This was released today on the senate democrats Facebook page.
Loretta Lynch calls for war
Her and what army?
> and yes, some have died
wtf did this bitch just say? who died?!!?!
They're hiding quite a few very large things, aren't they lads?
Literally nothing. She never says that. Saged for bullshit.
This is a subtle slide thread
Don't take the bait
When I see something like this it seems perfectly obvious that these are people who know they have committed deep vast crimes and they are terrified that the truth is going to come out and they are going to pay for them.
That is really one of the most fucked up videos I've ever seen.
It's like totally being revealed what a bunch of treasonous piece of shit the whole Obama administration was.
Fucking do it you nigger cunt. Do it. I want any reason at all, any possible excuse whatsoever to start throwing lead, killing, burning and blowing up leftist scum. Do it.
>fucking. do. it.
What the fuck is this? Who's rights are getting rolled back and trampled on? Maybe she owes political favors or is she really just this fucking stupid?
FINALLY! I now have something to die for!
When Mike Flynn calls for you. Go! see you in the battlefield brothers.
Trannies I guess
What the shit
Does she understand what she's doing if this was taken seriously? US would become actually facist to put down this communist bullshit
Uh, she's pushing people towards bleeding and dying for their rights being "trampled on" anybody that watches this would come to the same conclusion
Soros & Co want a US Coup/Civil war:
Also Read up on the KB Archives:
That's what I was thinking to. So if we assume that, because I seriously can't think of anything else, that means that she is hinting at fighting with your life so that .03% of the population can use a specific bathroom? Probably even less because the only time when people care is when it's an actual bearded degenerate tranny going into a women's room or locker room? She is fucking insane.
I'm sure she's leaving it loose and open to interpretation so the mentally ill lefties can basically (insert cause here) in their insane minds.
reply by anon5.
A5 - I was on your thread the other day and commented about Trump going scorched earth on everybody and you said there was some fear of that to some extent.
Looks like what's going on today could be interpreted as some of that.
>We need to work to uphold the ideals of the Founding Fathers
They'd be the first ones to start throwing people from helicopters if they saw what's become of this diseased nation
>our founding fathers
You mean the people who kept slaves and didn't consider women to be equals? Yeah, Sup Forums is MUCH closer to the values of the founding fathers than any of the democrats.
What did she mean by this?
These people have no idea what they're asking for.
Trump put a spot light on the deep state's spying on him so now they have no other option than violence.
The purge draws nearer.
Garbage. This nigger is garbage
Bring it.
the democrat's department of justice is dirty
their dirty laundry piles are gonna get washed
working extremely hard to cover their tracks
Isn't this literally sedition?
How do they honestly see this playing out? The US military now nearly has 20 years of experience conducting COIN operations. Myself and many other veterans are rabidly pro-Trump.
she's a civil rights figure. this is literally nothing. she's saying that martin luther king and other civil rights figured bled and died for our freedoms. they died protesting. not fighting. Sup Forums is so autistic
A Jim Henson muppet.
>>It's like totally being revealed what a bunch of treasonous piece of shit the whole Obama administration was.
Is this really a surprise?
I mean like, really, to anyone?
She belongs to jail just like Hitlary and PedObama.
>Soros & Co want a US Coup/Civil war:
This is obvious, but do they expect a winning side?
Thats the real question.
Also, thanks for all the work you do keeping Sup Forums, Sup Forums
Would love a wikileaks release of Bill and Her talking on the tarmac jet.
white men need to stop shooting bullets at other white men for non-whites
Underrated FPBP
What is she talking about?
This. The communist left must be purged.
Hey guys remember the whole Bill Clinton Loretta Lynch meeting at the airport, during the election?
guess what? it was fabricated so that Loretta Lynch could excuse herself from deciding the outcome (or whether or not an investigation occured, due to the "possible conflict of interests". as a result, the blame fell entirely on Comey
not saying he's innocent, but he's the fall guy.
No, he means people who you know shit about outside of communist propaganda.
it was basically a non-violent false flag, they didnt talk about anything important.
>Loretta Lynch
Why does this fat tranny-shilling bitch think she's still relevant?
It shouldn't be but there's still something crazy when it actually reveals itself
What a rotten nigger
>What did she mean by this?
“I know it’s a time of concern for people who see our rights being assailed, trampled on, and even being rolled back.”
all those code words ...
its not that they want to win, but to irreversibly destroy the very concept of america so that a place where they would be tried for their crimes will never exist
in any sort of civil war scenario in modern america, our enemies abroad would swoop in on the chance to knock us down a peg and america would become a testing ground for weapons of mass destruction while the world economy collapses
>they didnt talk about anything important.
and you know this because you were there as part of the flight crew and overheard the entire conversation?
no? then stfu.
Exactly, she needs to be arrested for sedition immediately.
Isnt this the same bitch living with obama? Theyre goingto attempt a coup
From what ive heard over the years, they hate the Globalist American government, same as we do. i think the only people to be stupid enough to use a WMD on an American civil war would be Best Korea, because who would stop them, and Iran because...well... who would stop them but the issue of delivery still exist with both these countries.
American even after a civil war would still be an economic powerhouse and with the change to basically rewrite domestic and foreign policy, they would probably want to be on the winning side.
Thank You!
Anon5 do you know anything about black monday?
do you actually believe that they just HAPPENED to see each other at an airport, and that at that very same airport there just HAPPENED to be a journalist there with all of his camera gear? and furthermore the journalist managed to photograph both of them, yet the photographs taken were never released?
do you actually believe that?
is that more believeable than them concocting a false flag meeting in order to for Lynch to excuse herself from recommending whether or not to prosecute Clinton?
This. The real obstacle was the Bill of Rights, that's why they constantly explained America as being interchangeable with Europe but with purely material advantages.
No, but it needs to explode if we want revenge
It's weird when people's names foreshadow how they are going to die.
Umm I can't answer truthfully yes or no to that question but I shall discuss with my colleagues and get back to you on that.
>please read the prepared statement for that answer.
Nothing about that video is anything surprising, shocking, or anything other than completely ordinary and unremarkable.
It was completely substanceless, emotive babble that leftists are known for.
no thats valerie jarrett the iranian spy
Yeah sure, but why now after she is out of office?
yeah but the timing of its a little weird because she was one of the main obama cronies and protected hillary from prosecution during the elections
it also reeks of trying to rouse the rabble up to get some more protests going
Oh shit! My last name's Stroke
I don't understand what the point of the video was.
It was a rhetorical build-up with no conclusive statement.
Why care?
She didn't say *ANYTHING*.
Damn she actually called for dems to take to the streets to flight, bleed, and die
No wounder she didn't ever try to stop BLM riots, she's one of them
This bitch is nothing but a treasonous gas bag
I wonder if the people who like her even watched the oversight of the dept of justice hearings
You're the type of trip fag that only reads playboy for the images, arnt you?
>people that banded together
Isn't that why Trump won?
If you believe that Obama was corrupt you are a mini brain hick.
you need to take a step back from the single video and look at the bigger picture of whats been happening today, with trump counterattacking the 'muh russia' narrative with the 'muh nigga wiretapped me', and then the 'march 4 trump' rallies that ended up turning into mosh pits thanks to antifaggots
the video may then make more sense, these people are scared shitless
What did she say that matters?
It's so ridiculously irrelevant.
Don't namefag.
Negress purposely made Comey fall on his sword because the negress never intended to indict Hillary (the meeting with Bill was most likely her negotiating a promise to stay on as AG).
Comey was already gong to be the fall guy and his 30 pieces of silver were going to be the merger of the DEA with the FBI/deal similar to Lynch's to stay on under Hillary but he knew he was being set up as a fall guy. So he doublecrossed the doublecrossers over the fact that the Negress was bought off
Cuckservatives are traitors and should be shot for supporting an obvious administration of Russia tied traitors
her last name is giving me ideas
>Let me put it this way - you're goin' down the road, sign says "35" you're goin' 50. Did you break the law?
>I would have to discuss the specifics with my advisers.
The founding fathers didn't even think she was full human
Death to neo-liberalism!!!
Her dedication is almost admirable
This guy
>They came
>They saw
the average liberal of fighting age is either an overweight xer thing with purple hair or some limp wristed antifa faggot, how are the deep staters going to use them to pull off a fucking American Spring?
Isn't this sedition?
Won't she be disbarred for making this video?
Do I still need a green card to fight for Freedom?
Don't breathe.
i think she means throughout the history of protest, encompassing the civil rights movement she grew up in, in which people did die.
That sounded desperate and like a "I'm off to prison" statement.
>being a black woman
She will get a fucking noble peace prize.
aka an excuse for anything
>inciting people to bleed and die to oppose a legal, constitutional, democratically elected administration because you disagree with them rather than engage in civil discourse
Jesus Christ, they've lost their fucking minds.
there's no way this woman respects the founding fathers, most of them owned slaves
she's so transparent, she's saying she will do whatever it takes to ensure her own people and her own politics succeed
fuck her
she's the worst kind of judge and she should never have been the attorney general, they should be above partisan politics but we can see now why she gave Hillary a pass