get in here or ur gay
Weed debate now
Other urls found in this thread:
Sven: Even though my friend, a major figure in the alt-right, was outed as being married to a jewish diversity officer, we shouldn't virtue signal and purity spiral
Also Sven: Medical weed is a myth. I don't have any evidence for this, but it just is
Legit helps with my depression, it takes my anxiety and self hate and all the evil in my mind away as opposed to antidepressants making me feel like a zombie
this. doc keeps upping my xanax and its usless. go home and roll a j, good for the day. weed is the best tool.
i was in a thread about the berkeley fights today and this guy just starts accosting me for being a pothead and its like, wow your cool.
jesus gave us weed to use as a tool. some people use it properly, and some people are niggers. i dont go driving around smoking and shit i just do it at home when i need to. as soon as i open my mouth about it people freak out like im endangering the planet.
I get that big time my dude
LARPy alt-right purists are the worse. They sit on the sidelines purity spiralling about everything, watched Trump win with economic promises, then claim they won the election like the 200 teenagers on TRS were out campaigning.
Who /BrowseWhileHigh/?
me but ive been out for days. plz come to minnesota.
yeah im not alt right but i am a trumpster and i fucking adore hilters work. there's larpy fags on both sides though. i miss the 90's
i just finished lifting and i'm vaping now with my magic reddit fedora box
brb guys i gotta pick up girly from work. DONT LET THIS SHIT 404 just post sam hyde vids or something till i get back.
sounds like a troll
Weed is unintentional, like all action in the known universe.
And you.
Weed is the best. Sam Hyde smokes weed I'm pretty sure.
Weed is truly a miracle if used responsibly. Ive been smoking on - off since 14. I have always used it for relief from depression, of which it just annihilates.
I had vicious problems with anxiety for about 10 years. I was prescribed xanax the entire time. It eventually stopped working and my anxiety was out of control. I saw a bumpkin doctor who took me off of it in 3 months. I no longer have problems with anxiety. Unnatural meds are evil. The brain has the ability to heal if we let it. Weed is completely natural and holistic. Natures natural anti depressant.
I personally don't do it because I swallowed one to many Alex Jones colored pills. I think weed is like the carrot on a stick. They say we can't have it so we want it more. Then they give it to us, we overuse it. All of us become as selebit as Snoop Dogg within a week. They take over. But that's just me
yeah he does.
fucking bump this shit ttt