Bilgamesh, whom you Caucasians renamed Gilgamesh, was black.
They all were.
Bilgamesh, whom you Caucasians renamed Gilgamesh, was black.
They all were.
Lets look at the evidence.
Instead of name calling and fake histories, you should wonder what it means.
Why did the children of the albinos erase the past?
Why did our black headed ancestors allow the albinos to live?
Does anyone know why civilized men have compassion on wild savages? The albinos were our ancient brothers only mistake.
History bears this out to be true.
tons of attempts to slide topics away from Obama's shady shit.
Here we see the black man of Europe.
Obama is a good man.
Nope Arab/Middle Eastern
But lets not get sidetracked...
The evidence is there if you are brave enough to see it plainly.
those kids should come to malmö and see how it's done
You white people need to overstand...
this world is not yours..
It never was.
You come from devils...
And I do not know how to save you from your depravities.