Why do white boys fetishize women of color?
Why do white boys fetishize women of color?
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because a mexican girl could make me burritos
Sounds like a better black chick writing that. She's protecting her own race from these women attractive black man
I don't because non-whites are repulsive.
What do stinky Latina feet smell like?
Well from that pic it's not that their being fetishized so much because of them being of color (they all look majority white) but them being motherfucking hot as hell, anybody who wouldn't fetishize them is fucking gay.
They fetishize us. They can't resist us
We still have the urge to colonise. We can't do it to countries anymore so we do it with wombs
Everyone knows black girls want us
This guy gets it
Correct term is White men and black boys.
>women of color
Ever notice how this only seems to refer to blacks and Mexicans? I've never once met an Asian who considered themselves to be a colored person.
I feel like 90% of what makes some minorities poor/oppressed is this attitude of self-identifying as such.
Can someone translate the monkey speak
>implying this post wasn't written because of the authors own insecurities
women, everyone.
Its true, if black women cant get a white guy, they settle for mixed guys like me. White and mixed anons, dont fuck black girls because if she gets pregnant best believe shes keeping it.
>people who make being poor and oppressed part of their identity tend to remain poor and 'oppressed'
Figured that out all by yourself did ya m8?
In the past foreign women were taken as spoils of war and kept as concubines or servants. Only until the advent of Christianity were wives the sole sex partner for a man.
Screwing your foreign kitchen slave was not "cheating" and was a regular part of life.
Perhaps men have a social memory where they instinctually recall their ancestors' glory and long for it themselves.
Those are European women, not squat mestizo subhumans.
Can use them any way we want because they aren't like real people
Yes, it fucking is.
Now pull down my pants and suck me.
Because fucking animals is a fetish. According to the CDC 48% of black women have herpes. Do you think playing russian roulette with your cock is something normal people do?
Some stupid nigger wrote that, when will they invent punctuation?
They usually don't. If any do, it's because they seem exotic enough. But that's about it.
Looks like Venezuela needs some Democracy.
Anyone have links to this degenerate stuff so I can avoid it? Preferably HD
cause accents are hot as fuck
and mexican food is good.
and I'm a american and i'll fetishize whatever the fuck I want.
Like arroz con pollo.
I'm feeling the urge to colonize
Because I can fuck them, but I could never catch feels for a non-white. I kind of like knowing that. It takes away the emotional anxiety.
what's with the fucking cocoa butter though?
I've never seen any interracial couple in here.
it's myth.
Avoiding ashy skin
>not wanting to bury your face in some tight panty clad latina booty
It is our divine duty as white men, created in gods image, to be shepherds of prosperity and enlightenment. In order to do that, we spread our seed across this beautiful planet. It is the duty of every white man, dictated by god, to impregnate as many foreign women as possible with the limited time he has. Most of the worlds problems can be attributed to one thing, the lack of European DNA in the stock of the worlds lesser races. The time has come again to embark on the next sexual conquest, just as the great men before us. DEUS VULT
>women of color
>women of intelligence
>women of butts
Tarded english desu
>wanna get a loyal coon woman
>don't wanna race mix
Well shit
>bury your face in some tight panty clad latina booty
Come on folks let's get a source here
those are europeans
Someone mainstream this