Hope you learned your collective lesson:
don't you EVER "March 4 Trump" again.
Do it again and you'll be on the ground in less than 30 seconds.
How many racists and Drumpftards did you pound today? Post ITT! XD
Hope you learned your collective lesson:
don't you EVER "March 4 Trump" again.
Do it again and you'll be on the ground in less than 30 seconds.
How many racists and Drumpftards did you pound today? Post ITT! XD
Other urls found in this thread:
>Snaps stick over Ops head
Antifa giot destroyed today lel kid
I have my stick faggot, better run.
Reminds me of this one time some kid in high school threatened to stab an autistic kid with a pen. He assumed some ninja stance and said, "i swear to god bro, i'll disarm you in 3 seconds."
>$10 hat burned.
Is it over? Will Drumpf ever recover?
This many.
Ok nigger.
>Trump supporter gets hat stolen
>Antifa burns it
>Trump supporter buys more hats
>Trump makes more money
Does more good than harm desu
That man is a god among men
Get cancer, cancerous tool.
How many trashcans did you knock out this time?
These antifa fags are really going to regret pushing too far. It's only a matter of time until some right wing nut jobs snap and massacre a crowd of them.
It's already escalating, and not in their favor.
yup here comes the civil war
Yeah you sure showed those people. They'll never try to exercise their rights ever again.
I want someone to swing at me when I'm back stateside. You're all pasty faggots anyway, so your claims of racism and blahblah I-was-breast-fed-until-12 won't work.
did he "naruto run" also?
Jig is up antifa cuck scum
Thanks for motivating me.
As an independent, you've made Trump more attractive to me with every gang attack, sucker punch, and assault on peaceful gatherings since the election.
I'd march for Trump's supporters, because the only outfits more appropriate for these tactics would be brown shirts, goose-stepping, and Sieg Heiling your way into the next march and someone should protect them.
If not me, then who?
That wouldn't be good for anyone. Someones trying real hard to start conflicts and race wars, playing into their hands and hurting innocent people is not a good idea.
Why do you faggots only riot in places with strict gun control? Come to Colorado and we'll show you what happens if you fuck with us
We did it! We stopped Drumpf and those Nazis once and for all!
I say we celebrate!
No, but plenty of those kids wore the stupid headbands. They would play this "assassin game" where they would hunt each other down on the school grounds with paper knives and shit.
Yeah fuck freedoms and rights and garbage cans!
>N-n-next time is ours! I swear!
Stop embarrassing yourselves, your getting btfo by numale antifas on the weekly just give up
Once again you chimp out and make asses of yourselves on a national platform. When people see this which side do you think they'll feel for? You are a small school of oppressors in a big sea of victims now. I suggest you tread very carefully outside your hugbox faggets, even senior citizens want to watch you bleed
No. It's over. Hope died with that hat.
>I'm blind to the reactions that are happening
Enjoy being washed out by the tide
The last time there was a protest at Berkeley nobody fought back or tried to stop them. They fucked up banks and maced women.
This time a line of guys actually stood their ground and fought back. Sure one of the antifa fags got a stick cracked over his skull but they backed the fuck off after that.
Letting these wannabe anarchist run wild is the worst thing to do.
I'm disappointed not one autist from either side brought a katana to battle.
>Letting these wannabe anarchist run wild is the worst thing to do.
Um, no. It's super funny. They think they are a force to be reckoned with right now. If you were trolling at Trump levels you'd wait until enough of them were concentrated somewhere and unleash the National Guard.
>Sup Forumsack spaniard in touch with the average American
Nobody gives a fuck about political spats between college autists with retarded ideologies its just funny to watch right wing spergs get the shit beat out of them
Well since my image was already posted have a video of the man in action
>unironically ending a post with "XD"
kill yourself famalam
lefties are sissy cucks. Crack their fragile heads.
>mask over face
>visible tattoos
I don't understand
I'm sorry, but we don't negotiate with terrorists
I might believe you if these things didn't end with suburban college fucks laying out on the floor with some fucking pensioner shouting
>Y-you better watch out ANTIFA! W-w-we'll make sure to bring our weapons next time!
Admit it, facists just can't fight
The bandana is to small for her fat head.
Any streams?
They rioted Milo in Seattle a few months back and a CC attendee killed an antifa. It was a clean shoot too, thats why the story was buried.
Agreed, but nobody wants anyone to get hurt, including the people we disagree with.
We want to reduce the amount of people harmed, not increase it.
When you are responsible, you have to exercise restraint. Guns are to be used only if there is no other option and someones life is in immediate danger that you cannot avoid. So if you truly want peace and good in the world, stop advocating forms of violence against people you dislike. You oppose all forms of violence because it's wrong.
Don't let your emotions and opinions own you. You have to own them. That includes making the right decisions, not a heat of the moment decision that will ruin your life and others that you can never take back. You're better than a mob of leftists, so don't let them drag your morals down.
Hope you are wearing a helmet.
>"Leftists are all weak manlet cucks!!!"
>mfw you guys get BTFO at your own rallies
None of these faggots can fight. They're all unwitting liberal elite slapping each other around because they have nothing better to do with their time.
Is that Spencer Breslin?
The guy is exercising his free speech by burning a sign that says "Free Speech". He's probably not a mental giant.
Did the shooter get arrested? If these idiots are hurting people and attacking people with makeshift weapons, surrounding them, wouldn't that be the ideal time to use your CC and defend yourself or someone else?
We don't live in places like Berkeley faggot.
Are you really expecting there to be a large right wing presence in a liberal hellhole?
Man you ANTIFA niggers really don't know when to quit do you?
The great purge is coming
Will they ever stop getting BTFO'd or is getting BTFO'd just an inescapable part of their inferior genetic makeup?
ANTIFA needs to be gassed
Official /pol Discord:
Last I checked it was all the antifa decked out in shields and body armor like the pussies they are.
at around 50 seconds I see 2 or 3 Trump guys forcing the entire antifa crowd to retreat. Today was a glorious victory!
>Admit it, facists just can't fight
Not without our hats.
Sup Forumslacks like to talk tough on the internet but the moment you all leave the basement this is what happens :^)
>don't let them drag your morals down.
I firmly believe society is too far gone to be saved. We need to just burn this mother fucker down and start over. Chaos will set us free.
Plus it will be fun to watch.
He's still standing tall and not autistically screeching in the fetal position. The blood just makes him badass.
>Implying your faggot ass from the earth's asscrack end of the world is more in touch than a European
I hope a dingo fucks your baby faggot.
Yeah, the fact he pissed himself is so badass.
So strong!
What about the piss?
The shootee didn't die. He's still alive. They're trying to say that he was attempting to break up the fight, but he's not pressing charges... Which leads me to believe he wasn't.
Antifa talks tough on the internet but the moment you leave mommy's house you get a stick to the skull :^)
Obviously water. Probably used to wash out pepper spray. His t-shirt is wet too.
If you read the CIA documents, you'd know esoteric Trumpists routinely engage in golden shower orgies. Being beaten for doing so is an affront to free speech.
Then you are the one who is too far gone.
Or you are just the same as the rioters and protesters.
To be better, you have to actually be better.
Maybe you're right, friendo. I hope so.
I didn't even notice lol. It happens. Maybe he got kicked really hard in the dick, who knows. Or he's a Sup Forums larper and got scared.
8 years
Oh wow man sorry I forgot that YOU won't there oh I'm sure that'll change EVERYTHING next time. Seriously go next time theres something in your area those antifa don't stand a chance.
>Well I do want affordable healthcare but also those communists were mean to those facists that one time so I guess I don't have a choice
t. Average middle aged worker in Wichita
If anything antifa are winning the democrats votes. People are drawn to strength and when they see that the right wing is all talk when it comes to defending themselves then it becomes a no-brainer as to where the power lies.
I think britbro's right and its water.
His shirt is wet too so its probably water
TEAMWORK! Antifa got wrecked.
Doubt you'd be standing with injuries like that.
He tried it, and lost.
>talks shit
>wouldn't actually leave berkeley
trump is the president of the united states. who is the president of berkeley? how many divisions does he have?
The fact that the mere discussion of antifa always triggers Sup Forums into a rage is eternal proof of how cucked you all are.
You are few, they are many.
Your views are being rejected by the public.
You have no power.
Your rallies are tiny and LOW ENERGY
>"and the best part is trump won't be president anymore tomor--"
Antifags are so impotent it's pathetic.
>killed an antifa
>So fat she can't even wear a mask
Get off my board niggers
Nice try kiddo.
how many anti-fascists did you crack your stick over today Sup Forums?
Don't ever fuck with our peaceful marches again.
>but nobody wants anyone to get hurt
Lol, yeah! We sure showed them! Using violence against Trump supporters is a good thing because they are fascists. We are the good guys! People will side with us, right?
so fucking based. wish we had more footage of the texas guy bashing more heads. he fucked up 2 guys there within 10 seconds alone
Was there, can confirm.
Oh wow hes a fucking boomer. Big surprise.