Why are Drumplets such bad fighters? How come they get owned every time they try to stunt in front of communists?
Why are Drumplets such bad fighters? How come they get owned every time they try to stunt in front of communists?
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Because communists are pussy cowards that sucker punch people in a mob and run away after like bitches. They dont fight 1 on 1 because they are savage drugged up pack animal primates.
>Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.
Simply put, they aren't fighting. There is nothing to be gained from aggression. Our boy is already in the white house.
>says the gun owning pussy Boi
lol, that guy was jumped from all sides by a pack of rioting beaners who stole his MAGA hat and beat him up
>lol what are your puny guns going to do against tanks and attack helicopters
But somehow commies think they'll be able to overthrow the government with suckerpunches?
hahaha whatever you say pussy
let's just face the music: fashies fear the Red samurai
Dumptards always make this excuse but it never actually plays out like that. You are just weaker than leftists lol. Life doesn't work like your animes idiot lamo
1v1 me fgt
"If you kill your enemies, they win"
- president Knotslobber of Cucknadia
Drumpf supporters are going to get what's coming!
Nazis watch out!
what makes him a gun owning pussy? you have the same flag? you two call each other and plan this?
>why would you be okay with people attacking you
Let's hope it happens to you next time.
Unfortunately even if they were better at a street fight it wouldn't be worth much. Any minor act of violence a trump supporter commits, even in self-defense, will be broadcast on all MSM and continue to fuel the 'Nazi' narrative. Sometimes it's strategic to lose. Even though it will be generally ignored the Berkeley thing will be bad optics for the left. Praise kek.
That never happens.
They fight like ants.
I dont own a gun but maybe a black thug will rob and shot your millennial communist ass someday.
samurai are gay
get nuked...oh wait...
> violence is ok when we do it :)
> killing Trump is our end game :^)
> we're just warning up ;:^)
Former white guy here. Seriously guys we can't let Drumph have the codes
Violent scary Trump supporters btfo again
statistically speaking that's almost a guarantee in the usa
was Hitler shooting himself in the head a strategic loss too LOL
Nazi == eternal losers. Sad!
The "Bloody Drumplets" are a Soros op, and you fell for it dumb nip.
>doesn't realize a cuck got shot in seattle by a right-winger a few weeks ago during a protest
japs, eternal midgets, with thimble dicks. SAD!
I want dead commies for christmas santa!
>and cops let him off without so much as a ticket
Because it's easy to get fucked up when you're not the aggressor.
Says the country that made this
Because they aren't fighters. They're ordinary working class men and women who believe in democracy and respect the rule of law, who are being attacked by terrorist organizations comprised of wealthy urban elites financed by even wealthier urban elites whose parasitic wealth accumulation allows them the excess time to train for violence and intimidation.
It's really quite frightening how powerful and dangerous international terrorist networks like Antifa are.
Lets hope the U.S. law enforcement and military services take this threat seriously before a larger scale attack occurs.
These violent thugs, so opposed to innocent, weak, lower socio-economic people must be reigned in by the authorities before their wave of terror escalates.
The moment we do there will be 24/7 news coverage saying we're violent thugs.
I want John Podesta sliced up and put on a pizza.
>firing a gun=being good at fighting
but that's wrong
>hahaha whatever you say pussy
Hue, okay. Do you think it is like that outside of protests? I live in a blue state. I remember during the election I caught a guy peeling off my Trump bumper sticker, went outside and asked him what the hell he was doing, he asked if I really wanted to vote for that guy, and when I replied, "Yes, what's wrong with that?" he ran away repeatedly yelling "ITS YOUR RIGHT. ITS YOUR RIGHT." and never spoke to me again. They are weak and stupid. Starting fights will only make things worse.
That is because you are all traitors and Nazis and deserve to be beaten or killed. You are all living in an insane narrative of unsupportable narratives all based on your "feels."
You are not people anymore; you are vermin. You exploit others or support those that do, and are too stupid or evil to see how stupid and evil you are.
We should bring back HUAC like they did in the 30 and purge all the fascist, whether on Wall Street, Washington, the Board Room, or the Redneck bar.
You don't belong here.
>all these pussy ass trump lards
LOL don't forget to drink your soy milk little boys!
maybe one day you can stand up and show those mean commies who's boss
until then cry into your dads' dick fuckin anime autists hahahaha
It wasn't even a Trump supporter. An Antifa terrorist shot ANOTHER Antifa terrorist after mistaking him for a "Neo Nazi Skinhead"....At an Antifa rally.
guns end arguments.
Santa Claus! How's it going you jolly old bastard?
(I thought Santa was a leaf though.)
>old navy hoodie
This is exactly what I expected.
>fuckin anime autists hahahaha
...suicide forest time for you
>someone sucker punching a guy then running away
>10 people beating a single man with fists, feet, poles, and bat
>pepper spraying a woman then fleeing
>implying any of these are "fights"
>tfw Alt-Right is the new "Communist Menace"
Even has a Russian link.
Too bad you didn't win the election - then you could have opened internment camps and placed travel bans on Stuff I Don't Like.
>show those commies who's boss
I mean...we already did.
>fashies fear the Red samurai
confirmed cuck with a Jap vpn.
samurai and japan WERE historically fascist you stupid fuck
because it's in commiefornia Japanon.
you'll notice these little pussies don't start shit in the South. they know they'd end up like Trayvon.
but honestly they act like niggers attacking people 20 to 1. the leftist are cowards
you take a few punches to win in the long run.
we're going to have a republican government for the next 16 years.
>Antifa sucker punching and pepper spraying people from behind
Meanwhile based ANCAPS and ANTICOMS fucking smashing ANTIFA skulls on the field of battle
People who understand gun rights and who own guns will do pretty much anything to avoid violence.
But that does not mean that they are averse to it.
God help these faggot progressives if they go too far.
They still are.
Their current Prime Minister is a member of a (literal) pro-Nazi fascist organization.
His party has deep ties to modern, violent fascist groups, and that party has dominated Japanese politics completely since World War 2.
Um, no sweetie. We will fight you any time any place.
and they were obsessed with touching tips on hot steamy nights.
the japanese bow like that because of the ancient tradition of kissing another guys dick,
>You are all living in an insane narrative of unsupportable narratives all based on your "feels."
What does this have to do with my comment? You're losing it. I'm a casual trump supporter and it has nothing to do with my feels.
>You are not people anymore; you are vermin. You exploit others or support those that do, and are too stupid or evil to see how stupid and evil you are.
blah blah
>We should bring back HUAC like they did in the 30 and purge all the fascist
Clearly we should bring back spelling and grammar in grade school you illiterate fuck.
ok lets go nigger right here right now
How can you tell who is who?
Antifa are the ones getting their shit pushed in
>that fat bastard with the huge sign
They only attack you when it's a giant riot mob against a few
a c t i n g
So the guys with the flags are /ourguys/?
just like niggers.
Trump supporters don't go to rallies looking for a fight.
Antifa does. They go armed with weapons and then wait for a moment when a Trump supporter is isolated from the group, when they have superior numbers, and then bumrush that supporter. They sucker punch and run.
Even then, despite having the upper hand, Antifa loses fights all the time.
Everyone is wearing black so i just feel like were just warming up to the violence before we take sides.
Because we are a people of peace.
It's the commiefaggots who only understand violence.
Mostly because they don't expect violence. They're generally good people who hold others to the same standards as themselves; hence, when a mob of violent leftists start beating on innocent people, they were never prepared for that eventuality.
Obviously, when the fuck have you ever seen ANTIFA using american flags???
Also yello/black = ANCAPS /ourguys/
Red/black = Communist ANTIFA scum
>insane narrative of unsupportable narratives
Keep poking the lion
stfu pussy coward
>if you beat your enemy they win
>we lose to communists because they're better organized and don't stick around to get arrested afterwards
Honestly beating up you guys is easy mode
>Nip trying to defend unfair, devastating surprise attacks
unfortunately bc of their control over fake news this is the problem. remember when trump said he was concerned about election tampering and obama mocked him?
they are all in w the russian bullshit now.
most trump supporters are savvy enough to know they have to be concerned with optics.
libs are jerking it so hard hoping with their phones cams in hand to incite a reaction so they can plaster it all over fakemsm
they really only do shit like this at berkley where they know they can get away with it. sad they think they are fighting for freedom against tyranny but they are being used by the establishment. at least most hippies of the 60's saw through the bullshit. most these folks are brainwashed tools living w mommy and daddys rich privlage. this aint a race or culture thing. its a rich v poor thing. old money rich are experts at turning poor people against each other.
we lucky trump, even though hes new money compared to "them", is doing this. he could have enjoyed the fruits of his labor instead of dealing w this stress.
worst part is if most of these fools would open a book they would know this game has been laid out and written about for decades, even centuries.
>Trump supporters are hateful evil nazis bullies!111 stop hatecrimes!11
>Ahahaha Trumplets are such pussies they dindu nuffin when we crowd-beaten them!
Choose one shariablue
too bad you're projecting and you've never even seen a fight
Looks like this pussy got grabbbed and then some
Did he piss himself?
comfy retards who don't get it.
The world can change in a political process, or it will be an overwhelming mob of shrieking machete-swings. Stop jumping from one to the other when the wind changes.
Your daily reminder: Enforcing your will or opinion on others through violence and scare tactics is more or less the definition of terrorism. Thank god lefties are dumb enough to redpill the general public by showing their true nature.
these are YPG standing in front of CAPTURED ISIS territory
that's right: we kill terrorists too
All you do is jerk off with a dragon dildo up your ass
It's raining
Because you haven't started shit with the right ones.
And yes, you DO throw a halfassed sneak punch then run off.
Say whatever you want faggots, look at the videos of yourselves. Look at literally anywhere you cunts are.
I wait for time one of these pussies tries this shit, so I can have a legal excuse shoot you in the face.
>closed casket
he's just following his leader
I suddenly hate ISIS a lot less.
Ha ha says Japan, an Axis country.
ching chang
Arrows down is a sign for gravity, a warning for when she sits on top you?
We're watching
We invented terrorism and bombed Wall Street almost a century before jihadis did the same. :^)
And don't worry; compared to us, IS and al-Qaeda are amateur hour - it's called PROPAGANDA of the deed for a reason.
>swinging for some 40 year-old, schlubby fuck
>likely while outnumbering him
Reminder that communists aren't human.
You do know that you could at least try to hide the fact that you are a shill
when you're hanging from a tree you won't be thinking that. keep it up and the day of the rope will be here sooner than you think
Also hope this Aryan man will do fine. Better run away and save yourself for better than risk your Aryan body only to show that Trump supporters are violent.
Fuck this obvious vpn shariablue. You autists will be found out and punished by someone called muda
We're beyond human
We're absolute madmen
>sweetie posting
Can you at least try, please?
Trump supporters are on the side of peace. The good guys. Everyone else is insane.
>Bragging that you've beaten elderly
Spoken like a true terrorist.
All it takes is one visit to Google News to see that the Media the CIA and The Democrats are all committing active treason on a daily basis against the President.