
What true racism is

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Racism is simply pattern recognition.


You're retardation isn't the systems fault, it's your own fault for being a fucking worthless shitskin

Racism is a survival trait

My ancestors were serfs
Bitch can say that to my face and take a kabar to her ass in exchange


White people are currently being oppressed by "minorities"

>what is soviet union
>what is ireland


I am of Irish decent and this offends me.


If it is true, show me a law that is part of the "systemic oppression", or a bill that was passed by the government, or a practice that was approved by them. You cant, why? cuz your head is filled with bullshit created by cummis.

Could reply to this with 'But the serfs weren't treated badly for BEING WHITE'
But I don't see how that would really matter.


>White people don't think it be like it is, but it do.

Irish were treated bad for being white

Some how, I knew this would happen.
I love when the left eats itself. I just wish more whites would quit cucking.

'Systemic' is a purposefully vague term. It could mean 'shit the government enforces' or just 'peoples general attitudes'



>Racism exists on the systematic oppression of people, white people have never suffered that.
Yeah except the serfs under the Russian Empire. Or Russians under the Bolshevik Jews. Or non-Roman Whites under the Romans. Or Eastern/Central Europeans under the Ottoman Muslims. Or any random European kidnapped by Muslim Barbary slavers. Or any other of numerous examples throughout history.

Of course there's no point even engaging with these scum on their retardly self serving redefinition of racism.

The definitionof racism is prejudice against an individual or people based upon their race - that's what it's always been.

Or the Irish in America, or the Poles in America, or the Italians in America.

Link video, i need to sustain my rage.

>muh oppression by other whites

Lmao. You really are clueless arent you

Video m9

Also, "power" is relative in the context of oppression. Who had the power when the white kid was tied up and scalped by a group of blacks a few months backin Chicago?

As a Dane, I can confirm that vikings never had thralls. :^)
Pay no attention to history, goyim, just listen to what your professor tells you.

Haven't they been doing shit like this for years now? They do this shit at the school I go to

Don't forget the Germans in America.

germans were also discriminated against. everyone gets bullied in the usa

You literal fucking nigger post the fucking video in the OP you stupid autistic fuck

>oppression only matters if it's by another race
You need to be gassed

>Of course there's no point even engaging with these scum on their retardly self serving redefinition of racism.

a decade is ancient history to them. they know nothing

Why does that matter?

Do you think, when the commoners awoke in their dirt-shacks and remembered their place in life, it was any comfort to them to remind themselves that the circumstances of their births responsible were NOT race-related?


by other whites... wow you sure are proving how you are a victim and not a monster!

yeah white people have never been slaves.


never and they've never been kicked out of anywhere, never lost a country, never.

these idiots are digging their own graves.

>white people have never suffered that
>tfw Irish
>inb4 taig
>inb4 Irish aren't white
>inb4 no surrender etc

>non argument

Go back to /leftypol/ you subhuman.

That's not the argument, dumbass. We are talking about systematic RACISM. If you try to refute the OP or defend this refutation by citing instances where other whites were terrorized by other whites you are legitimately retarded.

>a decade is ancient history to them. they know nothing
unless of course, the evil white man did something in the stone ages or the poor black guy did something good several thousands of years ago...


The African slavers who rounded up and sold the hordes of blacks to the west were black themselves. So I guess that means blacks can't claim victimhood for slavery.

link the video senpai i dont wanna read some meme panels

Stop letting people redefine words.
Especially leftist.
racĀ·ism : noun
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

>Romans literally made slaves of Germans, Brits, French
>called them savage, more animal like than human
>white people have never suffered racism

Why is one flavour of oppression based on circumstance of birth so different or more important than another?

Why can't she speak in a more civilized fashion without using slang to make her speech more worthwhile? And why isn't she presenting evidence towards her claims, instead of just shouting "Ay yo, white people be rayciss n shiet, u be systematic opressing us." Give examples of systematic oppression and clarify your point.

I feel bad for that teacher anyways because I know how it is to be in a school filled with minorities.

Showing how his argument is incomparable to the OP argument is absolutely an argument. This is what I mean, you people claim that leftists are the ones that shout down arguments with nonsense but I have already been told I deserve to be gassed and that I need to leave because you can't handle the actual discourse of ideas..

What the fuck is sytematic racism?

Does anyone else get really fucking pissed when they see shit like this? I thought i was at the point where i just found it funny but this still triggers me bretty gud. I can't fucking wait for these people to be bashed into silence. Second american civil war when

Google it, fuckwit. This isn't school.

See above. It varies.
Can be as major as the state actively keeping you down or as minor as groups of people just thinking less of you

Kind of. We were treated badly because we weren't the right type of white. Now we're treated badly because we're too white and apparently part of the evil white man oppression club.

We can't win.

Norn Iron?

Depends on your perspective.
If you're insane, it's some form of imaginary racism that's used to explain why niggers and spics are incompetent and violent.
Real systemic racism is what white men are subjected to, through widespread, government sanctioned discrimination like affirmative action, hiring quotas and hate crime laws that only affect white men. It also involves the media campaign that always depicts white men as evil monsters, while making excuses for the widespread racism and crime committed by minorities.

>like like like like like

>Poles were never oppressed
>Irish were never oppressed
>Ukrainians were never oppressed
>Balts were never oppressed
Those white people have it way to good.

>b-but ottomans and muslim iberians where not black, so it doesnt count!
>what is slave trade? If slaves where not black, it doesnt count too!

>be me
>anytime I say I'm Irish on Sup Forums I'm told I'm not white
>outside Sup Forums
>liberals accuse me of being racist for being white


Saying you can't be racist to white people is kinda old now OP, is it not?

M..M..MUH OPRESSION! Help me I'm being oppressed by whites! HELP! You sound like such a pussy.

or the near 500 hundred years of Irish enslavement and oppression by the English.

Irish people and Italian people were oppressed as the first waves of immigration set in the us colonies from places not in the English empire.

It's a well documented fact they were hated and thought of as problem people.

Oh yeah don't even look up the Barbary coast where they enslaved millions of Europeans over centuries even up until the US was a country....

Nope no racism there move along citizen

>liberals accuse me of being racist for being white

Because your people don't know what oppression is you whitey trash!! Now give me back your potatoes.


True racism is being born Australian and having to come to the true realisation that the rest of the world are unlucky shitskin bean or rice or monkey eating cunts not fit to lick the dogshit off my shoe.

Racism is real and factual. Turd world maggots should just cry into their pillows IN SILENCE

Give back Northern Ireland first

Is there not a video you can post?

Obviously, since all you're spouting is complete nonsense and bullshit
So I guess it's like the school in the video then


Plastic paddy alert

so nignog says fuck white people and fuck trump and shoots and kills you that isnt racism lmao okay spic cunt

Kek, Irish Americans care more about their heritage and Europe than Europeans do.

I mean they are mostly white trash retards but that's just potato nigger genetics. Why anyone would be proud to be fucking Irish is beyond me, it's kind of like being proud of being covered in feces.

What do you call [hate based on race]. Like a black power group that jumps white people? Having a different term for racism and prejudice
The terms have always been interchangeable. It's pure thought control because racism is the more common term, so you try to make it sound like non-whites can't be racist. Which is clearly retarded. Also whites have been slaves, deal with it

Also Auschwitz jews and Armenian genocides. But I guess pol wont consider them white.

So Historical facts don't matter?

These people really are insane.

Question; how did the west get in the position to wield all this power in the first place before Africa was exploited?


I notice something with these redefinitions.

They use these super long definitions and big important sounding words. I dont think they know what they mean but when they say them they sound and feel smart. And all the stupid people in the room go "woe look at those super long words and long explanation, that person MUST be correct!" so then they end up spouting the same garbage.

>white people have never suffered that
What is today's South Africa?
What is Zimbabwe?
What is today's USA?

It's almost like these people don't understand where the word SLAVE comes from, it's obviously not from SLAVIC people is it.


"White People have never suffered that"

what is it with these shit threads with no sauce.

why are they oppressed in the first place?

White were strong and they were weak, 19-20th century white have high IQ, very responsible and want to overcome themselves facing high stress and maybe suicide even, while blacks enjoy everyday fucking, drinking and live in huts and they think they derserve better?

Talking illogically like that is why Black will be never equal to white, because they dont want to work to be equal in the first place, they just want to laid back and enjoy.

Black and muslim immigration has delayed human advancement for decades now, when will it end?

This is my problem with leftists. They recognize that people do have these thoughts sometimes (even if it is a small number) and then think they can fix this by just telling them to stop. Brb "just don't rape" "don't be racist" "treat girls right". It's all obvious shit that the people who do think like this have heard and don't care about, and the people who don't get mad at being labeled as such. They would be much better off creating a good image for their group (I.e. Push black people to be successful businessman and not savages, then people's thoughts will change)

>Teacher: That's not the definition of racism



>what even is history

Discrimination based on skin color, basically a far left liberal without the righteousness.

>why are they oppressed in the first place?

Because they thrive off of people feeling sorry for them. I'm not even kidding, their whole existence is using guilt to get special treatment.

Like none of this oppression bullshit is true seeing as blacks have the most social nets to help them of any race. I think a good portion of blacks would sit around starving if they didn't have whites and other gullible liberals around to feed them and their children. It's pretty pathetic how dependent they are on everyone else.

It's why right leaning blacks tend to only associate with whites and other right wing blacks.

>leddit spacing
>its not my duty to educate you
you need to go back to SRS you pathetic faggot numale

europeans are oppressed by negroids and asiatics and arabs and any non-european. how? they commit the majority of our crime, use the majority of our welfare, in general are low-iq chimps and ant-people. their mere existence is oppression. we cant gas them soon enough

Someone post the edit of that comic where you they slot Jews in instead of Whites

Two words:

South Africa.

>white people never suffered systematic oppression
Tell that to the Irish and the Russians.


Thanks pastabro. I'll bet you can relate with that being Italian. Don't tell Sup Forums but I think Italians are white.

This is Tintin in the Congo, correct? Would you mind translating a few panels?