I am a former Koch brother employee. AMA

Howdy Sup Forums. I have some time to kill this afternoon. When I resigned I did not have to sign a NDA. Ask away.

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Looks like Sup Forums does not want to hear what goes on with the Koch brothers.

do they have gay sex with each other?

No, homosexuality is frowned upon (internally) at AFP.

What did you do?

Is there really a big sinister conspiracy at AFP? What's the culture like?

I'll give this a bump or two. I am bored.

what's their main agenda

>what did I do
without doxing myself I shall keep it vague. I traveled around the state I was stationed at and was tasked with finding individuals who could, in essence, shill for AFP face to face with the general public

>what is their agenda
do you want my take or what they are aiming for?

AFP is based
Have some Bill Whittle. I know he did and does work with AFP, what can you tell me? Did you ever do work that involved him?

Also friendly reminder:
Here's a recurring general on /vip/
As long as Donald Trump sits in the White House, so too will this thread sit in /vip/.
Once Bill makes Firewalls and Afterburners again I'll make threads on Sup Forums
Also friendly reminder, Bill Whittle's channels:


Bill Whittle is a good man. I did not personally work with Bill, but a former co-worker alleged he had at some point.

Ah dang. Well have a bump

>what is the culture like
your classic libertarian/conservative group, or that is what they portray themselves to be. To be honest, AFP has many "dude weed lmao" employees.

Are they evil pedophiles like the other elites?

I used to work for the IT service desk, how'd we do?

Sorry mate, I would call said co-worker up but we are not on good terms.


You did all right. I found much of the software to be abused by employees and volunteers alike.

>what is their agenda
short term it is to get the state out the affairs of citizens, ie school choice or ending subsides.

>>what is their agenda
>do you want my take or what they are aiming for?
Why not both?

short term, they want to get the state out of business. Long term, they hope for a freer, more competitive market.

I think it is a crock of shit. If they were to do this, many of their groups would not justify existing.

How so? Any juicy goss on Chuck?

What's your favorite anime this season?

Chuck who? ;)

Definitely the Mike Pence animes or KOTH

Are they aware of the pedophile cannibal elites though and fighting them?

Is this why they sided with Trump?

Are they the ones behind all the ant-climate change shills who come out of the woodwork when a climate change thread appears on Sup Forums?


I have no idea to be honest, they are quite reclusive and secret. I would not say they sided with Trump. In fact, the reason why I left is because of what they wanted to do to undermine him.

No, they have no shill presence online.

>I think it is a crock of shit.
So what do you think they're actually trying to accomplish?

I'll give you an example. An incumbent was running for re-election and vehemently opposed Trump. A challenger to the incumbent supported Trump while still harboring the views AFP wants elected officials to possess. Come preliminary elections, AFP goes on the offense and completely smears the challenger. They went to such lengths to do so by seeking help from other groups, who were also anti Trump.

Charles Koch is a good boy. He didn't do anything. Just a good hearted libertarian and hard working.

From what I found anyone worth over 100 million is into dark occultism. WHich involves pedophilia, sadism, and at the higher levels cannibalism.

Trump seems to be a light occultist. I base this on this ideology and his penthouse decorations (Apollo painting )

Also Trump's connection with Kek, the chaos deity, which is probably another representation of Eris, the enemy of Saturn, which the pedophile elites worship.

And when I'd reports for the higher ups what the pulse of the general public was (overwhelmingly pro Trump) they were infuriated. These trends continued until they changed their rhetoric to paint Trump in negative light. Very fucky if you ask me.

You haven't answered my question.

How big is your dick?

Boxers or briefs?

Thank you for your time!

So they have no gay employees? Would they not be ok with that?

Those digits confirm it.


one moment, got cut off

8 inches erect

they do, but they are warned to keep it secret..

What did they want to do to undermine him?

I think they want to eliminate government interference. Then once there are muh free markets then competition etc will happen. They damn well know that if this is the case they can create monopolies for certain markets.

How closely does AFP work with all of the other organizations that the Kochs fund?

First on an internal level, they made some of us sign loyalty pledges saying we would not explicitly express support for Trump.

Second, they met with their puppets (elected officials) and told them to tow this line or they would shill against them during the primaries.

Depends on what projects. I know where I was at we did not.

look at their report card for elected officials and see who has the best marks.

So you think they were influencing Congressmen to not publicly support Trump? Can you give any examples?

What about Trump poses the biggest threat to the AFP agenda?

In a way, yes. This did not occur where I was located. But I heard through the grape vine that it happened somewhere in Iowa. I could be mistaken, it could've been Ohio.

When I was still there they feared his election to presidency would result in collusion between private businesses and the government. Also, many of the people within AFP saw him as a neocon. Not sure why.

>or they would shill against them during the primaries.
How do they shill for and against people?

Much of the stuff we were ordered to do was mobilizing grassroots. I trained people how to interact with the general public and what said talking points were. By law you are not allowed to mention a candidate by name. To get around this, they told them to say something like "I am not acting on behalf of AFP when I say this, but Trump does not "X" which conflicts with our "X" policy. It is disgusting what people will do.

just replace Trump with another candidate.

Interesting. I perceive many of the Koch enterprises to be taking advantage of government preference
Were there any specific examples of public/private collusion in a Trump administration that had boilerplate written for them?

Yes, they are doing just that. I looked into it and many of the subsides benefit them, and if they were to end they would lose a lot of money. But that is short term. Long term they can make monopolies etc due to their wealth.. I am not sure on that one, it was mostly baseless rhetoric, much like you see on here now a days.

When I saw this take place I became enraged. You have some think tank out of DC fucking with local politics. I leaked documents to a candidate showing what AFPs intentions were. I have no idea what came of it. All I received was a thanks and free dinner.

Wow. I thought LARPing couldn't get this bad. Actual Koch network employee here. This guy is completely full of shit.

Yep, I am full of it. Tell Mandy she can blow me any time she wants.

Is Mandy code for drugs?

>did not have to sign a NDA

KYS pleb

No, she is an absolute cunt.

The way in which I resigned circumvented the necessity of signing of a nda. kys faggot.

So do you have anything juicy or are you gonna put us to sleep?

yeah, what do you want to hear?

the story of the first time you ever put something up your ass

not into that. but tell me about your first time.

Do you guys get paid to post on Sup Forums?

On reddit?

never? not even a finger? Surely your wife has at least TRIED to stick something up there once to spice things up...

Interesting question.

No, we do not. A former colleague of mine actually suggested that to me and I shot it down. There is no way make effective shills for Sup Forums. Yeah the shills here cause a ruckus once in a while, but nothing significant comes from it.

Never, we don't spend much time together since I am always caring for my wife's son. ;D

Why did you resign?