How have we not already named this hero?

How have we not already named this hero?

Other urls found in this thread:

his name is John Leibowitz

We did
The Alt Knight

Washington Q. Skullcrusher

Yes, alt knight long

Beneath that hoodie beats the heart of a patriot. He is doing his part to MAGA. You should have a statue Alt-Knight.

This guy is my favorite part of this picture
What's his story?

Cpt. America.

>Sup Forumss hero is a 40 year old virgin that goes around assaulting teenagers

You see him at about 0:03 in the video; I think he got winged by the dude's stick or something.


I dunno
I think he's casting a buff or something

He's the Alt Knight

>user's heroes mace old men

he is trying to jump to another timeline but a blow to the head made him forget how to work his time device.

since when do cops allow shields and bats at fucking protests?

This has potential

He had a really important test earlier and just realized he wrote the answers on his palm.


>Smoke Weed

god bless the alt knight


We named him hours ago with d1gits.

Those "teenagers" where attacking an innocent. The man was justified.

>watcha thinkin bout?
>just making america great again stuff, I guess

All white Americans are such pussies

Does anyone have a link to the full vid? Have only seen edits of it with



Fucking 10/10

He's that cop from the Wire

we shouldnt name him
let him do his work in peace

He's watching some crazy live fight going on in his city on his invisophone

Post some psychical removal.

This one?

>tfw I have a billy club and a stop sign that I've been meaning to convert into a shield taht I can take into battle against antifa
>tfw someone beat me to it.

Captain Spazstick

The cops who arrested him haven't announced it yet.

noice, post more

Such a nice truck at 2:18.

kek's champion


He's name is Robert Paulson.

hes one of thousands. good night antifa.

> He's
His *
Fukken swiftkey

someone post the vid of him cracking a skull. it's gr8

it kind looks like he got sprayed from behind by the person holding the pink pepperspray. He was checking his head cause it feels wet.

10/10 kek

Is he a skinhead?

why isnt it a plumbing manual?

Is him?

Did you just assume their gender?

They're probably getting fed up with having to listen to gimpy college kids calling them fascists in high-pitched squeaky voices and not being able to do anything about it. Cops may not be able to just start cracking liberal skulls, but they can probably get away with looking the other way a little while we do it.

Time traveler checking the latest God Emperor Baron Trump tweet on his future mode enabled invisible iPhone 88

I want that pic as a shirt.

V insensitive, priv checked, ty for sharing ur story

Alt Knight for sure

Heinstick Hammler

>How have we not already named this hero?

"Captain Cuckmerica"

Man I love how they're so baffled that they're getting their asses kicked after inciting violent protest.

>oh my god stop!!
>police brutality!!

easiest civil war inc

Nice digits