OwO what is this?
tell me more of god emperor .
He was a world leader who oversaw the same struggles as Hitler, post more wilhelm.
This is brilliant
Poor fucker had a hard life. He was almost still born, and one of his arms was paralyzed. His mother literally hated him and he spent many years with various "devices" to improve his arm, essentially just pointless pain.
His life's trauma was that he wanted to be respected, and a prevalent theory is that all of Germany's militarism in those days was driven by him trying to impress the people around him.
I guess he was pretty redpilled despite of that, he eventually sent a congratulatory telegram to Hitler when he conquered France, although by the time he died he didn't want to be buried with nazi symbology, which he was anyway, though. I guess he saw that Hitler was no longer on the right path by that time.
This paragraph on his final years sounds like he found Christ, and his eyes were open to the full truth. It is a shame he did not have that wisdom when he needed it.
During his last year at Doorn, Wilhelm believed that Germany was the land of monarchy and therefore of Christ, and that England was the land of liberalism and therefore of Satan and the Anti-Christ. He argued that the English ruling classes were "Freemasons thoroughly infected by Juda". Wilhelm asserted that the "British people must be liberated from Antichrist Juda. We must drive Juda out of England just as he has been chased out of the Continent."[clarification needed] He believed the Freemasons and Jews had caused the two world wars, aiming at a world Jewish empire with British and American gold, but that "Juda's plan has been smashed to pieces and they themselves swept out of the European Continent!" Continental Europe was now, Wilhelm wrote, "consolidating and closing itself off from British influences after the elimination of the British and the Jews!" The end result would be a "U.S. of Europe!"[clarification needed] In a letter of 1940 to his sister Princess Margaret, Wilhelm wrote: "The hand of God is creating a new world & working miracles... We are becoming the U.S. of Europe under German leadership, a united European Continent." He added: "The Jews [are] being thrust out of their nefarious positions in all countries, whom they have driven to hostility for centuries." Also in 1940 came what would have been his mother's 100th birthday, on which he wrote ironically to a friend "Today the 100th birthday of my mother! No notice is taken of it at home! No 'Memorial Service' or... committee to remember her marvellous work for the... welfare of our German people... Nobody of the new generation knows anything about her." This sympathy for his mother is in sharp contrast to the intense animosity he expressed for her during most of her life.
He was an excellent equestrian by the standards of his time, and given that he had one gimp arm makes it that much more impressive.
I'd like to see OP's source, but I can only surmise everyone back then saw it coming. Everyone knew the nature of the Jew.
I just read this off of Wikipedia, if you look earlier in the thread you see the paragraph I was mainly talking about.
Germany needs Christ, every problem a country could have comes from a lack of Christ somewhere.
>He was an excellent equestrian by the standards of his time, and given that he had one gimp arm makes it that much more impressive.
Indeed. It's also amazing how well he could "hide" his lame arm. If you don't know it, you can watch loads of films of him without even noticing, once you know you see that one arm is always grasping his sword or something like that.
I'm also pretty certain that he must've had little sympathy for the jew. No doubt he knew perfectly well the dangers posed by the jew to the civilized world.
>He believed the Freemasons and Jews had caused the two world wars, aiming at a world Jewish empire with British and American gold, but that "Juda's plan has been smashed to pieces and they themselves swept out of the European Continent!" Continental Europe was now, Wilhelm wrote, "consolidating and closing itself off from British influences after the elimination of the British and the Jews!
the KAIZEEER died in 1941, he died just in time to see Germany triumphant and driven out the Jews from Europe.
The best time to die.
He must have said "Germany does not need me anymore, they are fine now and victorious against all perils, I go to sleep."
How wrong he was and how much we need him now!
I am afraid Germany may be beyond saving by now
Also he spoke excellent english, being the grandson of Queen Victoria. There's audio of him speaking in english but I can't find it right now...
Unlikely. From what has been said it's more like he wasn't too happy about what he perceived as being Hitler's war mongering. He probably saw that Hitler was going too far and that the whole thing would eventually blow up.
He died a troubled man...
England was taken over and used by the illuminati, he confirmed it. America seems to have been taken over with Wilson and is their primary puppet now.
he died in 1941 when Germany won against everything he sent congratulations to Hitler.
Yet he didn't want to know much about nazis by the time he died. He rejected being buried with nazi symbolism. Really makes you think.
> tfw the krauts were the good guys all along
RIP kaiser, we inherit the struggle against global capital and the Jewish power.
>Was Wilhelm II redpilled?
No, he was a faggot.
Wew the Germans were not the evil childeaters during both world wars, what an unexpected redpill.
Just like Trump, though many people despise(d) him, he seems like a genuinely decent guy.
You would get shot if you said that in Germany prior to occupation.
He was reasonably anti-Semitic. What I gather is that he didn't give too much of a shit about what Jews are, as he was friends with several prominent Jews, most notably Albert Ballin, the founder of the Hamburg-America Line, but more concerned with what they did after the war.
Prior to the war, Jews in Germany had it pretty good. There was some discrimination against them, but nothing compared to what was going on in Russia. Many Jews converted to Protestantism and were very loyal and patriotic such as Fritz Haber and Ernst Lissauer, but unfortunately many Jews were agitators involved with left-wing, anarchist and communist groups which ultimately caused Kaiser Wilhelm to become anti-Semitic after the war. He did, however, vocally protest Kristallnacht and was somewhat at odds with Hitler.
I always felt bad for Fritz Haber. He loved Germany so much but the left-wing Commie kikes like Rosa Luxembourg, Paul Levi etc. had to go and ruin it all for him.
Germany history after Bismarck:
Creating a super fast racing car that only one man (Bismarck) could drive.
Bismarck was a genius, but he was one in a million. He was a jack of all trades and a master of everything - general, diplomat (especially this), politician, and excellent all round negotiator.
Wilhelm II should have heeded his advice