Ask a Muslim anything

Ask a Muslim anything

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wallahi wallahi dearborn habibi

allahu akbar compilation

Do you raise your feet to your bathroom sink when you do wudhu or splash the water on your feet by hand?

why do you believe in the koran as opposed to say the bible, or any other religious text? do you "believe" in science? if so how do you deal with it contradicting virtually the entirety of religious texts? if not, how is science false? please name an example.


ok, why muslim women stay in war torn countries but muslim man flee?

What kind of pizza do you like?

>in US
Why are you such a pussy and not do an AMA from a proper country like Yemen or Saudi? Do you like being a hypocrite where you want to practice your religion but also enjoy freedom of speech and liberties of the Western kuffar?

Whats your opinion on David Wood?

متى نهاجم، شقيق؟


Jk I'm not a muslim.

What is your opinion on ISIS? Would you ever fall for their memes?

OP do you agree or deny that inbreeding(which is disgusting and causes 100% of still-births+recessive genetic disorders) is what's causing a lot of problems in the Islamic culture itself, and why?

You need to go back!

Fuck off with your shit ass religion

Is weedman a Muslim?

Are you frightened of Djinn?

I raise my feet to the sink
I believe in the Qur'an because it is logical and makes sense to me. I had read the Bible and it seems like a fairytale to me where I don't know how anyone could legitimately believe in the Bible without lying to themselves.
Yes I believe in science I am studying to be an engineer from a top school.
I am not sure I don't live in Europe.
Maybe because men are more independent and women prefer to stay with their families.
I don't eat pizza but if I had to cheese.
I was born here. It was not my choice.
ISIS is not Muslim. They are agents working on behalf of the Saudi government and Israel
My fathers family is from a village and it is common there to marry your cousin. My grandparents from his side were
first or second cousins I don't remember and one of my aunts married her second cousin.
That is probably why I suffer from ADD and ADHD despite having been tested and having a very high IQ as a child.
I think it is more due to living in secluded villages vs it being an Islamic cultural thing though. My mothers side is from a city and they don't have a history of inbreeding.

where did you even get that meme? Muslim, especially Arab countries are some of the least inbred in the world. The US is much more inbred.

ADD and OCD*
I don't have ADHD my bad

Where would be a good place to learn let's say, simple ethics and norms common in muslim communities, without going to a mosque.

I want to learn arabic, and also learn at least basic kinda norms in communities.

would you rather rape a White Christian woman or a Muslim woman?

I speak Farsi not Arabic but they are very similar. I learned it as a kid through speaking it as my primary language at home so I wouldn't know how you'd learn it now unfortunately.
As for learning simple ethic and norms I without going to a mosque I would say find a bunch of Muslim friends and spend enough time with them and go to their family events. That or straight up ask them to teach you their customs and culture etc. Spending enough time around them should help you learn it.
Pre marital sex is haram.


i dont understand. how can you believe in the qur'an but not the bible? they are in theory both equally legitimate. how can you say one is a fairy tale while the other "makes sense". could you please explain further on that?

I am glad to hear that you don't reject science and the world needs more engineers, so more power to you.

but i simply dont understand how you can reject one religion but accept another, and also accept science when it contradicts the religion you have accepted.

the qur'an states "Allah created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six days" science says the earth is roughly 4.5 billion years old and the universe it self is somewhere around 13-14 billion years old.

both of those cannot be true. so how old do you believe the world is? and why do you accept one over the other. if the qur'an is wrong about such a fundamental fact, how can you believe anything else in there? and if you believe science is wrong about that, how can you trust anything else science says?

thank you for answering.

It's obvious who you are.
I hope you do not get the position.

Would you agree that the Koran is the perfect word of God and that it gives advice on how best to please God. If this advice is followed you get into heaven rather than hell and that the rewards in heaven get better the better you did in life.

If you agree with this then why do you not know the Koran off by heart (I am guessing you don't, pretty safe bet).

Given that this life is just a blink of an eye compared to the eternity after surely obeying and knowing every word of the Koran is the most important thing imaginable.

Do you follow this passage?
Quran (4:95) - "Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled (by injury or are blind or lame, etc.), and those who strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred in grades those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above those who sit (at home).Unto each, Allah has promised good (Paradise), but Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight, above those who sit (at home) by a huge reward "

Also why did Allah say the sunsets in a muddy pool? Why was he under the impression the earth is flat. Is it 72 virgins or 72 raisins?

>Pre marital sex is haram.
ok, let's say that everyone one earth died, including allah would get raped by a fucking pig, if you didn't rape one. you'd be a mortar, and Allah will give you 100 habibi coins in brown-heaven. I mean, allah literally wrote in the qur 'an at the end, "ALSO BTW OP PLS RAPE ONE OR WE ALL DIE :/"
That being said,
would you rather rape a White Christian woman or a Muslim woman?

btw if allah told you to rape someone and you ignored allah, are you even a muslim?

Gas yourself yahoodi
The Qur'an is the literal word of god
The Bible is a secondary source written by the corrupt and greedy apostles long after Jesus died. They took the teachings of prophet Jesus and changed them in order to build a system that would ensure them power.
And there is no original version of the Bible as it is all secondary sources and different versions say different things.
The Qur'an has not changed since it was written and is still in its original Arabic text. And as such there is only one official version of the Qur'an.
Also if you read the Qur'an none of it sounds unrealistic, as to the Bible where they have the holy trinity yet claim to be monotheistic, and claim that Jesus was able to walk on water, turn water into wine, cure the blind, rise from the dead, etc.
And I do not recall the Qur'an saying the earth was made in 6 days I am pretty sure that is a Christian thing.
And the Qur'an talks about Jinn who are beings that live in another dimension, which back then there was no proof for but now that we have linear algebra today and the concept of multiple dimensions it is a very realistic concept.

When are you going to the local farm to get shot while fucking the farmer's goat?

>The Qur'an is the literal word of god

Was Adam created complete by god?

>An illiterate warlord who had his words inscribed by a bunch of people he employed around him to create a religion versus some hippie carpenter with a band of friends preaching good works that got written down by others who heard them in good faith

Muhammad only wanted gold, power, and bitches, user. By making a political empire from a religion, he's like the prototype of Mormonism that never got ridiculed and exiled because they actually carried force behind their words.

>The Qur'an is the literal word of god

Prove it.

PRaise Kek!

>And the Qur'an talks about Jinn who are beings that live in another dimension, which back then there was no proof for but now that we have linear algebra today and the concept of multiple dimensions it is a very realistic concept.

djinn interest me, I can't think of a western equivalent except for ghosts or elves?