Is he still /ourguy/?

Is he still /ourguy/?

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Has he made any appearances?

kys faggot

Of course.

Like Newt Gingrich, he'll lay low awhile, then come back like a storm.

fuck no. We do not associate with pedo defenders.
>inb4 he was the victim
Not taking the leftist attitude either.

I prefer an intelligent faggot over a retarded cancerous swedecuck faggot.

Sadly Sup Forums can only keep up with the retard swedecuck faggot.

Where does that leave Styx

>i was abused as a child by a priest when i was 13,
>when i was 14 i sought out sex with older men
>I blamed myself for the abuse, i thought the I was a predator, seeking sex with older men and praying on weak minded gay men

Or as Thunderfoot edited it
>I was a predator

Except he didn't defend pedophilia.

He stated that some under the age of consent are capable of giving consent and he was one of those people.

If you disagree with that premise, are you in favor of putting sanctions on any country that has an age of consent below the US's 18 for, in your words, encouraging and allowing 'pedophilia'?

styx is an autist, but he is smart. Milo is doing all he can to advance his career. Sorry but if Milo were a musician he would be a one hit wonder.

Always and forever.

He never was. He's just a more articulate male Lauren Southern.

He deleted that post on youtube. The internet never forgets

This is America. Our laws don't allow men to fuck 13 year olds, no matter how much you want it to be. I hope you die after getting burned alive then put in ice water still alive.

Molymeme summed things up pretty well.

He really could use some careful thought and reflection on what he said, in loose terms he defended pedophilia to a certain degree, but it is important that we consider this in the context of his own abuse and need to maintain cognitive coherence.

He was never /our guy/ in the first place.

There was no priest.

She (and maybe he) did.

I only have a few of the screencaps, post more if you have them

Yes, he's my guy.

Will definitely buy his book when it comes out. I might bother to read it, but I will buy it and watch youtube snippets.

The elephant room in the scandal was always homosexuality. Pederasty is common in homosexuality but the homosexual community keeps it secret Milo was just being honest as he always is thats why they hate him.

It's ok buddy, I know thinking is hard. I know you don't grasp the larger picture of the age of consent and how important Milo is to destroying/challenging the Marxism running rampant in our universities. Maybe you'll understand some day when you aren't a frothing retard.

This is the only correct answer

Well congratulations

I got the best screencap.

She changed her youtube account name, so she probably deleted it.

And Styx deleted his Emo video about him going away for a few days.


He was never "Our Guy". A foreign, Jewish, and homosexual tart from the backwaters of Greece should not be something that we desire association with. I understand that this thread is likely a slide thread, but still, I will post this for the sake of clarity.

Noticed that to, they probably found our thread and freaked out

Fucking kek, is this real?

Milo is great!
He is intelligent, witty & the guy tells it how it really is. He doesn't care whose feelings he hurts in the process. It sucks what happened to him. Once again, he told the truth about something that was very personal to him & weaponized the segment from which it was taken to kill his image. But I ask to all reading this: Do we not like Milo anymore? I do. And I don't give a SHIIIIIT, that HE was molested by a priest. A lot of people were. It was spun out of control. But Milo is fine in my book. Because I look beyond the medias bias and control of the viewer and always step back to see the big picture. Alway outside looking into reality from a different plain.
SJW'S are almost finished anyway. They have nearly reached critical mass on cognitive dissonance.
All that is left is the extreme famanists. They are almost as ignorant as the SJW'S.

Bullshit. How fucking stupid are you? (Rhetorical question - we really don't have the time.)

All he said is that age differences (like any other single aspect) don't define a relationship. That is all he fucking said. And he said it in the context of asserting that children cannot consent to relationships.

The only asshats who make more of it than that are the ones that remind you that in every pedophile sweep made by law enforcement is around 25% fuckwits who are on record demanding death/castration/evisceration for pedophiles.

no he's jewish, /ourguy/ is pic related

Yeah, he's the only one I follow on Instagram.


Yes and no. Most of the Sup Forums, at least the part of it that's not just a right counterpart of SJW guided by feelings rather than fact may be not fond of his attitude but appreciates the shit he did and still does. At the same time we don't ever associate ourselves officially with Milo and he's not one of us as much as some dude who's fighting against the same bullshit most of us sees.

There's some videos of him teasing about some news to come but no official speech since the whole smear campaign. Still, he apparently is doing shit in the background so perhaps soon there will be some libtard butthurt to see.

Generally, Milo's an offensive fag, but he's offensive fag with heart in the right place and some brain to back it up. Proven by the whole shitty smear campaign that he makes leftists and their masters kinda scared.

Ignore /Ourguy/ threads

Mods do your fucking job

Is your mom still, dare I say it, my cumwhore?

i still like you milo


Get AIDS nigger.

he was never our fucking guy get out redditor cancer

I don't get it, who is that girl and why should I care Styx is commenting in her videos?


Is Styx's hatred towards Milo because of his own guilt? 15 and 30. Substantial age and maturity difference

>tfw she is not responding him anymore

what a creepy fucker

nice ad hom faggot.
not an argument


I can't watch Styx because of what he looks like.

It's you who's the frothing retard. Milo doesn't stand against marxism, he completely embodies it in his lifestyle. Politically, all he's done is wrangle large groups of disaffected whites into auditoriums and told them to not think of themselves as a collective. He feeds off the leftist backlash, then tames it into something pathetic and meaningless. He's essentially a cuckservative with an added flare of homosexuality.

There's no evidence whatsoever that he grew up Catholic, let alone evidence of abuse by a priest.

That fucking sidebar.
You watch some real horseshit user

fuck off pedo jew op. don't come back
>i hope milo is dead

>posts this on google- the day it is uploaded
>only her 2nd video
>less than 300 subs
>sounds and looks about 14-16

How are you finding these girls, Styx?

milo did nothing wrong

Fukc yuo.

Yes he is our guy still

>It's you
no U

I'd advice watching 'Kraut & Teas' video on Milo.
Milo was certainly fighting the good fight. But, after watching the video, going over what I could find, it seems as though he is in it completely for the profit.

So, I would say yes?
But, probably not for the best reasons.

kraut is a liberal. it's funny how these antiSJW liberals sooner or later go full retard.

also, thundercuck. and the domesticated gay dave rubin.

I respected K&T until that frothing, ragebent, dishonest, unprofessional mess. Unsubbed, will not look back.

He never was. The guy just took an opposite position to become famous.

Maybe I missed the mark?
Care to elaborate?

I'd rather not be fucked around just because I'm out of the loop on something?


He always has been

>it's funny how these antiSJW liberals sooner or later go full retard.
That's Milo in a nutshell.

the truth about Milo is that he hold more or less cuckservative opinions, shielded by a veneer of edginess and homosexual camp.

Anyone notice how much more flaming he became in the last 18 months?

It's all an act. Milo has made and remade himself several times already. Expect it to happen again.

nice projection you got going there, user.

A gay chameleon,

And every time he remakes himself, one thing remains the same- his core beliefs. That's why I trust him.

A gay jew.

I wish Milo well

I hope he becomes a Catholic monk

A gay jewmeleon

He's a gay kike that loves black cock of course he's not our guy serbfag

He was never ourguy

She;s the reason he took a break, shes the reason he has to "wait" and have "patience" or so he says

She's 15 and he's in love with her. Idc I just think its funny as hell

Hopefully they have many occult white babies!


She is 15?
Gimme gimme proof! gimme proof! gimme gimme proof!

He was never /ourguy/, since he's a faggot kike. The pedo shit is really just icing on the cake.

The reason they went after him so bad is that they were scared of the pizzagate controversy. He brought up the subject of pedophilia so they could attack him on pedophilia and derail the other pedophilia narrative pizzagate. Thinking that would quiet the pro-pizzagate advocates due to omg who else amongst up will be targeted. But then we went after Takei and Maher. They didn't see that coming. Notice how quiet it got all of sudden.

He's a kike faggot and a pedo. Fuck no. This is not the scum we want in our new country. Gas him and throw him in an open grave.

She mentioned it in one of her videos, dont remember which

She also looks and acts that age

All I can find right now. She changed her youtube bio. And deleted her video about her 15th birthday. I'm sure people will find more

Maybe that is what he meant by being patient? Waiting for something?

I don't even fucking know bub, I don't even know.

You ain't lyin.

Thats obviously what it meant

He basiclly admitted it here He wanted to get with her but needs to wait for the sake of his reputation and/or for her to graduate highschool

Im personally much more concerned with Styx's beta behavior than his hebophilia

>the guy tells it how it really is
Why is it that anytime someone is described as this, they're guaranteed to be a fuckwit?

Holy shit, is this quote real? I'm fucking triggered.

He was bound to fuck up eventually, but goddamn he should have known better than to think that this wouldn't blow up in his face harder than the Lakers in his dreams.

I guess to be crazy enough to put yourself into the public sphere, you have to be crazy enough to do such things.

The GoldenOne seems to be the only one who isn't corruptible in some sort of way, and even then his entire personality is just 100/10 anyways.

No fags allowed.

Shorn Kang is a complete fuck-skull.

Im glad GoldenOne broke up with his gf

Her black hair and brown eyes would have destroyed his Aryan genes

She is Irish, so I guess she fits into the acceptable range.

But even I as a brown-eyed person, must admit that I'd be sad to see his fucking gloriousness deteriorate.

Besides, he said he is going to start looking for a Swedish woman and focus more upon his nation! Which can only mean good things.

>Is he still /ourguy/?

Never was.

Degenerate faggit attention whore.

Milo's was just a gateway for normies who enjoyed his bantz. Intellectually he's weak. Few good points but it mostly leads to 'muh luv daddy'.

The true redpill is /ourguy/ is yourself after you've sorted yourself out!

Kangaroo has it right.