Basic Income

find a flaw

globalist "charities" are organ harvesting schemes

>giving people even more of a reason to withdraw from society

Sounds like we're getting even close to the beautiful ones..

>where does basic income money come from
>why wont money value go down if everyone has a set amount, thus increasing prices

I'm a NEET, so there.

Kill yourself.

This is literally true.

commie infiltration

You first Chang

rare flag, Chinese are bros, pls no war

hey i fixed your chart

wait no wrong file

Where does basic income money come from?

>Having the money to do any of those things with your government pittance

Here's the real fix

This must be why welfare recipients contribute so much to our nation's culture and social wealth.

It would turn millions of men into meets with low status to women, whom would them refuse to marry them, therefore exacerbating the sex relation problems even more. Sensible thing to do is to bring in a home makers allowance for married women and widowed women only that have served the nation by producing 2 children.


If I'm a store owner and I know everybody is guaranteed to get at least $35,000 from the government why wouldn't I just increase the hell out of prices?

Go meet anybody on welfare if you want to know why this is retarded.

after basic income there's no reason to work

you think i want to dig ditches or debug somebody's shitty code or read contracts for 'self improvement' or helping my community?

>he wants to increase taxes up the ass, and provide more of a reason for nigs to nig, and welfare queens to welfare
>he wants everything to increase in price, resulting in more income being given, but that also leads to even higher prices, boiling down to a singularity where all economic value has had its shit fucked up, and no one can live properly
Nice hyperinflation you got there friend. How about you bring this to Wall Street and show the world how intelligent American businessman really are.

It doesn't really answer anything. It implies that basic income would be enough to live off of. Obviously it wouldn't be. That's why the "muh basic income" is such a lazy answer to automation and outsourcing.

tax the rich, who hoard their money, unlike poor and middle class people whose income goes right back into the economy. Basic income would probably create more competition because people would actually have the money to buy good shit and not go to walmart for everything. Don't be retarded.

Look this is cool and all but where the fuck is the money coming from?

raise taxes on the rich

>The rich hoard their money

He drank the Commie-aid

I get income and OP's pic is bullshit.

This picture actually is it's own best argument. Most people who contribute enough or more to their economy to fund their own existence, this is what gives the government money to actually spend on its citizens. If universal income started, people would stop working hard and that wealth would disappear. I don't think liberals understand that wealth has to be created by work.

> Income tax is where governments collect the most tax: in federal, state, and local income tax they will collect about $2.6 trillion in 2017.

> 240 million adults in the US

> 2.6Tn/240m = $10,743

Minimum wage works out at $15,080/yr. 2.6Tn represents a lot of cuts.

instill competitive spirit in youth, change government to meritocracy.

now basic income is enough to live but to follow your dreams you have to work for it.

those who cannot support children on their own efforts and merits are not allowed to breed, breaching this rule leads to sterilization and termination of the child.

>get UBI
>have to pay outrageous taxes to fund UBI so you can get a job you could have already gotten with less competition and a better pay

>tfw taxation is theft

Basic income has FAILED everywhere it has been tried.

fixed it

If your yearly income is 45k (roughly average), you're gonna have to spend all of that to stay afloat. If your yearly income is over 1 million, you're not gonna spend all of it. Why would you?

Also LOL @ anyone who wears a bow tie


>all employees get paid more
>store knows it can charge more, does so.
>tfw UBI causes rapid inflation and people still end up hungry because they can't afford a $12 loaf of bread

arbeit macht frei

What happens if it turns out there's nowhere near enough people with a desire to 'help community' to staff all the garbage trucks, supermarkets, hospitals etc.

>implying most people care about the things on the right even in the least

Then the wages for those services go up.

>banks just put money in a vault and let it sit there

Literally babbys first thoughts. What is stopping successful people from moving their wealth away from a shitty meritocracy nation and into a foreign bank for their offspring? That's a good way to literally lose your entire nation's wealth very quickly.

with all the africans, arabs and whatnots wanting all that gibdats, just how secure borders do you have? oh, wait...


Is this better?


I don't know, maybe you could invest that money into profitable ventures and improve the economy...

Or you could spend it on hookers, drugs, and other degenerate activities like the (((hollywood actors))) you leftists seem to love so much.

It's up to you

>the gubments buy your food, pay your rent
>you spend whatever else on weed

tell me this wont be true you. It already happens just to a lesser extent

i do love the meta-Sup Forums, how we just exist to parody real life

How does sucking the cock of corporations that don't care if you live or die feel?


They'll literally leave if ((their)) taxes are to high

lol at this level of cognitive dissonance.

fuck hollywood. those people are the same as Clinton and Trump in my eyes.

The value in the economy comes from the labor of workers, not from capitalists, especially now when the dollar is basically worthless unless you have gajillions of them.

The whole economy is a house of cards. Almost none of it reflects actual value. We're going to have another recession, and it's gonna fucking suck.

okay, so we put a tariff on any companies who don't pay their taxes, or whose owners don't pay taxes. They will fucking pay their taxes.

Trump is all talk. He's an establishment billionaire. He doesn't want to help the common man.

>what is panama papers

Who pays for the banquet?

Others don't expand. You removed the biggest reason to work.

He has 22k employees it helps a lot actually, how many jobs have you created?


Lazy answer to the automation problem that tries to sustain old economic models in a very different world. The goal should be moving away from craft based wages, and not needing a job to sustain yourself. Think evenly distributed technology and automation for homes that pay for themselves.

>22k employees
some of them are illegals

I bet the great majority of them aren't illegals

>find a flaw

How does Trump help people by employing them? That's not helping them, that's the workers helping Trump.

He pays them for their work genius

Anyone that believes taxing the rich is wrong is a moron. They need to do it before it's too late if the middle and lower class become to weak then the rich will leave America regardless. We make the rich rich. Therefore they will pay higher taxes or pay higher salaries. Pick one

Full automation is going to happen shortly which will lead to a surplus of products and very cheap products for everyone

The biggest problem is going to be how are people going to find meaning?

>find a flaw
it really offends me that those outlines reflect a white male...


lmfao user you nihilistic fuck

>worshipping capitalists
oy vey, the trumpster is to be thanked and praised for paying the workers less than they provided to the employer!

>money to live

That was too easy to, OP.

He pays them what the work is worth, a business has to make money at the end of the day, have you created any jobs for people?

economic illiterate confirmed

The rich put their money into assets.
What you see in that graph is networth.
You fail to factor in property and investments

People aren't starving regardless so what's the point?
If machines provide a surplus of food, income is a moot point.
You should be more worried about VR porn killing our motivation to procreate and raise children.

They are paid to some extent less than what it's worth because they want to make a profit on what is made by the company. I make jobs every time I buy something.

It makes the population suffer because we will all be slaves to one another. It goes against basic human nature.

It's economically impossible.

People find meaning in volunteer work they do. Since wages and salaries aren't an issue, automation really doesn't apply much to stuff people volunteer for.

>You should be more worried about VR porn killing our motivation to procreate and raise children.
How fucking stupid can you seriously be?

1. Redistributing jew paper to lazy people does not fix the international centralized banking cartel slowly enslaving humanity

>muh automation

what are we going to do when that level of automation is no longer enough to sustain human needs or desires? there will be no incentive to improve it if everybody is paid the same wage for doing nothing.

all utopias rapidly become dystopias

read a book, op. gain some knowledge so you can actually help implement basic income rather than memeing about it

You buy things from people who start businesses and risk their own money so they can make money, and employee doesn't risk his money on the business or pay for the lease space and other costs. The reason people make products is so the people who risked their money can make a return. You don't risk anything buying something.

The AI robots collect our spunk and make lab babies.


The progression curve of our society can be reduced aptly to an experiment about a box with too many rats in it.

Funny, really.

Yes, and in doing so they exploit the labour of workers by compensating them less than what they get from the worker.

>find a source

Right back at you OP

Found the flaw: in your image there are a bunch of things still hanging around in the After Basic Income person's brain.

This generation thinks race and gender don't exist, the next generation won't think humanity exists.
Robot A.I. Civil Rights, Citizenship, Marriage, Voting, then they want to pull our their charging dongles in the girls restroom!
I'm not Robophobic, some of my best friend's are robots, but they need to go back to their manufacturers.

They don't "exploit" workers, they pay them the market value of the the wage, the employee doesn't put up any of his own money in being employed, if I save up 600k to start a food company, and it goes down, it's my 600k that's gone, the employee finds a new job. There's no point in starting a business if there is no profit model.

I worry that we're not yet ready to fully substitute most of the workforce with robots and in all honesty many occupations would have to be. There are absolutely necessary but shitty jobs that people ahe to perform for society to function and which are still impossible to be done by robots, at least not without costs of those services going up greatly.

Because of that, here comes the problem proper - basic income would likely create shortage of people performing in those occupations. Even if they'd offer special, additional benefits, very generous pay etc - if basic income is to really work, it has to be enough on its own to provide all necessities. Which in turn means that likely only a great minority of people driven to some occupations by sense of purpose and dedication would still work in those fields and any considerable difficulty could be enough to make them go unemployed.

Hory shet... How you get through Great Firewall?

And the market value in a capitalist system is an exploitation wage of some degree. The owners make much more than the money spent to establish capital goods for the enterprise.

I'm not in favor of a UBI, but full automation will be a reality. Automation will also be able to improve itself according to human needs and desire given some advancements in robotics and AI. Right now a person needs to train an AI to get it started and it takes off from there. Once they are able to learn on their own and AIs can communicate information to each other then human needs and desires may not even be able to keep up.

They make the money because they build the business, the average business owner works 50 hours a week, probably more when they start, and they put up their OWN money, so if they sell their 600k house to start a company and if fails they lose the money, the employee doesn't lose 600k if it fails, they start a business and employ people is so that they can make profit off the business.

>the average business owner works 50 hours a week
You what? I'm a business owner and I work precisely zero hours over the businesses that I own. I'm not even aware of the companies that I own the shares of either.
Yes, they often take risks to put themselves in a position to profit from exploitation. It's still exploitation.

Taxing the rich causes them to leave the country, and makes relatively no money.

Most government revenue is income tax on the middle class.
You can look up the numbers that a tax on the wealthy is projected to receive: It is fantastically small compared to other revenue, because there are a small amount of rich.