Any other Chicagoland fags here? Is our city completely lost to nogs and libs? What can we do at this point?
General chicago discussion thread
Also, winnetka reporting in, poorfags
Any other Chicagoland fags here? Is our city completely lost to nogs and libs? What can we do at this point?
General chicago discussion thread
Also, winnetka reporting in, poorfags
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bump cuz im a faggot
Chicagofag here.
I've lived around the city, but now I'm in the northwest suburbs.
Black people have been telling me that they are losing their positions of power at different work places and stuff like that, so maybe the liberalism is diminishing a little bit?
I personally don't go downtown anymore because the crime is just fucking ridiculous and I don't want to put up with it.
People regularlly tell me I'm the only Trump supporter they've ever met in real life. So that's probably not a good sign.
i think liberalism has been on the decline in general around the area, but i think it may have gone up a bit actually because of trump
i know plenty of conservatives around my area but whenever im down in the city it seems like everyone is a liberal
South Side here.
I know lots of Trump supporters, myself included. It sucks down here.
i can has the violence been so far this year...i actually havent heard that much so is it better this year?
I've never met anybody between the ages of 18-30 in Chicago who was a republican and supported Trump The city is just a fucking cesspit. Unless you are there for a concert or you're taking some worthless skank on a date, it's just a shitshow.
I think Chicago is probably lost to liberalism. Isn't it one of the most liberal places in America?
I've only been to the south side a few times. Save up and try to get a job in the suburbs, it's much better.
>The U.S. government is considering slashing funding for Great Lakes restoration by 97 per cent next year — from US$300 million to $10 million annually, a leaked document shows.
Why does the right hate clean water?
No, it's always getting worse. I live about 10 minutes from Harvey, the busses just pour them into the last nice areas left. It spreads like a cancer cell.
Is it true that Chicago has the highest amount of people moving out? It seems like the highways keep getting more and more congested.
Even in the suburbs, there's people FUCKING EVERYWHERE
I work in a trade, so I make good money. I just have to find a place that's not ridiculously expensive, or flooded with animals. There's very little middleground left that the left isn't trying to pollute.
I've been in Naperville my entire life, in my late 20's now. Trump supporter bigly.
I work remotely, and by the fall I'll have the money to get a place like this on Michigan Ave:
I'm a largely introverted person (sober at least), and the only time I'd go out is on the weekends to get laid. I want to go here just because I find the view gorgeous. For someone like me, do you guys think this would work out?
That sucks too because a Sabaton concert is happening there soon, but I don't want to get raped by niggers.
Who /michiganavenue/ here?
I go to (((feinberg)))
I don't think the population has stopped booming in the burbs since the 60's, when Alcatel-Lucent opened some big facility here. It started a chain reaction that largely continued to this day.
Sure it looks nice at first, but the traffic, people, and downtown "culture" will get to you sooner as opposed to later. I like to keep downtown for special events so it still holds that "wonder" aspect.
I grew up in Lake Forest and now reside in conservative McHenry. I have my CCL and never leave home without a sidearm, especially if I'm going to Chicago. The women in Chicago are unreal for the most part.
>the water is dirty and in need of cleaning
our water is fine
If you actually look at the stats, I think Chicago is recovering. Outer suburbs are exploding
>lake forest
Laff sounds like me. I used to work in Lake Forest and I live around Mchenry.
>women in Chicago are unreal
What do you mean by that?
I've fucked some women in Chicago that were just like...turbo sluts. Like they want their asses fucked and then cum on their face. I don't know what's wrong with them, but I like it
well it's a good school, just run by (((them)))
get a good job after school and come to the suburbs
Yeah, they're a lot of fun. Some of them are very good looking is my point.
Detroit 2.0
Also, fuck the property taxis in Illinois and they're probably raising the income tax.
when will this meme die???
chicago, in general, is economically recovering, the crime is just shit
fuck detroit
Dude may be referencing the city's debt burden
Go home Jew.
>Is our city completely lost to nogs and libs?
well trump won so theres hope
i think you mean glencoe
we have our share of jews but so does every rich suburb except for kenilworth which is tiny
Dude what the fuck is up with that.
Like you go downtown and every woman with good genetics has congregated to the city of Chicago. Plus many of the men are beta liberal feminist faggots, so these women are sexually frusterated.
Have you noticed this shit? Or is this just a meme?
i've noticed that chicago has better women than other major cities in the us like nyc and la
idk must be the polish genes :)
>Like you go downtown and every woman with good genetics has congregated to the city of Chicago. Plus many of the men are beta liberal feminist faggots, so these women are sexually frusterated.
>Have you noticed this shit? Or is this just a meme?
It's not just a meme and I constantly see guys dating way out of their league.
So many smoke shows in Chicago, though. It's insane.
Jolietfag here
Typically in chicago alot when I visit friends, play in an indoor league, or bang my whore ex gf
Chicago is a cancer. I used to love it pre election but now I want the place glassed
It's the exact same thing in the richer suburbs around here too. Anyone with game and is decent looking can slay here.
>own 3 properties in suburban cook county
>total assessed value is a little over 400k
>have to pay 15k a year in property taxes
the worst part is that if the money went towards something worthwhile i wouldn't complain, but all three properties are in at best average school districts, and majority of the taxes go towards the schools.
one of the properties is on a street that doesn't even have a paved shoulder. it's fucking gravel.
It's not Winnetka rich, but there are plenty of neighborhoods with multimillion dollar houses. Entire neighborhoods are getting torn down and replaced with $1-3m houses left and right over the past decade.
I replied to the wrong comment, I meant this one:
>calling anywhere else a cancer
Chicago fag here. City is completely lost. I'm looking for my way out ASAP. I am the only person who actually lives in the city and is a republican.
I thought I was the only one.
Joliet has got to be the most down to Earth place I've ever been, politics aside. Even then it's just millenials.
Sounds like you're a fag.
Great to grow up in, but yeah totally shit if you grow up not doing shit with your life stuck here.
I keep thinking about moving. I've gone backpacking out west and considered moving there, but when I really look at the towns and cities, it looks shitty.
The problem with "conservative" towns, is that they are always completely shit. There's no women, no jobs, no opprotunity ect. ect.
I want to leave Chicago, but every time I start looking for somewhere else to move, it looks shitty.
I'm from rural Wisconsin, so I know how bad "small towns" can be
/n/igger here.
I want to go to Chicago to ride the El and the South Shore Line into the streets of Michigan City.
>running a train right through the middle of the street because fuck you
doesn't get much more based.
That is all. Carry on.
You don't know shit about bumping your own thread faggot.
Have fun drowning in hot lead.
chicago sucks. amazing hockey team though.
Try Williston ND if the economy there goes up again from oil. EVERYTHING there is centered around Bakken oil. My friend there for a full year in 2015 to save up money, he found a $25/hr job at Fedex and was hired within a few hours, plus a weekend job at the grocery store stocking fruit for $15/hr. Made some pretty good money for being a hs grad.
Brookfield here, beaners pouring in with each passing month. Soon to be a lost cause.
Any other 708 fags here?
the "l" is fucking shit. all the lines run in such a way that they go through the nigger neighborhoods. the best one i can think of is the blue line, since i wouldn't call purple and yellow full lines.
the trains smell like piss and two grown men can't sit next to each other without leaning on each other.
It's full of piss, niggers, and drug addicts and the college kids doing their best to separate from them, depending on which line you're on.
You don't ever want to ride the El if you don't have too, Nothing based about it other than the fuck you I'm a train aspect.
arent you the fag from the demographic bread?
former sw burbs/708, living in wisconsin here
ND is boom and bust. Also, when it's booming, there are NO women there. Pimps actually started bringing in hookers becaue there was such a market for sex last time ND was booming.
I would move to Rapid City SD if there were some good jobs in my field though
>It's full of piss, niggers, and drug addicts
so it's just like every other public transit system in burgerland. nothing I haven't seen in New York or Boston or San Francisco.
Hey Wisconsin here. We're getting ready to build a wall on the border to keep your ethnics from ruining our state even more.
Nah just started posting rait nao, was watching tv before. Cheerio.
hey man i dont wanna fucking live in the land of the obese cheese lovers.
ill just stay in the white northside/suburbs
Only way I'd pay 2,500 a month for that is if I plan to buy that. Don't fall for the rental jew.
too many spanishfags interested in chicago, why?
former hickory hills resident
What is with Wisconsin and hating people from Illinois?
I stopped in a bar one time, mind you, I'm white, clean looking, and act normally, but they told me to get the fuck out after they saw my license plate.
I just don't get it. I just ended up leaving.
Chi town best town
Mexicans are taking over
What do you guys think of forest lake?
Fuck you
t. south illinois
though I probably don't have any room to talk considering my proximity to St. Louis
>Never any Brookfield people
Most are bad at reading comprehension.
I know a neo-Nazi steelworker guy out on the west side where all the Polish people settled, he might be up for some activism. I don't live there myself anymore though. Winnetka? yeah that's a nice neighborhood, used to go to Ravinia festival in the summer time.
What can you do? Find opportunities for public speaking, go out in the public squares, talk to people, have conversations.
Also see if you can find out who these bastards are and doxx them, and make sure they don't doxx you:
Yeah I heard the strippers there $3-4k/night at the club there, guys were so horny/desperate.
So there was that. Also, there was a guy walking from the Walmart parking lot to the store around midnight, and a bunch of guys ran out of a trailer, grabbed him, and gang raped him. lol
>No state budget for 2 years.
>35 billion in unfunded city worker pensions
>Out of control nigger violence killing tourism
>Retarded taxes making residents flee to other states and stifling businesses.
>Kike mayor and police brass blame their problems on neighboring states.
Was born and raised in Chicago but I'm throwing in the towel and moving to Texas.
i love your zoo though man
fuck lincoln park zoo we got brookfield zoo
>too many spanishfags interested in chicago, why?
no idea. desu, Chicago doesn't seem like the most interesting american city, just generic megalopolis. The river with all its bridges seems kinda kewl and sheit.
Me, I'm mostly interested in Chicago for all your trains. After all, it's probably the most /n/-worthy city in all of the US, together with San Francisco (for its cable cars and historic/modern streetcars)
I'll buy something eventually, I just want to try it for one lease period (12-18 mos). Never had a place like that before and I know I'd get a lot of use out of it.
why would you want to live around niggers?
My dad is a liberal and he went up to the guy at the gym and he talks about politics, and the dude is really redpilled, right. He actually has a degree in political science and shit.
When we're going out, he sees the old fat woman that has no kids sitting on the front desk, and he gets her opinion, and obviously she's almost a socialist liberal. My dad straight up buys her bullshit on how bad trump is.
It fucking sucks here.
Trump supporters are a minority in my college, but I've found a few of /ourguys/
Also, chi-fag here, northwest suburbs.
There's a lot more of us here than you think.
Moved here recently. The degeneracy here is so bad the progressives are caricatures of themselves.
Metro east, represent. I grew up in Mascoutah.
UIUC user here currently, fending off the Chi-fags on campus.
Trump said himself there's two Chicagos. The nice pretty one, and the jungle.
theres way more than bridges and trains
i remember when the bridges were up for those fucking sail boats a few years ago, fucking hated my life sitting in traffic
also there was this spanishfag from chicago on another bread a week or two ago and we had a great chat
>theres way more than bridges and trains
like what?
I knew a bunch of the blacks in Lawndale, some are good, some bad. But they aren't all over the city, it depends on what part you're in. e.g. the Jews are in Skokie and the Muslims are out on Devon in Rogers Park
After trump deports 'em, we're going to see a huge decrease.
ayo hol up so uhh u wuz sayin wuz..
*checks out fo police*
u from chiraq?
u bdk or gdk nigga?
Chicago is an excellent negro/libtard containment zone. Great place to visit but then I flee to the suburbs. Crook county is insane and so is the city.
All the suburbs are comfy though despite TRAFFIC everywhere. Things were comfier in the 90's, less people.
south loop reporting
obesity wouldn't be such a problem if you fat niggers from chimcongo weren't constantly infesting our southern counties
because you're state is garbage. you're constantly busing your niggers around our state, fucking with our elections, sending in protestors. fuck your entire corrupt shit hole state
in downtown alone the sears tower, millenium park, in the summer lallapalooza with a shit ton of ethnic festivals in the burbs, the swimming and river tours, the st patricks day parade, yelling a shit ton of cuss words at the asian bitch in the left lane who cut you off, etc
dont forget the ethnic foods, and chicago deep dish
fuck new york city too
>chicago summed up really
I don't know a single Chicagoan that goes out to eat deep dish pizza. It's a tourist meme.
Wisconsinite who moved to Chicago here
They think illinois people are femme liberal anti-gun no fun faggots who have shitty values.
They're right, but Wisconsinites are a bunch of drunk/fat losers who barely make ends meet at 35k per year. Many die falling through the ice while drunk.
Wisconsinites are probably more badass than illinois people, but they also accomplish much less than your average illinoisfag
I got plenty of family in Chicago who get pizza at all the parties, but its always from the joint down the street, never deep dish.
pls stop calling chicagofags illinoisfags
NW burbs reporting. The area is going to shit. Herion and opiate use on the rise. Mexicans moved in 3 and 7 houses down, park 6-8 cars in their driveway and leave a bunch of shit in their lawn. I cant even talk political at work so many libtards i work with and lunches are full of "drumph did this or that" and I know if I show my power level around here Id be fired. Don't even get me started on the city.
Only good thing i can say is most shows are full of easy women that will sleep with you so long as you have a lil weed.
Planning on moving Wisconsin ways before property values start dropping more than they already are or I read about another old classmate OD'd on some shit.
I just moved here a few months ago for my Master's Degree.
I'm a Serb diaspora who lived most of his life in Toronto, Canada.
Chicago sucks man. At least mid-westerners are really nice people, much nicer than Canadians.
South Sider also. I fucking love living in the only white community down here. I see Trump signs, Don't Tread on Me Flags and complete Blue Lives Matter support around here.
Mount Prospect fag here. HS getting less white by the year, used to be known as "White Castle", fag pride club at school, diversity club, and (((their))) agenda pushed at pep rally's and in the education. All Trump supporters are retarded Chads and a few social outcasts who probably LARP here as fully blooded Germans that'll probably end themselves within the next few years. Can't say the future looks bright, but can always move to Poland since I'm the first in my family to be born here. I really hope it doesn't come to that, my town and the surrounding cities used to have such a comfy and close together feel, now it's shitskins who will outbreed us and degenerated whites. Again, only redpilled people here are racist Polaks and social outcasts.
Yeah I've also heard that deep dish is a meme. And ethnic food may be interesting, but for a foreigner it's usually quite dull to go someplace to eat ethnic food, unless it's something that you really can't find in other places and it's really good.
Also, specific events are also of little interest to foreign tourists, it's very hard to time visits with those things. Though I won't deny they're surely fun and all.
For a city of 9+ million inhabitants I really would have expected something more than a few tall buildings, a park and a couple of festivals and events. The trains and bridges still seem the most interesting part.
Chicagofag here, it's not hard to meet Trump supporters here. Every college is so cucked it's created a massive conservative backlash.
Downtown is fine and I have never been mugged or bothered.
Reverse here.
You fucking nailed it.
used to work in Lake Forest and dated a girl there
It's overrated. It's actually pretty sleepy and boring. Nothing goes on there. Nice houses I guess, if that's your thing