Is alcoholism redpilled and/or based?
Is alcoholism redpilled and/or based?
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no it is a very serious thing that ruins lives
It's the white man's addiction, though.
or helps strong, intelligent people maintain their sanity. Lots of the worlds best leaders and thinkers have been alcoholics.
it helps you be social if you're responsible. If you're nigger-tier, it increases your nigger propensities.
alcohol is degenerate desu
anything that inhibits proper functioning is degenerate, so as long as you're not a pathetic drunk, alcohol is fine
if you can shoot heroin and function properly it's acceptable
I'd say it's a white trash addiction.
Depends on the person. A lot of losers use alcohol as an excuse for their shitty lives. Their are plenty of god tier leaders and thinkers who were alcoholics and it helped them.
Alcoholics deserve everything they get, which is eventually death
Alcohol transforms you into a pathetic, undisciplined beast of man. Your face/body ages faster, you live with regret, and you waste vast amounts of money. Also, that shit makes you fat as hell.
Drink water, lift weights, eat healthy, and avoid the alcohol trap. You owe to yourself and your white children.
>which is eventually death
I drink 3 beers per day, sometimes I skip a day
am i an alchoolic?
guess so if i have to ask
Do you miss it significantly on your skip days?
If you're an Anglo it's normal.
Alcoholics do it to get drunk. 3 beers a day isnt an issue at all
I AM an Anglo, actually.
It's really not that hard to be responsible with your drinking. Have 1-3 drinks in a session, and only if it's a social setting.
I drank 3 bottles of wine last night, is that normal
user, everyone gets death in the end. That being said I will enjoy my moments of life with a bottle of wine a night.
what is this image and why are you memeing it across several threads?
Unfortunate use of the word "their"
Well if you're that obsessed with race that you're willing to kill your liver, brain, heart, bones, etc... then there's little we can do to help you.
3 beers a day is nowhere near alcohol territory, that's medically not even bad for your health, it's probably actually good for your health
a scientist with the WHO released an aggregate study showing that people who drink a six-pack per day showed no significant differences in health compared to those who didn't drink. more than that though, and health effects were visible...
I knew alcoholics. it's not a based way to die
They were great leaders and thinkers in spite of their alcoholism. It doesn't "help" anyone you retard
Hitler was a vegan faggot. He would be there with the pozzed antifa if he were alive today.
>source: my ass
What exactly do you do for happiness?
It is a lack of self control. Like almost anything else, it can be healthy for you in moderatiob
Sometimes you just need a stiff drink when you just cannot deal with peoples shit.
Have you ever tried blow?
newfags dont know about swanny
He had a health issue
any true white man drinks three or four pints a night- from a beer mug, not degenerate style straight from the can or bottle- and complements the beer with a small bowl of pretzels or peanuts. Bonus points for standing/siting on a bar stool while doing this and not slouching on a couch like a nigger, and wear a fucking real collared shirt while doing this and not an old faded tee with holes, have some self-respect while you're tying one on.
Alcohol is literally liquid blue pill. That's the entire point of it.
I drink 2 or 3 times a week.. usually about 6 beers and 3 doubles of bourbon. alcohol is the ultimate red pill. It is the water of life
Probably for the best.
A good beer/wine here and then is your goddamn cultural duty as a fucking white male
Loss of control though makes you a subhuman
>He doesn't know about Swanny
It's to be avoided, but honestly the best way to work your way out of it is to just try and be an alcohol snob and buy craft beer and high quality booze.
It's not, but the liver is awfully good at repairing itself. Provided you haven't jumped into heavy sirocis, if you lay off the alcohol for a while (and change your diet a wee bit) your liver can fully recover.
Now your skins a different story altogether, alcohol fucks that right up, always drink the occasional glass of water whilst your on the lash, and especially before you sleep.
Not drinking is blue pilled
Most white people men handle 4 or 5 pints and a few whiskeys.
Brown people on the other hand..
ever seen what happens when you give a wild injun a beer??
Umm, no its not. Plenty of women, niggers, and spics suffer from alcoholism.
t. AA fag. In my experience in the program, all demographics are pretty proportionately represented.