American democracy

>American democracy


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"Democratically elected leader"

The USA was never a democracy.

ITT: People who don't understand why the electoral college exists

America isnt a democracy you fuckhead

A maple syrup dick sucking faggot started it, what did you expect?

>Being this retarded

hi shareblue

America is a federal republic you fucking donut.

>a fucking leaf


The US of A isn't a democracy. How shit is your education, Canada?

>Canadian education
Were a republic, dipshit.

It's a vestige of aristocratic institutions meant to hold down the will of the people. Pic related, those who profit most from the existence of the electoral college. I find it sad that poor uneducated rural and suburban retards don't understand they're just useful idiots for Porky.

They are not a democracy, you fucking leaf!

It is not possible your education is worse than mine, so im guessing you are aware of the controversy of your statement and is just shilling

>1 post by this ID

I knew it, no bump for you, fuck off!

Don't blame him, it's the prussian education system hijacked by cultural marxists that teaches people that what "they meant" is democracy, even though the constitution mentions it 0 times.

When you grab hold of children that young and you beat it into their heads with the media as well, you hear something like this and WE seem like the odd one out. No! Wake up to the lies fed to you since you were old enough to stand up!

Americans absolutely despise democracy, you heard it here first. Bunch of rosy-cheeked obese snowniggers. Go back to europe.

Look leaf, we don't want the regards in New York city and LA voting some communist cuck into office, so we try to balance metropolitan and pastoral interests

It is not thought. It is a fucking Republic. How are you this retarded.

It is in our fucking own pledge of allegiance. God, what are you? A jackanape?

> muh democracy

Note: This is not a democracy but a representative republic w/ presidential system.

Pic related ... and that's why!

yeah but how many of those votes are from illegals or their children?
california is pretty lax on checking IDs, and there's no way that state would ever get a recount

Democracy is the most retarded system ever conceived

Imagine it being applied to ANYTHING else

>dude let's just let everyone have a say in this cancer or astrophysics research even though they have literally no idea what they're doing because it seems fair lol

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Democracy is a false god, and overrated.

Backtracking this bad afters invading multiple countries in the name of "democracy".

fuck off shareblue, you won't win and never will.


Sage then. What should be talking about then

We are a republic you retarded faggot leaf.
Shill thread

Look at what the founding fathers had to say about Democracy.


>applying methods of government to empirical research

is that an argument of your own making or did you hear from people even more stupid than you?

Fuck democracy

>clinton got the most kills
>in a game of capture the flag

>implying political policy isn't pretty much empirical at this point in history

Go away monkey


I am not backtracking at all. I would go look after your own country and make sure your police officers get paid.

We are a Republic with a democratic election. Anyone can run for any type of office in a Republic. Sorry that we thought other countries might like the chance to choose and vote who their leaders are.

We can just leave you the fuck alone if you wish.

Because a Republic is a form of Democracy.

There are Parliaments, there are Direct Democracies, there are Representative Democracies, there are Representative Republics.

North Korea and China by definition are "Democracies" for Christ Sakes

It's a form of government, even if they don't act in modern term, Democratic.

Let's be honest here: 3 million votes is nothing. It's a drop in the bucket. Hell, there are more illegal spics in CA alone.
>sage all leaf threads

Your post made me think about this article. Someone gets upset for being corrected so writes an article begging people to allow libs to claim we are a democracy when in fact we are not.

40% is considered a majority here. We're in no position to talk shit.

Oh, it's just the rural and suburban leaf. How're you doing?

For a guy from a representative democracy that uses the D'Hondt system you seem very uninformed.

I like this analogy

Democracy is stupid shit anyway.
It's no less corruptible than any other form of government. People are stupid and easy to corral.

Illegal Mexicans votes don't count

>mislabeling America
We're a Representative Republic, not a democracy.

>Liberal butthurt



Yeah explain this Drumpfkins.

Doanlod Tramp: grabs 6 million women by the Pussy(RAPE!) 46% popular vote: President.

Hiller Clint: deleted a email. 97% popular vote: Loses.


>muhh illegal votes
Fake news

People like to argue that this doesn't mean anything since populations can be huge in some counties, but they miss the point. What is best for dense urban areas is not the best for rural areas. What is there more of in this country? Urban or Rural? Blue or red? That says it all.

Yeah, because you're fucking retarded

>mfw american liberals are regarded as lesser beings and their votes of a lower value then right wingers.

Actually feels good

Science is swayed by popular opinion, even if the science is false or not.

Before Gallileo, the Scientific Concensus by the Catholic Church and Italia was the world was flat, and he was the actual one of few excluding his students in that region that believed it was round.

It took years to prove the opposite simply because it wasn't scientific opinion.

Same applies to how people didn't question the harmful effects of cigarettes for close to 40 years after doctors claimed it was healthy for your lungs.


lol we are a monarchy not a democracy.

Im just gonna come up during your election and help you faggy leaves vote for a real leader next time.

We all need help with the number these days, and you lil bitches don't seem to care about citizenship.

Hi shill.

Just to explain for you:
>United STATES of America
>Each state holds a popular vote
>Each state is guaranteed representation in the >Otherwise wouldn't be a very fair UNION OF STATES

>we are not a democray

>a republic is a form of democracy

I'm sorry it was to good not to nitpick

It's just a slide thread, but as usual:

It's a democratic republic made up of fifty states and several territories. Individuals matter within their states. A popular vote counted from all fifty states is meaningless.


>canadian democracy

Ooooh look guys: Another unoriginal anti-american post by a retarded leaf who doesn't understand America's republic!

Electoral college. Not to mention the millions of illegal immigrants that voted for Hillary. I hope Trump passes voter ID laws.

Just want to add to this:

>mfw Orange Jesus loses with 3 millions

>mfw nobody voted for Theresa MayMay

>mfw anglo cucks still have the audacity to claim that the EU is an undemocratic institution

A Republic is generally the collection of Regional Democracies in the grand whole of the whole Republic itself.

Romes Republics were voted by their senators who represented the Houses they represented, and a Senator was granted the posistion due to his bloodline, his legacy, his heroism, or his wealth and influence.

It was a Democracy that rarely benefitted the whole wealth of the society.

It was after Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus that appealing to the masses was the best course of winning an election, due to the violence the plebs could outsource when needed.

it's democracy within constraints

>implying you have the right to impose your viewpoints on othe people without bothering to convince them.

>implying there aren't many ways to interpret empirical data.

It is undemocratic, you don't even get to vote your chairman.
Not only that, but your Union consists of mainly bankers.
They can't even called themselves Representative.

Your Union sucks and Europeans absolutely deserve to be cucked.

We, the True West, saved your asses in WW1, WW2, and the Cold War, and your whole continent still finds a way to destroy Liberty.

Europe isn't fucking worth saving. The European is naturally degenerate and regressive.

The Anglo-Culture is superior in every way.

Making it possible to win without achieving the majority of the vote?

Next thing they'll be saying is that there should be some sort of test to obtain the right to vote.

How are those blasphemy laws in Denmark buddy?

Don't insult the prophet or you will go to prison.

And guess what? We like Theresa May to an extent. If she tried to not do BREXIT she would've had a revolution on her hands and she knows it. So, yeah we didn't elect her but she knows who her boss is. Unlike the EU technocrats who run your country.

Fuck democracy, in any society larger than a few thousand people it is the worst and most unstable form of government imaginable. Our Founders made the US a Republic for a reason.

>american women

So you kikes are back to this. We are not a democracy you degenerate nigger.

All popular vote babble is spam.

I was responding for the Americunts stupid understanding of what a Republic was, by bypassing him, and appealing directly to you so you can understand how it works.

Fuck off.

I fucking miss Harper

Yes that is one of the advantages shill.

It also has certain other advantages like if 51% of the population vote to kill and rape the other 49% they aren't allowed to do it.

Those invasions were under false pretenses as you are aware. The fact that lying Jews managed to get control of our government doesn't make it a democracy, just a Republic turned Kikeocracy.

>Making it possible to win without achieving the majority of the vote?
In "called-for" states like Commiefornia, turnout isn't evenly distributed, as voters of the "losing" party have no incentive to vote. That's why in an electoral-college election the popular vote isn't a true metric.

A Republic is not a form of democracy, you stupid leaf. Good to see your schools are just as shitty as ours, though.

don't mean to be a suck up but is kinda funny how
the founding father's foresight like 230 years ago actually stopped corrupt Clinton taking office.

They sure was smart huh:)

>Guess what dude, we actually like Kim Jong-Un. We have no say in who is in charge in our country but it's totally okay

It's even more funny considering, Theresa has promised a truly "Global Britain" which means that you're substituting Poles (who suck, but at least are white) with Pajeets.

And you just take it like the dirty goys you are

I though I was replying to the other guy. Whatever.

Unlike your cuck of a country, America is a republic.

>americunt doesn't understand history and how Republics operate

America is a republic everybody in the world who doesn't live in america knows this

>39% of popular vote
>majority government
>Canadian democracy


Those are not advantages.

What civilized country actually elects by mob rule lmao

About that...

You do realize that you messed up more countries than just Iraq and Afghanistan yes?

stay in canada faggot. sage.

That's because Trump is smarter and went after Florida you cuck. Campaign smart not hard.

> reee republic not democracy
You understand that founding fathers would've changes the election system if they knew about urbanisation?

Hehe you shills are cute when you're mad

>Retard Canadian doesn't know how a republic works
Your one of the reasons Canada sucks OP.

>Lost the election
>Still crying about it 4 months later

Thats a cute answer. It's so the high populated areas don't completely rule over the less populated ones. Hell you even get more representatives with a higher population, and Trump still won.

That's what commies say about the unattainable without even trying the game of life.

Fuck off obama leaf, learn some civics you cunt
Republic =/= democracy anymore than our fucked up parliamentary democracy under a monarch fits your deluded version of 'democracy'. Get fuck Trudeau cuck

Why do you think that rural vote should be more valuable than the urban one?

It never was a a democracy.