Sasha and Malia should spend all the time they can with their daddy now, because he's going away for a long, long time.
Sasha and Malia should spend all the time they can with their daddy now, because he's going away for a long, long time
They look less and less like their "parents" by the day, and they know it.
reminder that drumpf has no proof and is only doing this to distract us from his crumbling administration
No, he's not. We will fight to death to protect Obama. I would die for Obama.
I want to cum inside of both of them
You forgot the part about nuclear codes. That will be coming out of you paycheck.
Your proposal is acceptable.
Why is the right's neck so long?
That fucking slut on the left already wearing a fucking choker. Serious red flags with that one. One on the right is at least a bit more refined looking.
Malia is getting thicc
still ugly as fuck tho.
OP please. Tell me whats happening?
>"This is what happens when a target starts getting buggy, because he knows that he's caught."
Trump's just lashing out because he's been caught. If you can't defend, you attack. Trump can't defend himself against accusations, so he's attacking the messengers. Same way he's been attacking the media for reporting on the truth.
you got it all wrong, that is not a choker it is a necklace and besides have you not seen the images of the right one (Malia) partying like a slut. You could practically see her tits.
yep exactly this. You can kinda gauge how fucked Trump is and how much the noose is tightening by how absurd and more desperate his tweeting is getting
Fuck yourself Mr brock and get the fuck off our Mongolian basket weaving forum
So which prison is Bongo getting shipped off to?
And will he by cellmates with Hillary?
Lol no
Trump is dismantling the deep state brick by brick
daily reminder that they have probably shared the big white cock of a secret service man assigned to sexually pleasure them so they don't get into dangerous sexual situations with their adolescent hormones.
Then you are a retard
I'd colonize Sashas tight virgin pussy all day
Stronk black wimmins
Both of them are probably huge sluts.
>99.97% of all wiretap requests are approved
if Obama had anything on trump then he would have released it when he had the chance.
Why can't politics go back to "I disagree with your opinion but you're a good man" kind of thing. This shit is so fucked up with the threats and imprisonment of political enemies it's like we're living in GANGS OF NEW YORK
What the fuck are these posts?
I'm starting to think that some people actually unironically believe the Russian conspiracy? It's obviously 100% made up.
These troll posts are getting more and more retarded each day.
>Ted Lieu
>California (D)
Not an argument
Sasha doesn't look like either parent but Malia got the worst of both.
Not necessarily. If you were to release information you know could be false which is more circumstantial would be more on the side of libel depending on the exact info.
God damn.
I'd give em the BWD.
If you know what I mean?
>implying he's their dad
You kids are so cute and dumb
leave troll
What did he mean by this?
Enemy Combatant
i mean there's a lot of proof about that slush fund thing, thats fucked up man.
You don't funnel tax money into riots against a presidential candidate.
Ya "their daddy"
This is the kind of shit that happens when you have extreme corruption in the government.
There are no threats when the politicians are clean. But now, after the bush-clinton flying cirucs, USA is in heavy corruption.
i didnt need this boner
Some people do, it's insane. Half of my family does, and it's probably like that everywhere in this country. They without a second thought think that there is definitely a grand conspiracy involving Trump being Putin's puppet.
>these are the same people who start wars for their own personal interests. Did you really think that they'd play by the rules instead of doing everything they possibly can to cling to power?
>Might have been different if Trump was a cuck like Bernie, then they could have just blueballed him for 4 years before they got back into power, but if they let Trump have his way then it will be too late for them in 4 years.
>Come home white man
yes mammy
thinking the same thing user. same movie too. its prob bc that gangs of ny style shit never stopped. fast forward to the capone then nitty yrs of chicago. birth place and training ground of saul shitlinsky
Releasing evidence which incriminates a political opponent during an election would be interfering with an election. Since, this is exactly what he was investigating, he couldn't do it without being called a hypocrite.
You may not recall, but Obama even spoke about this before election day. He said he didn't want to interfere but he said "there would be consequences (((if))) Russia interfered with the election."
they don't make wiretap requests unless they know the person they're wiretapping is guilty of something
why would Obama release that classified information?
Former crash,
supporter burn,
hilarious codes,
nuclear fucking
How can anyone hack offline paper ballots exactly? That story is so obviously fabricated to anyone who spends a minute looking into it.
Troumpf has nothing. Unfortunately he has the atom codes. The world is doomed because of Slumpf.
Malia gives me a half chub pretty much every time I see her. She just has that "I desperately need a dicking" look.
>Chicago Mayor
>ABusing his power
Gee, who would have thought?
They use machines to count the paper ballots, (counting by hand takes weeks) and that data is saved on a memory card. Tamper with the memory card, and as soon as it's inserted into the machine it fucked it up and rigs the ballots.
t. cs major
We must stop Klumpf at all costs. Rise with me Sup Forums, we can defeat tyranny together!
First monkey/giraffe hybrid
I guess her deformed giraffe neck, that no one else in her family has, turns you on. Because you're degenerate garbage
So it's true that Trump brought over 100,000 Russian agents inserted them right across the country had them learn perfect English than set them up to infiltrate the polling stations?
Is it true that when Trump fills stadiums with people these 10's of thousands of people waving America flags and wearing MAGA shirts and baseball caps are really Russians that Trump has snuck into the Country?
Did Trump really bring in 100,00 Russians into the US for the vote or was it really 10 million Russians?
I'll tell you mr trips, what's happening is that if the Trump/Russia thing ever got to some kind of formal investigation, it would have to be a joint investigation not just into any inappropriate Team Trump contacts with Russia, but any inappropriate behavior by Team Obama against Team Trump.
Trash talk all you want, you know damn well you'd say yes if she asked to wrap those blowjob lips around your cock.
This is the logical conclusion of democracy senpai. Attacking people is easier than attacking ideas.
Terre Haute is the only federal prison with a death row.
President Trump recently tweeted claiming that former President Obama wiretapped him during his campaign. One can only imagine how nuts the media would have gone if the roles had been reversed: President Trump wiretapping either Obama or the Clintons, though his DOJ could have authority to do just that given the expansive leaks of intelligence information by Obama and Clinton supporters the last few months. Heck, he could wiretap the media at this point, legally and legitimately, as the sources of these unlawful leaks, for which Obama himself set precedent. Do liberals understand what Pandora’s Box Obama opened up by Obama using the powers of the NSA, CIA and FBI to spy on his political opponents? Even Nixon never did that.
Wow a fucking cs major you don't say. I'm a software engineer, and obviously if you hand it over to someone else in a .txt file they can change it idiot, but if you think they don't have safeties and contingencies in place to stop this, you haven't done your fucking homework.
So she can eat the school lunches a bit higher up.
Is it true Trump brought in 10 million Russians to throw the election?
Is it true no American actually voted for Trump all his votes were from Russians masquerading as Americans?
Has CNN broke this yet? What about the WAPO?
>big white cock of a secret service man assigned to sexually pleasure them
You just gave me
>tfw you will never have a secret service man assigned to sexually pleasure you in a safe environment
It's only even being taken seriously by the likes of Sup Forums. Everyone I know calls it what it is: a distraction. And a glaringly desperate one.
>I would die for Obama.
Then open your mouth shabos goy!
You are aware, that he is half jewish, and was groomed by his red diaper baby mother to scam blacks into supporting communism, right?
Lieu is wrong.
Read this.
Rather shockingly, no law currently forbids misusing the power of the presidency to spy on one’s adversaries. What the law does forbid is lying to any judicial officer to obtain any means of surveillance. What the law does forbid, under criminal penalty, is the misuse of FISA. Both derive from the protections of the Fourth Amendment itself. Under section 1809, FISA makes it a crime for anyone to either “engage in” electronic surveillance under “color of law” under FISA without following the law’s restrictions, or “disclose” or “use” information gathered from it in contravention of the statute’s sharp constrictions...
Here are the problematic aspects of the Obama surveillance on Trump’s team, and on Trump himself. First, it is not apparent FISA could ever be invoked.
Second, it is possible Obama’s team may have perjured themselves before the FISA court by withholding material information essential to the FISA court’s willingness to permit the government surveillance.
Third, it could be that Obama’s team illegally disseminated and disclosed FISA information in direct violation of the statute precisely prohibiting such dissemination and disclosure. FISA prohibits, under criminal penalty, Obama’s team from doing any of the three.
>For example, an attacker who gets physical access to a machine or its removable memory card for as little as one minute could install malicious code; malicious code on a machine could steal votes undetectably, modifying all records, logs, and counters to be consistent with the fraudulent vote count it creates. An attacker could also create malicious code that spreads automatically and silently from machine to machine during normal election activities — a voting-machine virus.
>a voting-machine virus.
>software engineer
Trump is gunna lock up Obama like he locked up Hillary. Ok give it a rest. Trump is just splerging out because he knows he's fucked with the Russia connections. He's trying to create a distraction
That is such a talking point lmao. I never thought there were actual shills here, but I'm completely convinced now.
May kek punish your hubris
Your damn right.
Hope to take you up on that!
>I would die for Obama.
we so proud of our baby girls
>That is such a talking point
I dumbed it down for you because I didn't think you could handle a technical explanation.
he says with still no evidence ever shown
kek, you're new here, boy? Anyone can see you are a beginner judging by how you act like you know everything.
I suggest you educate yourself a bit more before claiming the highly acclaimed title of "cs major," anyone will be able to call you out on your bullshit when you post such surface-level speculation and try to pass it off as evidence of anything. Dumbshit.
Sasha looks like Malik tho
Obama is so fucked. There's no pardon available like Nixon had.
Your average liberal mostly likely genuinely believes it.
I've lost respect for so many people.
They are probably going to end up there too for drugs
can someone post some thicc pics of malia
before the year ends its jailtime bb
How many times are you going to post that
just imagine, they are going to get spit roasted by frat boys saying "make the obamas great again!"
as if those girls even know who their parents are....they were probably kidnapped from Haiti as babies
Hey shill
I literally read this same shit in another post.
How much you paid huh?
>software engineer
so you're a literal code monkey?
If I were being paid I'd make an effort to write something new each time.
You guys have 5 threads for the same topic and threads only last 10 minutes. Easier to just copy/paste.