Red pills

Post all redpills you got.

Other urls found in this thread: 111 Images/RR1890.jpg


3minutes 59 seconds










Whats happening in latvia that we got a sudden surge of latvian posters
Be it memeball drunken shitposting or god tier thread contributing



this is such stupid shit it's not even funny. This is what happens when you get your science facts from a tibetan outhouse digging forum instead of actual scientists. No study is worth anything unless it can be consistently backed up. Furthermore, all of a woman's eggs are had by her at birth, that's how women can run out but men can't. Therefore even if she did absorb DNA, there is literally no way it could be passed on to a child, because all of the child's DNA from the woman comes from her preconstructed eggs. If this study were true, and the unsubstantiated assertion made my some user were correct that that male DNA was from semen, it would only be relevant for men who had been exposed to semen (aka bisexual bottoms).



>Mitochondrial DNA






Obviously from a reliable source.

Very.Some of these are old and unreliable I'm just deleting them while posting.So.


More Christians died at the hands of jewish bolshekics then actual jews in ww2

More jews died at the hand of Stalin (white georgian) to control his jewish pets then actual jews died killed by germans

After ww1 , revolutions in germany,poland, russian were had lead by jewish, 80-90% of the leaders were jewish and wanted to create a world better for jews by cucking the people of those nations.

a really advanced one
another one i currently have another thread open about it
and pic related shows how fucked our banking system is

Wouldnt be here without it.
It changed me to "WTF is this crazy bullshit people are sperging at internet" to "holy fuck, its real and this is how it works"



Hilter didn't want to rekt Poland
Hitler told his officers, not to loot,rape,destory Polish city and Polish property

Hitler wanted a alliance with Poland, but jewish faggots pushed propaganda to demonize them, and those that supported an alliance got rekt. Which allowed the jews to put their pet to fuck shit up.

Hitler didn't want to purge inferior races nor the jews. He just wanted to create a Europe for Europeans.

A france for french, a germany for germans , a poland for polish...

What you got today, a germany for turks,syrians and other refugees. A france for tunisians and algerians, britan for pakis and other mudshits and also niggers.

How could there be a plan to kill all the jews, when germany had an agrement with the jews to allow them to go to palllestien, and also there was a plan to relocate jews to madacascar

The polish jewish overloards secured protect




How could there have been an extermination plan conducted by germans , when their manpower was thin, fighting a war they knew they would lose with limited resorces

While also giving the jews in camps all the luxieries they needed to actually be happy.

Most jews were put to work building war infrastructure, while others who were in camps were safe , fed, and had many things.

How come all the "death camps" were under soviet control, might I add jewish controled soviets.



Is this true, i thought judaism pre-dates Christianity?

Everything about this infographic sounded like butthurt vitriol coming from a MGTOW virgin.

>Women have the ability to critically think
>Y-yeah, animals can do that too



Hitler did nothing wrong, he wanted to save Europe from other "races' hands. When most Europe already fell for Jewish crap.

It was Britan and France who cucked Germany, And poland who was being faggots threating germany under Britan protection.

When these faggots threaten germany , Germany axed for Rightful german clay filled germans, (Danzing) Hitler didn't want bloodsheed but the jewish propaganda in Poland pushed the people to believe that the Nazis were there to purge them.

This cause akbar civilizan militia to sucide againts german might.

Hitler didn't want to bomb civilian targets, it was only Britan Fucked up and bomb a germany city "by mistake" that caused Hitler to go full akbar.

Hitler was not evil, but a passionate man, an artist with good taste, who just wanted to create a better world.

With a passion for speaches THE PEOPLE rallied and saw hope in his eyes.

France is no longer for French
Britan no longer for British
Sweeden no longer for Swends
Germany is no longer for Germans

Fact of the matter is The good guys lost, and it was Japan fault for getting rekted in Syberia and also Attacking Murica

A murica who didn't give a fuck as long as it could have someone empty it's overproducting shelves

Murica was already leaning towards nazi, most rich fags loveds nazi ideas.

But it was jewish run media that sway public opinion to place pro-uk leadership.

Rosa Luxermburg famously opposed the Soviet Bolsheviks.

Yes much of both the German and Russian socialist parties were Jewish, but they were far from a united front. European Jews had divergent political interests as much as European Christians did.

Furthermore, while Jews did make up a disproportionately large portion of the initial Soviet revolutionary leaders, Stalin purged most of the leadership of Jews.

>During his meeting with Nazi Germany's foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, Stalin promised him to get rid of the "Jewish domination", especially among the intelligentsia.
> Stalin immediately directed incoming Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov to "purge the ministry of Jews", to appease Hitler and to signal Nazi Germany that the USSR was ready for non-aggression talks.


They changed name from jew to pharisee in later Bible texts to reflect historical relevance of the Viper clan.Jews were the same just name changed.This graph explains it (pic).Jews in the beginning were real Abrahamics nowadays Jews are Pharisees.

pic related

Best laugh I've had on here in a while.


Mosaic Judaism or Yahwism did. You know, when Jews actually did (or attempted) to follow what God literally spoke to them told them to do when He was VISIBLY THERE WITH THEM. The same Jews who didn't believe God was the true God even after performing crazy miracles in front of their faces. They never got the whole humility thing.

thread related

why do these conspiracy cucks give themselves a year or less for their insane predictions?
Is it because if there's no sense of urgency idiots won't believe it?

You know what makes white people actually white?

> Working together

white skin doesn't make you white, but the ability to work and share the burden.

In cold places like the north, cunts and fags die. only those with lower aggresion towards that group that help build a house in 1 day , working as 10. Get to live while the faggot dies in the cold.

Jews are not white, they cannot work together. they sell each other for even a shekel.

There is a reason why this is a meme.

A genetic german is happy to work 12 hours pay 60% taxes and work as forkflit operator and then go home to play forklift simulator.

While 90% of the rest of the shitskins are too individualistic to give a fuck. They only live either to rape and be tough guys like niggers or play the honor,skill but still individualisic card. like chinks and japs.

THNX for scaring me.

Futher more,

It wasn't shitskins that build the USA it was germanic people using Greco-Roman principles without the cuckholdery that was europe at the time

Visigoths=germanic 111 Images/RR1890.jpg

There is a reason why imigration from 1800 can be overlay with railway development.


Prove it wrong.
I saw the cards I was dealt, and changed to the dealer's side. Sorry if that is too hard for you to deal with.



Kek, we're the last astion up north


>Post all the bullshit Facebook memes you've got
why did I even click on this thread





Dude this isn't even light man.All redpills are easy to read but not these ones.

contribute or shut up

>All the christifag shit in this thread


Bill Warner, PhD: Jihad vs Crusades

Dr. Bill Warner - The True History of Muslim Conquests - Hour 1

Extra Aggression And Culture: A Brilliant Experiment

With the rapid expansion of the Mudshits , they took over the middle east and the North of africa, fucking up Mediterranian Trade.

European economy build by Romans,Greeks,Phoencians was build upon trade on the Mediterranian.

The advaces in laws, arhitecture and culture was only available because of this mediterranian trade.

After germanic tribes took over western Roman empire mediterranian trade was killed by mudshits.

This cause an economical recesion that plunged Europe into darkness. It was christinanity that saved it.

As most places even returned to the Barter system.

It took germanic tribes and their cultural eugenics programs using Greco-Roman laws and economical principles to developt central Europe, and North sea.

When the region Stablized kings and kingdoms reformed the church as the it was too influence, thus we have reforms and the 13 year war in eruope.

The killing of trade with Asian and Mediterraian trade caused Europeans to push for economical growth by search for new paths to Asia and it's goods.

This caused Colonialism and the rapid growth of europe based upon germanic people sweat, mixed and native people that adopted germanic elements. Using the laws and economical principles mention earlier they were able to build the war machine and economical powers Of england,France,spain,portugal.

It wasn't the Moors or Berbers that went around the world. It was the Portugese,Spainish,France and Dutch and British.

Islam is religion of pieces... that killed European progress and pluged into darkness.



well done goy, just dont show the 20's


Was looking for this too long.THNX Britbong.

>well done goy, just dont show the 20's
Elaborate please.

Yeah I could pretty much tell from your first few that this what you were going for.


>Hitler told his officers, not to loot,rape,destory Polish city and Polish property

And yet soldiers did anyways

Strange! Sad!

Also, thanks for having, at the very fucking least, a source besides wikipedia, I see too many stormfags these days thinking that Wikipedia will be enough to convince people. Good job there, I suppose.

>And yet soldiers did anyways
Nah mate Ruskies. My 100 year old Great grandmothers sister always told Nazis were nice and humble.Well when Russians came story was completely different.


Islam is religion to conqure the world, were it enslaves people

There is no freedom in islam only servitude or death

Those that question islam die.

You are a slave to GOD in islam, and also to those that lead you, from the calif to the imam. Their word is law.

There is no economical growth as men have no reason to try hard to impress and gain their hands.

There is no freedom in Islam, and little or no growth in Islam. As thinking outside the box is required to build better and faster things.

Islam is a bastardizez version of abrahim religion, that hates the jews because Mohammad was a edgelord and cuck thrown out by the jews from Medina.

Islam is a religion of violence towards non-belivers, the main dogma is that there cannot be peace until the earth is filled with only mulims.

A muslims has the right to kill, help in killing, spread lies, help covert, convert,subvert, manipulate non-belivers without any repercusions in the eyes of GOD.

Every non-belivers as the right to convert, if he refuse he dies... Next time you see liberals defending islam, ask them if they want to convert and tell them to make a public announcement that they refused Islam or publiclity shame them for refusing Islam.

He might get his headchopped off.

Except jews, they don't get a chance to convert. They just die.



Ok guys goodnight I'll check this thread in archive I need some sleep.Goodnight..

Ok.Thank you goodnight.

goodnight user

Okay, first off, that's anecdotal.

Second off, Are you trying to pin this on Russians, and only Russians?

Am I saying Germans looted more? No. am I saying they are uniquely responsible? No. I'm merely saying they did, to some degree.

The Pancreas Prevarication. Pancreas? You have likely heard of the mythical little thing that many claim resides inside of you. But you have not seen it. You have not touched it nor do you likely know anything about it. But you think it's there right?


It's a pure fabrication. A lie. Made by those at the top to ensure their diabolical plans for humanity can easily transition into being. One day a new resident of the human body will be discovered and this one will need pills or treatment. As we can gaze upon things smaller and smaller as time goes on it is not hard to believe this future. Your kids may need injections at school for something you did not know existed since it was discovered after your time in school.

Doctors are playing a long with it, the nutters they are. The medical field is ripe with a history of torture, human experimentation and more. This has not changed in our time. The delight in the grand misinformation campaign, playing with our minds and bodies as they LARP the idea of the pancreas with us while we shower the sadists with money.

So, ask yourself, have seen your Pancreas? Do you trust the elites? Do you trust doctors?

If not you are more sane than I started out. Take the Pancreas Pill now.

The Pancreas is a prevarication

My actual grandma told me that the nazis were fucking based as fuck. Gave her chocolate and told her she is nice child
She loved the nazis... for being good goys

Also she hated the Ruskies, for not giving her chocolate. she hates them to this days for making her life a living her, her and my grandfather both landowers at that time.

Nazis didn't rape that much, they were actually decent people

While the Soviets... well... they raped ukraine their own land, they raped poland, they raped germany.

Germans loot more from jewish own houses.

You think all that gold and art was taken from poor polish homes?

You must be jewish then, I bet you're butthurting know that your family owned a van goth in 1939 and was taken by the germans.

I've created a wiki to organize, cite, and categorize the entire knowledge of Sup Forums

Recruiting dedicated autists to help me in this task. /gen/ is the directory that is open to editing by the public without signing up with a fake email.

You may create any pages you like by typing new directories. /gen/something. or /gen/something/somethingelse. *Your ip may be visible to others, so use tor browser if you wary.*


>Germans loot more from jewish own houses.
Exactly. They looted.

>You must be jewish then, I bet you're butthurting know that your family owned a van goth in 1939 and was taken by the germans.
>y-you're just a JEW! REEEE!



dude. Wacismann? this is a joke and so is your brain if you think this is real

>You're not denying it

Thanks bra, I don't mind being a child, the mind of an autistic child is still open to the truth.

While the mind of a rigid adult cannot fadom anything more but what he has learned.