Yfw Drumpf is the actual Anti-Christ

>yfw Drumpf is the actual Anti-Christ


What is this blasphemy


He's the beast. The Antichrist will "defeat" him and deceive the entire world.

We're literally living in the end times, damascus is about to collapse.


Antichrist is Muslim.

No such thing OP.

>implying all the faggots kikes and Muslims love Trump and worship him like god
Liberals really are fucking idiots, tbqh, it's like they never read books.

The 27 Characteristics of the AntiChrist

1. He comes from among ten kings in the restored Roman Empire; his authority will have similarities to the ancient Babylonians, Persians, and Greeks [Daniel 7:24; Rev 13:2 / Daniel 7:7]

2. He will subdue three kings [Daniel 7:8, 24]

3. He is different from the other kings [Daniel 7:24]

4. He will rise from obscurity…a “little horn” [Daniel 7:8]

5. He will speak boastfully [Daniel 7:8; Rev 13:5]

6. He will blaspheme God, [Daniel 7:25; 11:36; Rev 13:5] slandering His Name, dwelling place, and departed Christians and Old Testament saints [Rev 13:6]

7. He will oppress the saints and be successful for 3 ½ years [Daniel 7:25; Rev 13:7]

8. He will try to change the calendar, perhaps to define a new era, related to himself [Daniel 7:25]

9. He will try to change the laws, perhaps to gain an advantage for his new kingdom and era
[Dan 7:25]

10. He will not be succeeded by another earthly ruler, but by Christ [Daniel 7:26-27]

11. He will confirm a covenant with “many”, i.e. the Jewish people [Daniel 9:27]
This covenant will likely involve the establishment of a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem
[see Dan 9:27; Matt 24:15]

12. He will put an end to Jewish sacrifice and offerings after 3 ½ years and will set up an abomination to God in the Temple [Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15]

13. He will not answer to a higher earthly authority; “He will do as he pleases”[Daniel 11:36]

14. He will show no regard for the religion of his ancestors [Daniel 11:37]

15. He will not believe in any god at all [except for himself] [Daniel 11:37]

16. He will have "no regard for the desire of women": He will either be asexual or homosexual
[Dan 11:37]

17. He will claim to be greater than any god [Daniel 11:37; 2 Thess 2:4]

18. He will claim to be God [2 Thessalonians 2:4]

19. He will only honor a “god” of the military. His whole focus and attention will be on his military. He will conquer lands and distribute them [Daniel 11:39-44]

20. His arrival on the world scene will be accompanied by miracles, signs and wonders [2 Thess 2:9]

21. Either he, or his companion [The False Prophet], will claim to be Christ [Matt 24:21-28]

22. He will claim that Jesus did not come in the flesh, or that Jesus did not rise bodily from the grave
[2 John 7]. He will deny that Jesus is the Messiah [I John 2:22]

23. He will be worshipped by many people [Rev. 13:8]

24. He will hate a nation that initially will have some control over his kingdom, but he will destroy this nation [Rev 17:16-18]

25. He will appear to survive a fatal injury [Rev. 13:3; 17:8]

26. His name will be related to the number six hundred and sixty six—but not necessarily in an obvious fashion [Rev 13:17-18].

27. He will be empowered by the devil himself [Rev. 13:2]

No he's not. there's 3 main things besides this long list.

1. A time of insuperable problems (unsolvable)
2. He'll appear with REAL solutions that work
3. People will see him and give him the title of 'god' which he will accept

Aaaaand that's when the wolf comes out of the sheeps clothing.

Hitler was closer to it but even he didn't meet all the criteria

Those are all very close to Trump and describe him best for modern times. Real believers know the bible doesn't have to be 100% accurate

Trump checks all the boxes

It's more likely that Trump is setting the stage for the Antichrist to swoop in and save everyone from the social unrest that he's unleashed.

you both are lazy jumping to conclusions faster than you react to click bait.

He only matches about half the list.

Hitler was closer, but he wasn't it either.

Id like to think, he's the uncle's house you go to for one more sunny afternoon, before a rainy monday. Just a little more prosperity

>real believers
Pic related, it's you.

Are you white or Japanese?

white. Here for business

What doesn't Trump match?

aside from the boastful stuff.

He hasn't gone as far as to call himself a god

he does show regard for religion

he has regard for the desire of women (his daughter for example)

He's been around forever, "arrival on the world scene accompanied by miracles" no he's flamboyant but he's not mystical

he hasn't attacked Christianity or persecuted the jews.

I could go on and on, now it's your turn to defend why he IS the antichrist

Another slide thread, gee golly.

It goes in all fields

Kek always knew Hitler came close to the definition. Maybe it was altered a little and he was.
This is the second Earth, what God wanted, filled with death, pedophilia, corruption, God's ideal Earth that dolfie threatened.
No surprise, he's the god of which people again?

you can thank the Devil and Adam for that one. The Devil got kicked out of his high place in heaven because he didn't want to be a guardian angel for us small folk down on earth. Swollen with pride he round up 1/3 of heaven's choir and rebelled.

He gets back at God by taking as many souls as possible with him because each one is a middle finger. He's running out of time before he gets thrown in the lake of fire. Time is running out. Tick. Tock.

>Literally referred to as God Emperor even though he himself hasn't said the same
>Doesn't show any genuine regard for religion. You'd have to be an idiot to believe that Trump is even remotely Christian. He's Just pandering to his followers.
>Literally reduced women to their pussies. Again, doing shit hits daughter talks about is more pandering.
>He was Relatively unknown to parts of the world prior to the election. A man who has no political experience or military experience and hundreds of lawsuits & scandals became president. Sounds like a miracle to me.

Yes, do your master's bidding shill

You keep stretching like that you'll get stretch marks

This is below Alex Jones level of seeing something that isn't there.

Where you here on the same threads 8 years ago when Obama was thought to be the antichrist?


>He hasn't gone as far as to call himself a god
He's said he's the best, smartest, most powerful there ever was. Only explicitly has he not called himself god.

>he does show regard for religion
A front to gain support.

>he has regard for the desire of women (his daughter for example)
A cover for his raging homosexuality.

>He's been around forever, "arrival on the world scene accompanied by miracles" no he's flamboyant but he's not mystical
You wouldn't call the 2016 a year full of 'miracles'? A lot of really unlikely shit happened this year.

>he hasn't attacked Christianity or persecuted the jews.
So here we are at the last one. I wonder when he'll do it?

>yfw Donald J. Trump is the actual Christ Christ

Sup Forums I love you, you broken clock you.
don't go changin for nobody!

>yfw sage



>All this Trump shill damage control.
I seriously hope you guys are being paid for this.

FISA is America's spy hunters. If FISA decided to wiretap Trunp's phone, he was waist deep in more than just Russian hookers. This is Trump trying to deflect from the fact he's shitting himself that FISA has proof of his collusion with the Russians when they sabotaged the election.

How long will Trump last before he's impeached for going full Nixon?



They approved like 99% of tapping warrants during Obongos presidency.

>narrative that hasn't worked for the past six months is going to start working