Why would God create woman to be weaker, smaller and less inteligent than man?
What did he mean by this?
Why would God create woman to be weaker, smaller and less inteligent than man?
What did he mean by this?
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Fewer resources wasted on raising them only for them to die in childbirth. More food left for the kids.
So you can pick them up easier
girls should be assistant of men
I'm not a Christian but wasn't Eve created just to be Adam's bitch?
He wanted them to make, feed, and take care of babies. The berry picking was mostly our decision.
I really don't know what the fuck he was thinking when he made women. Didn't take the bitch 5 minutes to fuck humanity for eternity
You should ask Eve about that
If two distinct genders are created one is obviously going to be lesser. There has to be a first and a second place.. If they were equal there would only be one gender, retard.
evolution made them that way. weaker, smaller and less intelligent women apparently have more children.
To be subservient
To each their own role.
Not even a feminist but that is some pretty stupid logic. So there can never be two things that are equal in viability and have distinct characteristics?
taytay is the reason i believe in god
>two distinct genders
Most species have two distinct genders, but not all of them have genders with so much sexual dimorphism.
No, because being short means you have a harder time reaching the top of the refrigerator
Best Emma does it for me.
In a pure mathematical sense yes, you can have different values in different dimensions but they are never equal, but they may share an equal average value of some sort.
>comparing this mentally ill whore to TSwift
I need you to leave.
I was only stating that best Emma does it for ME.
So shut your trap you raging cock addict
Shes really cute but I find her face too narrow desu
It might depend on the angle. For me its her personality in combination with her appearance.
Taytay worries me with the risk of burning coal someday. I guess I'm just guarding myself
>believing in God because of an Emma who isn't even the best Emma
Seriously, kys.
He needed some way to nerf men. In my personal op i think it was a shit balancing choice.
Emma Roberts is best Emma.
Prove me wrong.
Because they are meant to be a servant of men, not equals. Try reading the first couple chapters of Genesis to get an answer instead of shitposting you filthy ape.
>nerf men
That's only happened recently. If he needed to nerf me, he'd have done it sooner
What the hell do they use to pinkify nipples?
>his favorite emma doesn't even have an oscar
Your taste in women is shit.
>women of all genders
>an (((oscar)))
Leave now faggot
Why would you want the things carrying babies to go charging into battle?
can anyone save the screenshot of and in archive.is every 1-1.5 hrs? i go to sleep
sent ;)
Can confirm. Would 14 words with best Emma.
no! too easly! i did it 10 mins ago, need to do only once in 1-2 hrs
KEK confirms, all Asian women want to be whited.
women are not weaker than men. men are selected to be stronger and smarter than women. there is no such selection pressure on women as they are the gateway holders to reproduction. they made us superior. they are more valuable sexually speaking. purely due to the size of their gametes.
for white men it should not matter since he does not race mixing
"The man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the sky, and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him. So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.' For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh."
They made men stronger to protect and provide for the family. Women must go through pregnancy and labor and cannot do those things without putting the baby at risk. Women also provide sustenance and immunity to the offspring.
tl;dr - go watch a fucking nature documentary
>virgin bait threads still work
You guys have life fucked up. Emma Watson is the most beautiful woman on the planet. Too bad she's a feminist.
karlie is the definition of master race
>Taytay worries me with the risk of burning coal someday.
why do you think that?
Natural pink nipples are just lovely, aren't they?
They perform many necessary functions for the continuation of the species. They provide the stability necessary to ensure all of humanity isn't the highly-variable male sex. We'd have almost twice as many criminals and a lot more war with only men in the world. The stability women represent and provide allow for civilized societies.
Because there is always meant to be a leader, it was probably just a coin toss up to God of which sex he would make superior.
If God made Man in his image and Woman came from Man, the relationship between God and Man mirrors the relationship between Man and Woman. One provides and protects while the other provides companionship and praise. At least that is the healthy ideal anyway.
>10/10 would bang
This is so useless, who the hell is gonna notice this small difference, also im colorblind.
Dude Emma Watson is one of the very few feminists I could actually have a reasonable conversation with. I deadass don't even mind her feminist shit anymore. She will always be best Emma
>I deadass don't even mind her feminist shit anymore. She will always be best Emma
Bear children
...yup...that's why...
>Why would God create woman to be weaker, smaller and less inteligent than man?
he meant that we have different attriubetes to make up for our own shortcummings.
While man has strength, speed, and endurance, he is more suited for doing
Woman has wisdom, inelegance, and strength. Better suited for leading and decision making.
God made her point clear, man and woman compliment each other so we can all work together as a whole.
how many of you macho men can fly a plane?