He really went all in didn't he?

He really went all in didn't he?

>Only president in history to actively campaign for his party's candidate.
>Frantically had handfuls of speeches near the end of the campaign to try to get Hillary elected.

It all makes sense doesn't it

>Funneled $3 Billion dollars from taxpayers to fund leftist groups to protest trump during the campaign.
>Wiretapped Trump's phones to gather dirt on his political opponent.


And she lost and he's fucked now isn't he.

This is really watergate 2.0 isn't it? What do we call it?

Other urls found in this thread:



>Wiretapped Trump's phones
there's literally no evidence of this happening

trump is the fucking president you retard he has access to the fucking documents that say his phone was wiretapped.

Use your brain.

why doesn't release those documents then? oh thats right because they don't exist

His overconfidence is the reason why he didn't get Ginsburg to retire, so he could replace her with another, 40 years younger Communist. Now, she will die during Trump's term, and be replaced by a conservative.

She royally fucked up by not retiring.


But what if she doesn't die?

They wire tap everyones phones in real time. If there is a record of even a single phone call being flagged and saved that is a felony.

Checked n kek'd. Obama first jailed ex pres

>Be leaf
>not paying attention to US affairs
>Thinks their opinion matters in US affairs

>Living for another 8 years

>What do we call it?

Where are the documents that prove Trump was wiretapped by Obama?
Clearly you have access to them, since you're so sure they exist.
I'm waiting.

>"This is what happens when a target starts getting buggy, because he knows that he's caught."

Trump's just lashing out because he's been caught. If you can't defend, you attack. Trump can't defend himself against accusations, so he's attacking the messengers. Same way he's been attacking the media for reporting on the truth.

>be leaf
>shitpost unquestioningly regardless of thread topic

Fuck off

will he go to jail for this though? Will anyone?
It's hard to say he went all in when there are no consequences.


but Trump is a russian puppet right?

Obama requested a FISA warrant to legally tap Trump's phone lines. That warrant was denied.

Barack Obama has broken a federal law and committed a felony.

He also conspired with another presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, in an attempt to help her win the election. This is also a felony.

Obama, Clinton and Soros are all part of a treasonous cabal that intends to overthrow the Trump presidency.

Obama himself has even set up an office in Washington D.C. to help him with his sabotage efforts.

It is only a matter of time until they realize their political efforts are in vain. At that point they will turn their efforts towards assasination.

If Trump prosecutes Hillary Clinton all of this will end. Put her head on a pike and the rest will scatter.

Obama and Clinton are guilty of treason.

>be leaf
>ignore what I said because English is just too hard
>think your foreign opinion matters in domestic affairs
Your opinion doesn't matter. You don't matter. Go make some pancakes or something.

This will be the ultimate happening. I live in an area that will have a giant chimpout. I'm scared.

even the NYT disagrees with you

Was it worth the gamble? Poor strategic move. I'm glad he is an idiot. Even if Hillary had won, it would have been a prudent precaution for Obama to take.


>Be Leaf
>Be Eternal Faggot.

Leave this board and never come back.

You're demanding something of the leaf that he has not the required prerequisites.

Well, the typical Trump strategy goes like this

>tweet something
>MSM claims he's fucked up
>evidence appears a few days later proving Trump right

>no source

Yes, Trump's ties to Russia have been known about for a long time.

She's going to be in her 90s by the end of Trump's presidency. How many of those people who live to be 100 had stressful lives?

The fact that Trump was wiretapped has been reported by various mainstream, leftist sources. Former Obama speechwriter also went on to clarify Obama's comment that reports shouldn't take it to mean that it didn't happen:

It's basically confirmed that it happened, just not ordered by Obama directly. But Obama should have been aware of something like that happening under his administration, and then he should not have actively campaigned for the rival of someone he was spying on.

>be 50% black guy
>get elected to POTUS
>everyone loves me
>win Nobel Peace Prize first day
>everyone looking up to me as the role model of the century
>still can't keep from committing felonies


Reports say Trump is meeting with his lawyers. It's over. He's getting impeached

Ok if everything that is being revealed ends up being true, what is realistically gonna happen?

Can ex king nigger and shillary be jailed?

piss off you dumb fucking leaf.

To post on Sup Forums you must read at least 5 books about laws.
GTFO of here you dogfucker.

>tfw Trump could possibly appoint 3 Supreme Court justices

>leaf wont give up because shareblue paycheck
>it's obvious his opinion doesn't matter and no one cares what he things
>waste server space anyways
>doesn't make pancakes

Leaf. Seriously. Fuck off back to being future grizzly bear shit.

> First black president
> Jailed

Who knew 2017 could even promise to top 2016?

>Ted WEW

even if it was 100% legal then the reputation of the NSA will take a major hit
even cuckservatives like Graham are incredulous at the notion that the NSA would tap a political opponent of the president a few weeks out from election day

I seriously cannot stress how much the Democrats fucked up in 2016. Pic related is the closest analogy I can make.

The question is, what was he trying to truly cover up that would've made the risk worth it?


It's funny the only argument you Trump/Putin shills can ever come up with is ">leaf".
You know you can't win so you have to resort to name calling. Sad!

Technically, yes, but they probably won't, because of the possibility to destabilize the US. More likely results:
>Obama legacy ruined outside of die-hard lefties who think his presidency was fault-less and Trump is literally Hitler
>blow struck to powers of the deep state to manipulate US elections
>Trump wins 2020 and gets a worthy successor in 2024

Household names get off easy for the sake of public image and the whip comes down primarily on 7th floor group, etc. And Clinton / Obama don't leave totally unaffected. Just look at what we can already see of the power / economic impact on the Clintons.

That was an epic Super Bowl. Great illustration user

well funny story
>Not American
>Thinks your opinion about America politics matters
>still wasting space trying to get (you)s and derail discussion

It's happening, Praise KEK!

They've been spying on him for the entire campaign and found nothing. If they had anything they'd have fucked him before the inauguration. If he had so much as asked a Russian official to make a Moscow parking ticket disappear they'd have nailed him, but they have nothing.

One of his campaign promises was to improve relations with Russia. He was elected to do that. Him following through on his promise does not constitute wrongdoing just because the dems don't want to improve relations with Russia.

i know


Explain to me what happens here, I don't understand handegg at all besides that you need to run over the line with the ball

the current shill tactic is to get us to respond ceaselessly to arguments it takes you no effort to create.

So we just call you a leaf so we don't have to and we can go on with our lives.

>Second post word for word this is posted
For everyone seeing these replies they are shills
King nigger is fucked

Would they even need access to Trump Tower, or is everything pretty much captured digitally now? There seems to be no limit to what they can collect when it really comes down to it. All it will take is one Obama loyalist to turn whistle blower.

More evidence than of 1337H4X0Rz Russia hacking the entire election and convincing us to vote for Trump by hacking into our brains using Wifi signals

It's called fucking logic. There is no leaker, because no one person would have access to all that has leaked. Trump being wiretapped better follows Occam's razor.

You also get to see Janet Jackson's titay


Best way to get the jackals in the msm has been to attack them. It's like you haven't even looked at the rules for radicals. Keep them off balance. Kek wills it

Came here to post this

None of it werked.


That's why Obama is actually putting in work now that he's not president. He's taking politics more serious now than he did the last 8 years and why? Hillary was supposed to win and cover his corruption and treasonous activities along with her own shit. Now they're out, with little to no power and he's actually putting in work with the tax payer money he stole so he doesn't end up in jail. Now the media is pushing more shit with Russia and Trump's picks so they don't have to report on Obama. Fuck that shit, hope we get more leaks on this or something straight from the FBI or white House.

>Obama and Clinton are guilty of treason.
none of what you said is treasonous

they'll just have to be locked for life

Nigga you live in Canada. You're a joke.

You have no say in US politics, no military to speak of, no real power, you rely heavily on the US for trade, and your biggest natural resource is snow.

Why would your opinion on anything matter?

He's gunna get fucked

subverting the US government is treason at worst, sedition at best.

The FBI released more clinton emails a few days ago.
Also, Has anyone checked wikileaks in a while?

>ball over line
They failed to do this because the teams head nigger made a bad decision

Basically, Seattle (in blue) was several yards from winning the league championship, the Super Bowl. While losing at the time that play began, a score would have won. New England intercepting the ball effectively ended the game and snuffed an insane comeback attempt. Furthermore, the xhehawks embody SJW cuckery and were BTFO at the last moment too.

jeeeeeesus are people really this dumb?

I doubt they'd need physical access to monitor the communications of a specific individual. Snowden revealed how the NSA can covertly tap into your phone's microphone, camera and GPS without your knowledge. Everyone is voluntarily walking around with a bug on them at all times these days.

>hope we get more leaks on this or something straight from the FBI or white House.
Wikileaks' recent release of documents on CIA espionage orders for the 2012 French presidential election is noted as being "context for its forth coming CIA Vault 7 series":

Obamagate. It's all OBAMAGATE. Everyone that goes down from draining the swamp. Make sure 100 years from now, everyone knows the draining of the swamp was Obama's governent. His legacy won't be Obamacare, it will be OBAMAGATE.

Former King Nigger's corruption is starting to come to surface. People will have no choice but to call him a bad president and realize what a fucking disaster his presidency was.

/pol General Discord:

Correct-the-recordgate? So that their failure to win with their bullshit online tactics goes down in history.

You fuck off, you cappuccino sucking bagel biter.

Just so all you guys know, these coffee house faggots don't represent all of us leafs you know.



Obama was almost out the door. There was no way he could have done anything in the less than a month.
Also, Obama was investigating trump for influencing an election. If Obama did do anything, he'd be a hypocrite. Instead he let the election play out, while sitting on the evidence. But since he wouldn't be in office he had to hide it in places Trump wouldn't find it. One of Obamas final executive orders was to make it harder to Trump to cover this all up after he got into office.

Google "obama slush fund".

How come every result is Sup Forums or some "alternative news" blog, Twitter, or site? Not a single real news outlet has reported on it.

inb4 "fake news"

>>>The question is, what was he trying to truly cover up that would've made the risk worth it?

IME, remember the trillion dollar stimulas? in his first term. Every budget thereafter was a continuing resulution, which means it included that as well. Where did the money go?


they should be exiled

fox actually... has a full writeup on it.

Exactly what groups did he funnel the money to?


To recap:
In the past week, it has become abundantly clear that there are 3 possibilities of what has transpired.

1. Our former president is pawn of the globalists, the figurehead of a powerful cabal, and civil war is about to break out within the US government

2. Our current president is a Russian plant who is going to weaken America's economy via meaningless and allow the Russian federation to once again become a major player on the world stage.

Or 3, both of the above are true.

In any case, what a time to be alive.

You think they can just release any kind of document so easily?

I don't know anything about football, but if I had to guess, the blue guy was trying to throw the ball to the other blue guy but the white guy caught it instead but he was in his own zone. Like an own goal or whatever.

They basically would be if this goes all the way. Clintons are useless trash now to the rest of the world, and too elite for any normal person to meaningfully interact with. All that's left is to make their reputation bad enough that no sane US politician would continue to publicly associate with them.

>Instead he let the election play out, while sitting on the evidence.

What the fuck are you talking about? He wouldn't be a hypocrite if Trump actually was a Russian agent as the ridiculous allegation goes. If they had any evidence suggesting as much, intervention would be immediate as a matter of national security. It's like saying the cops figure out who a serial killer is and just decide to wait around for him to kill another victim before acting on it.

The truth is they have the sum total of fuck all - which is why all we've had is hearsay from anonymous sources who only talk to the Washington Post and CNN. It's laughable.

>What do we call it?

Weren't there nudes of her? Any helpful anons wanna link me again?

Not considering Loretta Lynch in any of this... chances are she could know they have dirt on Trump and talking with Bill was the "if he wins,we will destroy him" talk that she couldn't do directly with Hillary.
She is no longer part of the government 'we' but the left in general.

>attacking the media for reporting on the truth.

Oh fuck... that piece of insanity took the prize today. Were you not watching the election?

Nah. It was a game sealing pick in the greatest game ever played, ending the Seahawks final possession.


I don't think any amount of evidence would convince about 40% of the population that Obama did anything wrong. He's mostly untouchable without starting a civil war. Even Nixon got pardoned to avoid a shitstorm.

Shut your fucking mouth about my country, leaf. We're back on top.

The leaks were coming from inside the whitehouse! Obama bugged the Whitehouse.