he racemixing. She's white?
Well, she's Brazilian and she might have some Amerindian blood but that wasn't the point.
You guys also make a big deal out of people of different hair colors mixing. I mean really?
no, that's just something the shills at Shareblue are trying to push as a form of psychological warfare against whites and as a divide and conquer tactic against this board
He mixed racing with tree removal.
Damn, that's really good CGI.
People with pure brown eyes aren't white
Goddamn that dude is highly fuckable. Who dat?
what is Shareblue? these guys are responsible for all the retards coming on here lately complaining about ppl of different hair colors having sex with each other
sad you don't know user
Get off our board fucking shill
Gd Sharia blue working overtime tonight Fucking Shill
I wouldn't exactly take anything Sup Forums says about women, sex, reproduction, etc. seriously.
They are so inexperienced and sour grapes on these matters, you might as well ask a blind person for their opinion on Picasso's blue period.
If your second toe isn't bigger than your first, you are not white and should move to Africa
a lot of Aryans live in South Africa and they're whiter than most Europeans and Americans kek
For most of these guys eye and hair colour shouldn't matter much, but as a blue eyed ginger I should really make the extra effort to find my female phenotypic equal and make babies
Ok then, let me guess. He's some worthless Pedowood faggot the Jews expect me to spend time thinking about.
Race mixing with blacks throws your genetics into a gene pool that's tens of thousands of years behind on the evolutionary timeline.
They're still adapting to grain diets, slowly, over thousands of years, their skin will lighten, their bones and muscles will weaken, and their IQs will go up.
Whites and Asians already underwent the process by mastering agriculture long ago. Even if we could somehow accelerate evolution in blacks, the majority of them would have weaker bones, muscles, and vitamin deficiencies than modern whites and asians.
Natural selection has made it to where modern whites and asians are the ones who survived the transition from hunter gatherer to religious, farming age, tribal warriors and now ultimately, modern civilized humans. Blacks not only need to evolve, but natural selection needs to weed out the ones who will not be make the cut. Our long history of war and disease was where our natural selection took place.
By mixing your genes with blacks, you would be forcing your offspring into having to evolve within that process, when if you had just reproduced within your own race, your offspring would be genetically modern, without the burden of having to take part in the genetic evolution of a foreign race.
The problem with racemixing between whites and asians is less severe, because we have less genetic differences, we both had agriculture, sophisticated tribal politics, and imperial civilizations that developed from our own people.
>shill image
CTR pls leave
But it's still irresponsible to racemix, even between whites and asian. Our genes have been developed slowly, over time, within our dramatically different tribal and civilized cultures. By mixing them, you're creating a person who will never be able to draw upon all of their genes while trying to fit into a culture. Only half of their genes will benefit them no matter where they go.
If you search your heart you'll see that what I'm describing is our reality, and mix raced people suffer from genetic dysphoria in a personal, internal level. When someone is half black, and half white, any time they're in a black neighborhood, they're half the nigga that the rest are. Imagining what it's really like for a person, who needs to force half of who they are into not expressing itself into their environments, you have to acknowledge how terrible racemixing is for children.
Elliot Rodger felt like he had no place in this world because he was racemixed, he thought it was because modern girls don't appreciate gentlemen, but ultimately, his personality was foreign to both white girls, and asian girls.
We can't force children to reconcile 40,000 years of genetic differences within a single childhood.
It's just wrong.
Genes are defined by culture over time. Personalities are heavily influenced by one's ethnicity, it's evolutionary biology.
One cannot expect a person from one ethnic culture to attempt assimilating into another ethnic culture without experiencing cultural dysphoria. People call it homesickness.
When you blend racial genes through miscegenation, it results in a kind of cultural dysphoria on a genetic level, which would be ethnic dysphoria that I described earlier.
One's genes will never be able to be fully applied to any society, one racial group of genes will remain dormant, while the other is explored and expressed. Although they may not witness any problems from doing that, the point is that they would have been better accomplished, and more well rounded individuals, if they could apply all of their ethnic instincts and expressions to their environment.
It's just like "junk DNA" in evolutionary biology, when people evolve, DNA for useless traits never fully go away, they just stop expressing themselves in the organism because our environments have higher demand for other genetic features, so those are the features that continue to evolve, and the obsolete features become encroached upon by the features that continue to develop, or new features that develop, until the obsolete traits are minimized to such a degree that it's like they don't exist.
Race mixing results in a person either moving back and forth between both racial genetic markers, or choosing one and rendering the other as a massive collection of junk DNA that won't be used.
Getting them to work together would be the best for internal harmony, but it's unfair to expect children to reconcile all of those traits, and even if accomplished, they will struggle with integrating into communities, since communities are designed to accommodate ethnic traits.
>but now you're even against people of different hair colors and eye colors mixing?
Who is? Unironically?
Determining racial "Superiority" requires some set list of criteria.
Whites and Asians are superior to Blacks regarding the biological capability to establish and operate within Civilizations.
Blacks are superior to Whites and Asians regarding the biological capability to preform the activities required in Hunter Gatherer cultures.
Racial "Superiority" can be objective and factual, so long as there is a specific criteria. However, "Superiority" with regard to any given activity, does not imply *evolutionary* superiority.
"More" evolved and "Less" evolved can be treated the same way.
Whites and Asians are "More" evolved to Agricultural diets and the societal infrastructures of Civilization.
Blacks, along the evolutionary timeline, and better suited to Hunter Gatherer diets and Tribal societal infrastructure, but because Whites and Asians *used* to live in those ways, and literally "evolved" out of them, Blacks are "Less" evolved to what are generally perceived as "Modern" ways of living found in Civilization and Agricultural living.
It's not accurate to bluntly state that one racial group is superior, or less evolved, but those can be objective conclusions within specific contexts.
Race is an evolutionary and biological reality, and pointing out that reality does not make someone incorrect.
Calling people racist, as if that's all that needs to be said in order to refute a central point, is a fallacy, because not all statements that can be proven to be racist, are untrue, or fallacious in their own right.
You don't deserve to have an opinion on the subject if you refuse to investigate the subject matter.
>and trying to prevent interracial mixing
Don't care. People do all kinds of weird shit with adoptions and cosmetic surgery or genetic engineering. "race" per-se doesn't matter. what does matter is not letting places like Mexico off the hook, forever a burden, without sorting its shit out and stabilizing.
They are also pushing this shit test to probe and see if white people will prostrate themselves and self flagelate. THIS IS WHAT PSYCHOPATHS DO. WILL NOT ACCEPT.
alright let's not pretend that it doesn't happen you kiwi retard.
i hope whatever girl you like hops on a big south african cock
last time i visited NZ, women kept talking about how saffers have bigger cocks than kiwis
Watcha doin' there, rabbi.
yes but that's just you.
why are there a huge amount of retards on this board complaining about ppl of different hair colors mixing?
i mean even the most racist white nationalists ive met don't hold this view. is Sup Forums just incredibly autistic?
after posting a pic of me with my tan brown eyed brunette wife, some kiwi Sup Forums tard doxxed me and trolled my family on facebook complaining that we "mixed"
>tfw your best friend dies and the film series your most known for can't continue without him, so you end up letting your once swole body turn to flab and getting into fights with the rock on set
>Civic Nationalism
we prefer SDF (Swanny defense force)
studies show that ppl who live in frozen wastelands like canada have small dicks
Relax pol is satire.
idk...i actually legitimately believe some of you Sup Forums retards have a problem with people of different hair colors mixing
I don't believe it does happen. I think you saw ONE person make a comment about it and now believe all of Sup Forums agrees with that person.