Feminists take part in Islamic call to prayer

>In this footage, you can Western women, one of them wearing a pink anti-Trump "Pussy Hat", joining Muslims in a call to prayer on the street, presumably in solidarity against Trump's attitude towards Muslims.


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Half the liberals in Israel do that

But yours are controled under a tight leash.

Even your gay parades are OK. Nothing of those fuckign degenerate wankers showing their asscrack to the public.

It's just a bunch of fags going to parks with their familis 'n sheeeit.

What if our phones are like demon hotspots and (((they))) use to dumb us down with distraction?

Isnt that cultural appropriTion?

Yeah I heard a lotta Jewish women are going for Muslim men in Israel since Jewish men are so pussy whipped.

I would love to show them how to bend over like that and pray for more than 5 times a day

>Feminist and Muslim alliance

So basically any Western European city.

Women are mentally impaired nothing new here

You need to understand why these people do these things. They dont have brains in their heads. Anything they see on the news they believe and they desperately want to be good people while happily being the wife of the mafia drug dealing, murdering crime boss that is the West.

They deserve every bad thing that is coming to them and we should be right at the front of the queue to take advantage them. No muslim is taking my job. I have fairly good qualifications. The sons of these women will not make it through college. They will be too simple.These women are selling out their own children.

This is why women shouldn't have any rights.

Nobody cares.

>wow we're being diverse and progressive

this is what they think unironically

Some women believe people are naturally peaceful, you know, like babies. Some women might be naturally peaceful, but depends how long until something triggers them, of course other (Muslim) women/men can be triggered too.
Well as long as they aren't doing it in non-Muslim country.

Jews jewing themselves.

What a time to be alive.

I Germany and France, it's illegal to go to court and ask for a DNA test if you think the son is not yours.

You can be blonde, your girl too, the kid black and still you are stuck with that thing and have to pay her child support.

No wonder lads are getting indoors nowadays.


Reminder women will always sellout their people
Happened to the Egyptians, Aztecs, French, and now to western women as a whole.
Truly honorless, prideless whores with no love of country, always willing to betray their people for a new type of dick

why are leftist SJWs so retarded? they'd actually be doing something constructive if they had half a brain

I like how none of them fully put their face down on the ground, they're trying to take part in a culture but still don't want to get the slightest bit dirty.

>You need to understand why these people do these things. They dont have brains in their heads.

Well, ya know there is that theory that like 3/4 people in this world are simulated, like NPC's in a video game...

I thought women werent allowed to pray with the men. Plus they arent covered up. They thought they were doing good but they do t know the words to the prayers and ended up seriously insulting and offending the mudslimes they love so much.

This is real
Think about it.
Feminists are literally bowing to Allah in 2017

>people are npcs


How do you you you you you know their feminist?

That's not true.

Why do you just lie to make a point?
german law says the father is
A)who accepts the child as his own and accepts fatherhood, or
B)who the genetically father determined by a court ordered paternity test
Its § 1592 under the german general law Bundesgesetzbuch BGB:

>§ 1592 (Vaterschaft): Der Vater eines Kindes ist der Mann, der die Vaterschaft seinerseits anerkannt hat oder dessen Vaterschaft gerichtlich anhand eines Vaterschaftstests festgestellt worden ist.

hello there lies

Why are there always kikes in these kind of threads about akbars in white countries, crying out how kikes are suffering from this too and Sup Forums should have sympathy?

You guys are the enemy and root cause of this.You are just another branch of sandniggers. Who cares if some sandniggers bomb, stab or give aids to each other in the desert. Go fuck a goat or something. We don't give a shit about you.

Shills are horrible liars.

They just say stuff that everybody with half a brain knows not to be true.

You forgot to ad that if the mother claims that the kid "can't withstand the result that may prove that the guy is not his father, the cuort can over rule the fathers right for the "sake" of the children".

>mfw when these dumb cunts finally figure out Islam gets it right when it comes to proper treatment of women


you'll be crying a river when you're being flayed alive


A DNA test is legally binding, even if he accepted the child as his before, he is then free of all fatherly duty and payments.
It also results into a free legal divorce consultation for the man if he is married at that time. And an investigation into who the real father is.

>§ 1599 (Nichtbestehen der Vaterschaft): Eine negative Vaterschaftsuntersuchung ergibt die Nichtigkeit der Vaterschaft, auch wenn der Vater bei der Geburt mit der der Mutter verheiratet war oder die Vaterschaft anerkannt hat.
Außerdem wird hier der Fall einer Ehescheidung und der Vaterschaftsanerkennung eines Dritten geklärt.

when the slimes start to publicly beat the white virtue signaling bitches and start chucking poofs off roofs they'll start crying for white men to protect them. i'll be sitting /comfy/ at home and laugh while the slimes are throwing acid in their faces for not wearing a hijab

>determined by a court ordered paternity test
>father is who

Are you kind of retarded or a libfag?

That doesn't mean you as a father can just go to the court and demand a paternity test and get one if your doubt the child is your. This is just a double standard for (((feminist))) and kosher judges to fuck over white men in favor of women and divide families and deteriorate family values with some immoral sense of superiorty and permanent discrimination.

Its means its only okay when they want it to force almonies out of white men, not when white men want to protect themself from being cucked.


§ 1600 (Anfechtungsberechtigte):
Eine Vaterschaft kann anfechten:

- der Mann, dessen Vaterschaft derzeit rechtlich gültig ist
- der Mann, der an Eides statt versichert, mit der Mutter in der Zeit der Empfängnis sexuell verkehrt zu haben (er muss hierfür der leibliche Vater des Kindes sein und es darf keine sozial-familiäre Beziehung des Kindes zu seinem rechtlichen Vater bestehen)
- die Mutter
- das Kind (wenn dieses minderjährig ist, dann sein gesetzlicher Vertreter – z.B. der Vormund) oder
- die zuständige Behörde (aber nur, wenn derzeit keine sozial-familiäre Beziehung zwischen Kind und Anerkennenden besteht bzw. zur Zeit der Anerkennung bestanden hat und durch die Vaterschaftsanerkennung rechtliche Vorraussetzungen für die erlaubte Einreise nach oder den erlaubten Aufenthalt in Deutschland für das Kind oder einen Elternteil geschaffen werden - dies soll einem Missbrauch durch zweckwidrige Vaterschaftsanerkennungen begegnen)

Wenn das Kind mit Einwilligung der Mutter und des Mannes durch künstliche Befruchtung mittels einer Samenspende gezeugt wurde, ist die Anfechtung durch diese beiden Personen nicht möglich.

Only if INVITRO was done and a contract is there can fatherhood not be questioned in court by the father.

But the results will be show only if the judge doesnt get convinced of the result that may be "damaging" to the cuck-baby.

If there is no impediment on this, them the result comes to light and THEN the legal binding happens.

and kike people off their inheritance.

>chucking poofs off roofs

they have abandoned their own people and culture to such a degree they need to pray to this. rofl

That is not true.

In almost all cases the mother has to, under oath, give the name of the real father if she knows him. Otherwise she will end up with no child support.

There are no pity clauses.
You're not the father, you don't have to pay.

Source: my brother's wife cheated on him with the neighbor, he told the court he wants a restraining order against mother and child, and got it no questions asked.doesnt have to pay anything, hasn't seen them since.

She had to move out of the house with the child.

The child traumatisation case would only result in the mother losing custody due to court then saying she neglected the new father from seeing his child.

I know this very good we were at war for two years about this shit.

>cites law confirming all power is stripped away from men and put into hand of the state and making it illegal for men to just confirm the truth themself without state permission and men can only beg the state to not be fucked over only to get the usual treatment by (((feminist))) and kosher judges

So you are a retard.

It literally says

> #

§ 1600 (Anfechtungsberechtigte):
Eine Vaterschaft kann anfechten:

- der Mann, dessen Vaterschaft derzeit rechtlich gültig ist

- der Mann, der an Eides statt versichert, mit der Mutter in der Zeit der Empfängnis sexuell verkehrt zu haben

Fatherhood can questioned and fought in court by:

A) the man whose fatherhood is legal at the time of questioning
B) the man who under oath swears he had sexual contact with the child's mother during the time of conception.

Stop shilling.

fucking disgusting. these traitors should hang

Some user had a meme about the waves of feminism, and 4th wave was becoming Muslim

Video is from Daley Center in downtown Chicago. If this shit has hit the heartland, then it's spreading pretty quickly. Deus Vult when?

Under Sharia they will anyway.

Damn right. Once they finish taking out our trash, then the white man will remove kebab in America. As a bonus we will have a few generations look at the living melted faces of reformed liberal retards as reminders of what liberalism brings.

It will be glorious.

>not gonna cite any out of context law for this one because I just got BTFO
>what is § 1598a which confirms exactly what I just denied
>even if for some reason the court rules in favor of the not-father, the mother can just deny it and the a court has to overrule it yet again
>a court can just prevent the entire test for exactly the arbitrary muh feelings reason I just denied
>the fact that its binding once it done has nothing to do with the facts I just denied

Stop bullshitting you retard.

Nope read
debunkning your spin and stop being a retarded libfag shill.

Stop abandoning Reason.

This is the beast system folks. As idiotic as it seems. Listen to the Lords calling, come to Jesus.

Hahahahaha Chicago's a containment city, its not getting past there.