

bump again

he is now asking for gibs from everyone


is he left or right wing?

hes a nigger pretending to like trump while saying blacks are superior

white women are fawning over him in chat and cucks are agreeing with him

why do you ask

Thats anthony brian logan hes pretty cool for a shit skin

>hes pretty cool for a shit skin

you are a cukold my dude he literally just said blacks are superior to whites

>He said blacks are superior to whites
I would care if i had proof, i've been listening for a while and i haven't heard him say anything bad

t. black argentinian defense force


you gotta be creative nigger etc will get you blocked

I see you're a very intelligent man

are you mad?

Not at all my tea loving friend

>white women
>fawning over a black man
>doing a pro trump politics stream
Yeah okay lol

it's time to grace him with some kek

been listening to this guy all night, seems ok.

this dude is from Sup Forums right? the guy on the line

he seems ok therefor he should impregnateour women no doubt right

"no body" impregnates "our" wimmen

our women are sluts and coal burn , whats your point?

Isn't this guy a conservative? Why are we attacking him for?


This black guy is pretty based. I like his videos.

some pol/ack just checked him, good answers on his part...


sounds like a nice guy honestly

Shill thread,

this guy seem much calmer and smarter then tommy

This guy is based. Brit cuck

Black reporter is safe, leave im be.

He called out Soros in a video, he's alright

Why is the nigger getting so defensive over African questions?

once a nigger always a nigger


that was me that just calledwit the redpills notice he wanted to hang up once i brought up africa LMAO

he didnt want to hang up, he just stated that there were different areas in africa.

to which i replied that they are all shit and controlled by warlords, he shut it down soon after. he also didnt address the bell curve

Dont fall for this divide tactic right when Obama and the dems are on the ropes. We need allies at this moment. Hitler worked with the Japs and Muslims. You go around being a loud mouthed asshole all the time then the everyone will just gang up on your instead (meaning us)