Is Sup Forums basically ancient Sparta?

Is Sup Forums basically ancient Sparta?

>are a bunch of pasty neet autists like these ancient peoples that venerated warrior culture above all else and left a historic trail of of excellence in combat and society?



Thats what the are also called. Did you know that they are jews and they admitted it and several other sources attest to it.

II Maccabees (5:9)
There he who had driven many from their own country into exile died in exile, having embarked to go to the Lacedaemonians in hope of finding protection because of their kinship.

I Macc. 12:20–23
“Arius, king of the Spartans, sends greetings to Onias the high priest. 21 A document has been found stating that the Spartans and the Jews are brothers and that they are of the family of Abraham. 22 Now that we have learned this, kindly write to us about your welfare. 23 We, for our part, declare to you that your animals and your possessions are ours, and ours are yours. We have, therefore, given orders that you should be told of this..... and it goes on from there read the rest

ANyways Josephus as well documents this

that Spartans are literally the descendents of Israel.

Not Judeans

But the Tribe of Dan

Im not even fucking kidding.

Tribe of Dan was the muscle so to say, they were obsessed with being the most badass

While the Spartans have been around for a long time it did not become the militaristic crazy society and culture that we are familair with until a famous battle they lost called the Battle of Hysiase which was in the 600s BC

>projecting this hard

Other Greek pagan historians record this and attest to this but I can no longer find the sources online, they have disappeared. But I will look back over my old notes and try to find where it was quoted because it was common knowledge that the Spartans are of Israel, Danites

Sup Forums doesn't own any slaves

Samson was incredibly strong and also had to be badass. very much like a Spartan. Guess what

Both wear braids!

Herakles had braids

Herakles and Samson both tore down pillars in the stories out of strength

It was the jews.Fucking Danites

Here's spartan pottery of their hero Herakles

That nose...


>not Egypt
I pray that the great frog has mercy on you, OP.



Pol doesn't get together and fuck each other so no.

Also Revelations does not mention the tribe of Dan. But this is due to an error in the manuscript

It has Joseph and then Manasseh, which of course is redilous since Manasseh is part of the tribe of Joseph. No need to repeat

Unless the letters were mistaken for Dan to mean Man. which is Manasseh abbreviated, which they did back then.

Another possibility is this, these 144000 thousand of the 12 tribes listed in Revelations are only Virgin males chosen by Jesus Christ, so Danites were getting laid since they are the tribe of fit manlet (((chads)))

Since Isaiah says alll the seed of Israel would be saved and it really annoys me when Evangelicals tell me (Im catholic) that Tribe of Dan is going to hell, FUCK them .Tribe of Dan has many loyal to God. Fuck thsoe goys they don't know anything


Fuck off kike

i used to think spartans were badass too but then i left puberty

Oy Vey, what's the matter?
Can't become a badass?

Thebes lasted for like twenty seconds. They got BTFOd so quickly later on. Muh Sacred Band


Guess who got dicked

Yeah the Thebans.
Fuck Thebes they literalyl gained power off of Theiving Athenians

Theban Thieves

Nobody ever gave a fuck about Thebes

>Doesn't post the gif
You're definitely a newfag, dude


Just gave it. Macabees and Jospehus are good historical sources you know or you are an atheist pleb

regular but I have it somewhere in my terabyte of memes


Genesis 49

16 Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.

17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.

Also tribe of Dan has the symbol of the eagle as well as the Snake.

This, Sup Forums is full of fat neets how can you compare these pussies to warriors like the spartans?

Spartans were a bunch of cunts and were the literal black sheep of ancient Greece. They only perpetuated themselves via enslaving and tormenting their own Hellenic people.

Libs love them because 'm-muh ancient feminism' and faggotry.

Thebes and Athens are where it's at.


It was the Jews all along
Stupid Goy

I wonder how butthurt Varg would be about this

Spartans > Vikangs


>Spartans were literal cucks who would allow another man to fuck their wife and impregnate them so they could raise their child as their own.
>Thought they were the baddest mofos around yet got their shit pushed in.

Sounds about right.

Lies Theban propaganda

They refused to lose battles, almost almost always. How could they lose their wives
Don't believe it

How is Sup Forums anything like Sparta?

>got their shit pushed in

I don't think just blatantly lying is shitposting. It's just lying. Lurk more.

we are like the new jews


This is good stuff.
But, Menelaus was a cuck who caused a ten year war.

Samson, also a cuck.