Is this the only Sup Forums-approved major movie franchise?
Is this the only Sup Forums-approved major movie franchise?
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28 days later my man, redpilled to fuck.
Queer hobbits... Sup Forums approved? Get the hell out of here.
What? No
Early James Bond is probably the most manly franchise out there. It's just some guy that goes around fucking women from different countries and saving the world.
Even the Fistful of Dollars franchise is really good. Do you even watch movies, user-kun?
Someone post the essential pol viewing guide
I prefer Game of Thrones despite knowing it is blue-pilled.
The death-wish series. Any movie with John Wayne and Clint Eastwood.
Definitely one of the most redpilled movies. People were educated about the Saturnian cult without even realizing it.
Well Game of Thrones has no black people, nearly everyone is white.
>All white cast
>Enemies are all faceless mooks with deformed features and grisly dark skin with a few token Arab lookalikes
>Invasion of pure, white "West" by literally evil forces from the "East"
>Most noble people have exclusively blond hair and blue eyes
Yeah it's definitely approved.
Essential Sup Forums playing
wicked men, servants of Sauron
>major movie franchise?
Yes it is.
But not the only movie/media.
Rambo too.
Not a movie franchise.
No Country For old Men
Pretty damn good.
It is the most recent film I have watched.
Is Rambo "major" though?
First Blood is a godly film.
Can't forget this one.
Arwen has brown hair
But she is very tall with blue eyes
I love a good /lotr thread/
Let's try not to bring to much attention to these classic movies I don't want them and Tolkien disparaged
Waifu since i was a kid when it was in theatres
Human Revolution was pretty good